Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92510 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. stefaniesophie

    Great Moments in Time

    I created a set of my photos I like most on flickr and posted this to my blogger account, as it was recommended for a 5th week task, although I am not sure if this was, what was required. It is also possible to create a slideshow on my blog, but I...
  2. stefaniesophie

    Rose Color

    When I read about this assignment and looked at the postcards provided I thought creating one of these might turn out as a joke. I wont sent any of the people I love a postcard like this. Yet, I found one somehow neutral and tried to be as unspeci...
  3. stefaniesophie

    Winter Kids

    A week 5 weeklycreate

    I often go to the parks of my city and take photographs. Strangely enough while the streets are crowded the park is nearly empty. For one of the visual creates of ds106 I used three photos taken at a winter day. The suggestion in the assignment is to use one photograph and to shop it up in comic book style. I slightly changed this. I used three photos and combined them to on. Then I made slices and put these together without any clear edge. For the slices in Photoshop you can use the slice tool, for gimp look this up:

    When I chose the assignment I thought this may be easy to fulfil, yet it was not. The difficult part was to find parts and to combine them in a convincing way. I needed at least 2 hours for this.
    The result I associate with kids in winter, who still can enjoy snow, while I am often angry about it. However I envy these children somehow. If I would start running around and enjoying the snow in the park people may thing I have gone mad, unfortunately.
  4. stefaniesophie

    Photo Factory

    Photoblitzing Assignment

    For this week five assignment we were supposed to go to a place and and to shoot photos after a given general description:

    Make an ordinary object look more interesting, almost supernatural.
    Take a photo that makes use of converging lines.
    Take a photo dominated by a single color
    Take a photo of something at an unusual angle
    Take a photo of two things that do not belong together.
    Take a photo that represents the idea of “openness”
    Take a photo that expresses a human emotion
    Take a photo emphasizes mostly dark tones or mostly light ones.
    Make a photo that is abstract, that would make someone ask, “Is that a photograph?”
    Take a photo of an interesting shadow.
    Take a photo that represents a metaphor for complexity.
    Take a photo of someone else’s hand (or paw)

    There was also a time window of 20 minutes given.

    I chose my place to take the photographs, because it is pretty cold outside and a cloudy day. It was interesting how the time pressure made me do surprising decisions. Yet, I did not feel good with it, but somehow confused and hurt. Something inside me needs to have time for any creation, otherwise I get uneasy. I actually could not resist to work on any photograph as if the time which was taken from me by following instructions has to be added again. This way I like the result of the photoblitzing assignment.

    You can find my photoblitzing series on flickr.

    It was rewarding to look through the work of fellow ds106 students. I choosed three of them to display here for my appreciation. Yet, there were many more good images. For this go to flickr and search for ds106photoblitz.

    I don't know if this photograph means complexity to me as to the artist who shoot this, but I like the wave in it, which gives the image a touch of motion

    a photo that represents a metaphor for complexity
    I like the relaxed look of this picture. I suppose it is meant as converging lines. Most people would try to make it very accurately, as I did, but here the lines are arranged more interesting in the given space. 

    Here I like the colors and the way the three round shapes are arranged in the picture. In summary it appears somehow playful.
    Looking up at lanterns

  5. stefaniesophie

    Magical Nature

    Animated gifs summarizing the movie Spiderwick.
    Some time ago I read a book titled Spiderwick (wiki). Naturally I was curious to also watch the movie (wiki). I enjoy comparing movies to the corresponding book in general, and I also compare it with the images the book evokes in me.
    I like the Spiderwick movie, yet it is not as rich as the book is, especially because the book has magnificent illustrations which are difficult to put into moving pictures.
    The first gif shows how Arthur Spiderwick, a scientist, takes a fairy he has just caught out of a box and he starts making a drawing of the fairy.
    Like this Spiderwick has written a complete book about magical creatures around his house. He then get caught by fairies, for they fear the dark creature Mulgarath might use Spiderwicks knowledge to rule their world. The book however remains hidden in Spiderwicks house.
    80 years later his great-nephew Jared finds it and reads through it in one night.

    What Jared has read about he soon watches in the world around him. There are the fairies ...

    and there are goblins, who abduct his twin brother Simon.

    Jared follows the goblins and finds his brother caught in a cage. An old man talks to him and finally set him free, but ... 


    The old man is Mulgarath, who is able to change his appearance. Mulgarath send the goblins to follow Simon and Jared.

    Finally Mulgarath attacks Jared to get the book, yet when he changes to the shape of a bird a so called hobgoblin, who loves eating birds, catches and eats him. The magical world again is save and not in danger any more to be ruled by the wicked Mulgarath.

    For creating the above gifs I used the same technique as I used in Old Man Complaining, a gif I produced earlier in the course.

