Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. mwatanab

    Being Exactly Where You Need To Be

    My Sunday School class visits the nursing home across the street from us every first Sunday of the month. I was greeting new people and this one particular woman was sitting in her chair watching me closely. I wrapped up my short little spiel with the woman in the wheelchair next to her and then […]
  2. mwatanab

    Things I Miss About Hawai’i

    It has been almost a year and a half since I was in Hawai’i; it’s the longest I have been away. I miss swimming the afternoons in the ocean with my dad, chasing his fins. Running from the aquatic life; even strokes like I am flying. Breathe in gasping for sustenance, exhale bubbles of success. […]
  3. mwatanab

    Preschool Quips Refreshing Spirits

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything and, though this is not going to be a hefty post, I’m going to ease my way back in.  Here are some of the silly things that kids say: From my beloved Puppylove: “You need to go potty.”  Why?  “Because you keep shaking your leg.” - “I […]
  4. mwatanab

    Trying To Level The Playing Field

    A friend of mine posted an image on facebook which included texts: 1. When a man sells his daughter as a slave, she will not be freed at the end of six years as the men are. If she does not please the man who bought her, he may allow her to be bought back […]
  5. mwatanab

    My First Day Teaching

    The flu is going around, and I caught it.  After being home sick for two days (something to do with being quarantined for 24 hours after getting rid of a fever, even though I still have a mild one?  Doesn’t matter, the point is that I was sicker than the past two times…) and returning […]
  6. mwatanab

    The Chaos of Threes

    It has been a long time. I’m almost through my second month of being a preschool aide – things happen quickly.  One moment I’m volunteering in the elementary school with a hope that I can help out in other areas as needed, and the next moment I’m employed by the preschool and daycare.  It has […]
  7. mwatanab

    Cuckoo for Cocoa

    In honor of the turning of seasons I have been experimenting with making warm beverages since there are not hot cocoa packets lying around.  As you can see I’m really accurate with measurements. Mint Cocoa 1 spoon unsweetened cocoa 2-3 spoons sugar 1/4 spoon mint extract Rich Cocoa 2 Tablespoon cocoa powder 4 Tablespoon sugar […]
  8. mwatanab

    Donning Donburi

    One of my favorite, worth waiting for, recipes is this gem that I found to make Oyako Donburi.  What exactly is oyako donburi?  It literally means parent and child, because it includes the chicken and the egg.  This savory dish is perfect for cold rainy days while sitting next to the fireplace. (I have put […]
  9. mwatanab

    Sliding To The Rhythm of the Moloka’i Slide

    It’s been a while since I have written anything for Aloha Fridays (suggestions, anyone?) so I decided it was time to start sharing some of my favorite songs and talk about them! One of the songs that I have always viewed as quintessentially “Hawai’i” was the Moloka’i Slide. I like the sand spreading out to […]
  10. mwatanab

    Spicy Chicken Noodle

    I have been toying around with recipes that involve tossing freshly cooked noodles with anything and everything I can find.  My most recent concoction is a spicy chicken variant.  This recipe works best with a one pound box of whole wheat linguine noodles and regular spaghetti noodles.  Any thinner noodles and the toppings get lost, […]
  11. mwatanab

    My Hodgepodge Excuse

    There’s been a lot on my mind and no place to put it, and this blog has been lacking content for a while anyway… So let’s begin the nonsense! October 1, 2013 I’ve lost my spark, I’ve lost my joy. I don’t know how to pray anymore. I feel like a failure. I want to […]
  12. mwatanab

    Soft Pine

    In response to today’s Daily Create (648): Notice the ground beneath your feet. Document with an enhanced photograph. Based on exercises in Keri Smith’s “How to be an Explorer of the World”. See I’m currently staying in a home where the homeowners put in their own pine flooring. It’s beautiful and it is comfortable […]
  13. mwatanab

    The Best Spam I’ve Ever Trashed

    Thank goodness for spam filters!  Here are some of my favorites that have come across my spam box.  It’s just a whole lot of fluff so while you scroll across I put in bold for you the parts that I found particularly interesting.  I have italicized any remarks and opinions I had about the comment. […]
  14. mwatanab

