Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92710 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @saragdigitellsit

    Week Four-Video Storytelling

    Reflections- 1. Reflecting on Roger Ebert’s “How to Read a Movie” and several videos on movie-making. Perspective, Perspectives 2. Reflecting on a scene from “American Psycho.” A Triple Take on American Psycho Daily Creates 1. @ds106dc #tdc2016 — Sarah Roche (@saradigitellsit) July 18, 2017 2. Where's Talky Tina? @ds106dc #tdc2019 — Sarah Roche …

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  2. @saragdigitellsit


    @ds106dc Parents were cooler before they had kids, they haven't ~truly~ rocked the shades ever since #tdc2022 — Sarah Roche (@saradigitellsit) July 23, 2017
  3. @saragdigitellsit


    Emotions Through Sound-Tryto convey a certain emotion by combining sound effects Maybe it’s cliché that I chose to replicate happiness through the sounds of nature. But I thought for a very long time about what sounds make me happy, and they are the sounds of being outdoors. The sounds that bring me closer to the …

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  4. @saragdigitellsit


    Sound Effects Story: Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. The Story Behind the Story These days were Adam’s favorite. The rain fell gently, and the air was crisp with chilled humidity making the pavement of the carport feel damp. He sat with his legs splayed out in a V formation before him, toe …

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  5. @saragdigitellsit

    Listen Up

    As tempted as I was to listen to an episode of RadioLab for this blog assignment, I opted for “I Was Just Trying to Help,” an episode of  This American Life. Although I’m very familiar with Ira Glass’s voice, I’ve never quite felt the intrigue to listen to his work. I was always frustrated by …

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  6. @saragdigitellsit


    For his next vacation, Christie closes another beautiful destination in Jersey, Fort Lee Lane… @ds106dc #tdc2013 — Sarah Roche (@saradigitellsit) July 14, 2017
  7. @saragdigitellsit


    So polar icecaps melt, b4 that we were idly living, next came great war, or maybe we'll find an alt fuel b4 it's too late @ds106dc #tdc2012 — Sarah Roche (@saradigitellsit) July 13, 2017
  8. @saragdigitellsit

    Week Two-Design Storytelling

    Reflections- I made two reflections based on the readings, videos and podcasts that I used in my design creation this week: 1. Vignelli’s Cannon Reflection: Noticing the Unnoticed: Reflecting on Vignelli’s Cannon 2. Reflecting on “We Are All Artists” and several other resources: Everyone (Even Fred, the YouTuber?) is an Artist DesignBlitz: The Good, the …

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  9. @saragdigitellsit

    The Good, the Bad and the Accidental

    DesignBlitz- To see my DesignBlitz album, visit my Flickr. Color is my favorite concept to consider in design. I’ve always been fascinated by the physics of light and light energy as well as the biological and chemical significance of color. In nature, color is never random. Trinidadian Guppies demonstrate evolving colors and patterns on their …

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  10. @saragdigitellsit

    Ferrous Wheel

    Creating a T-shirt- design your very own t-shirt The Story Behind the Story- I love puns, inside jokes and chemistry. This is a T-shirt that I would wear with pride, extremely nerdy pride. This past semester in biochemistry, we discussed a large number of co-factors, more commonly known as vitamins. These are the functional portions …

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