Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92928 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. Samantha Bert


      Nope, it’s not Doppleganger week or anything like that.  One DS106 Assignment was to take a picture of your good friend (or in my case, my boyfriend) and put them next to their look alike.  My boyfriend (Kenny) gets … Continue reading
  2. Samantha Bert

    My Album Cover

        This was a really fun DS106 activity!  I am actually just going to copy and paste the directions because it was fun to do and I think people should try! “So here’s something fun for everyone to do, … Continue reading
  3. Samantha Bert

    Color Pop!

    For this DS106 Assignment we had to do a color pop in one of our images.  I chose this image which was taken by me in Capri, Italy at the Blue Grotto.  The water was beautiful (as you can see) … Continue reading
  4. Samantha Bert

    Happiest Moment…

    Well here is My Daily Create!!  This Daily Create was to take a picture that represents your happiest moment.  Well, I can not take just one picture because I am lucky to have many happy moments.  But, I chose my childhood. … Continue reading
  5. Samantha Bert

    I am Ed Parkour.

    Okay I am not literally Ed Parkour, I am Samantha.  But, figuratively I hope to embody Ed Parkour when I am given my own classroom.  Who is Ed Parkour you may ask?  Ed Parkour is short for Education Parkour.  Parkour … Continue reading
  6. Samantha Bert


    Today in a class that I was observing we were learning about consumerism and linking it to “The Great Gatsby”.  America certainly is a consumerist nation and it really got me thinking about all the things I have that I … Continue reading
  7. Samantha Bert

    Do you Slam??

    One thing that I really wish I could do is participate in Slam Poetry.  I think that these people are extremely talented because not only are they poets but they are performers, comedians, actors/actresses, and are writing amazing things.  This … Continue reading
  8. Samantha Bert

    In Memory

        “Thomas Edison’s last words were ‘It’s very beautiful over there’. I don’t know where there is, but I believe its somewhere, and I hope it’s beautiful” – Looking for Alaska, John Green It is amazing how fast time … Continue reading

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