    Falling for Senior Year

    I haven’t been very good about taking photos or even sharing my photos, so here are some of my favorites from September to December of 2012.  Although it’s not very many pictures I hope you can find something to make you smile, and if you don’t smile tell me why.               […]
  15. mwatanab

    Life’s Playbook: Experience Through Soccer

    I played soccer for about ten years, leaving the sport in high school before entering varsity.  I’ve been feeling a bit nostalgic lately and so I thought I’d share with you some of the musings I’ve had. Avoiding the Yellow Card: Keep Your Nails Trimmed One of the silliest little rules I hated was to […]
  16. mwatanab

    I Will Be Your Aunt Ethel

    The other night at the dinner table it was brought up that I resembled Aunt Ethel.  Who exactly is Aunt Ethel?  She’s the great-aunt of one of the people I am staying with.  What exactly is an Aunt Ethel?  She is a quirky, never-married woman with a heart of service – a caregiver until her […]
  17. mwatanab

    Ringing In The Silence

    From The Daily Create: Sit for a few minutes in a quiet space. Write about what you hear. (Based on exercises in Keri Smith’s “How to be an Explorer of the World”. find more creative ideas at Who am I kidding, I haven’t sat in pure silence in a long time.  I can selectively […]
  18. mwatanab

    Diamond Head, Le’ahi

    The Name: Le’ahi Why?  Possibly a combination of lae which means ‘brownridge’ and ahi because of its shape looking like the fun of a yellowfin tuna. The Nickname: Diamond Head Why?  Possibly because the calcite crystals found on it were mistaken for diamonds. (Old photo of the cousins on the stairs going up Diamond Head. […]
  19. mwatanab


    I don’t know if she has ever been given a proper introduction. In March of 2010 I borrowed my (now ex-) boyfriend’s dad’s camera which was a Nikon d40. It was magical. I have never used a camera so fancy before and it yielded amazing results even with a kit lens! My cousin also had […]
  20. mwatanab

    Being Faithful

    It’s no secret that my favorite Bible verse comes from Lamentations 3:22-23: The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. It’s difficult for me to be faithful to anything.  Let me rephrase that: It’s difficult for me to have […]
  21. mwatanab

    Next Stop: Zippy’s

    Happy Aloha Friday! Well, I’m sure you’re tired and hungry after traveling for the past 9 hours from the East Coast of the continental United States to the East Coast of Oahu.  My first stop in restaurants is always Zippy’s. Founded in 1966 by Francis and Charles Higa, Zippy’s has expanded its family-friendly restaurant to 25 […]
  22. mwatanab

    Proposal: First Run

    The Prompt: We predict the next book by @anya1anya is about #ds106. Design her some cover art. Anya Kamenetz, author of DIYU Book should probably be in her drafting stages of her new book, <ds106>.  So, I thought I’d help her out by designing a simple book cover for her.  A little gel pen sketch […]
  23. mwatanab

    Rainbow Drive-In

    One of the most glorious things to do when you’re hungry after a long afternoon at the beach is to pull into Rainbow‘s as the sun is sinking into the Kapahulu horizon.  Its simple menu includes local favorites like corned beef hash plate lunches, mix plates (BBQ, mahi, chicken), and sweet hamburger patties. Like most […]
  24. mwatanab

    I Am Kind Of Back

    Today we are to make a drawing that emphasizes perspective (e.g. angle of view). I LOVE drawing Daily Creates!  They challenge me to be quick and to get it right in one shot.  I was searching images of forced perspective when I noticed that my feet were at a height that it normally would not […]
  25. mwatanab

    Aloha Kakahiaka

    That means ‘Good Morning’ in Hawaiian.  Today I’m going to share with you our state song, Hawai’i Pono’i.  The song was written by King David Kalākaua in 1874 and was the national anthem.  The tune was written by Captain Henri Berger. Lyrics: Hawaiʻi ponoʻī,  Nānā i kou moʻī, Kalani aliʻi,  Ke aliʻi. Hui: Makua lani ē,  Kamehameha […]

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