  6. stefaniesophie

    Audio Week

    Summary of week 4

    This was the fourth week with ds106 and all about audio. I think the hardest part was to listen to so many radio broadcasts. I am not a native speaker in English and when there is no visual information it becomes more difficult to follow a plot. Further more all listening activities did turn out as exploring American culture. What is natural to an American was so far away to me. The audio stories often include political issues like election or gun-control laws which are popular topics in the USA right now. Actually I am not very interested in German politics, either.
    I listened to the following stories:

    The Truth “Movies for your ears"
    This stories are created mostly by good voice acting with some music in the background to support the atmosphere. In The Modern Prometheus for example I realised clearly that with voice and music the end was created to be a relaxed atmosphere. Naturally there have been in all three stories sound to support the action of the story, which were for example steps, opening doors,  shots.

    I also listened to so called detective stories.
    I was impressed by the making of these stories. The audio was throughout dense and interesting. Sometimes two people told the same story. The reporter, who is reporting about the story and the person who was interviewed were given in turns and into one another.

    I presume for Americans names like  Ira Glass and Jad Abumrad are popular, too, but not for me. Although this doesn't matter when trying to understand what they have to say.

    The Ira Glass videos taught me that a radio story is a sequence of smaller events and that it is important to keep the attention of the listener step by step. He also recommends to clean up what you have collected for a story, so that only the most important material is used. He becomes radical when he calls this process killing of some of the resources. I actually got a bit of a fright here.

    Jad Abumrad beautifully explains that there is a connection between broadcaster and listener and that a radio story is all about this connection, which evokes pictures in the mind of the listener. I know this collective experience from childhood memories, when someone told a story or I told one. Concerning movies the visual part is set, but if there is just audio people have to make their own images together. I like this idea.

    Unfortunately I was not able to follow any live broadcast of ds106 radio. I would have liked to know in advance when there will be a live broadcast, which maybe is complicated to achieve. Yet, I listened to some music on ds106 radio and I also listened to the recording of the ds106 show, which happened via ds106 radio this time and learned more about Amber and Nancy the most magnificent students of Alan Levine. There was also some talk about ds106 radio, which was very technical and difficult to follow.

    Which was really fun was doing the two weekly audio assignments. First I created the bumper, which is intended to be a piece played when there is a change in the broadcast. I recorded my voice and found a nice piece of music and in audacity laid it on top of each other. I also applied some of the effects to the voice, which was experimental so that I can not remember details.
    It was a striking experience to work with my own voice and listen to it carefully. (The same with a video I made for a daily create, I will talk later about this.) I felt as if I had a closer look to myself the first time in my life and I liked what I realised about me, although it was not perfect at all.

    The second weekly audio assignment was to create an audio piece made only from sound effects. It felt good to composite and to listen carefully to the sounds as I did in the past when I played instruments like the flute and the piano. I suddenly knew how much I miss these activities around music, yet, my new place does not allow any playing of musical instruments.

    One of my daily creates has been a video where I re-enact one of my favourite movie scenes. This is a part in Inkheart, where Meggy meets Dustfinger first in the movie. I already mentioned that I had to have a close look on myself during this assignment which was interesting and rewarding. In addition it was difficult to reduce the original scene to my possibilities  without making the scene a joke.

    I also hummed my first audio memory, although I do not really know if this is my very first memory and I did not hum it, for my microphone was not able to record any humming, so I sang lalala.

    Just today I completed another dailycreate and took a beautiful photograph of a pattern I have arranged on my desk.

    All in all this week started out difficult but interesting and became a week with a happy end. I like being challenged by the ds106 assignments which I am not so much in my occupation as a media assistant.

  7. stefaniesophie

    Colorful Boxes


    Create some kind of pattern of things on your desk right now - a daily create activity

    I have built some boxes from notepads in the origami style. Then I put them on a black background and took a photograph, which looks nicely like a colourful pattern.
  8. stefaniesophie

    Sea Fight

    One one this weeks assignments of ds106:Create a sound effect story - tell a short story using nothing but sound effects.Here I collected some sounds on and combined them in audycity.I imagined a world under water like in Captai...
  9. stefaniesophie

    voice over music

    ds106 Radio Bumper

    A weekly create assignment of ds106:
    Create a ds106 Radio Bumper  – a 10-30 second short audio.

    This week with ds106 is all about audio. We were recommended to listen first and after I did so intensively I started creating audio with audacity. The bumper is one result.
    After I have understood what a bumper is (somehow voice over music) I searched for some music in the internet. I found a piece called skylark. I recorded my voice in audacity and added skylark to the voice file (I had to convert it from midi to a file audacity can work with). After trying out several effects on the voice track I realised that the music piece has not the right speed and I adjusted it. I know I altered the music in a way which changes the intended effect of composer and performer, yet I thought it might be OK for a radio bumper.
  10. stefaniesophie

    Impressive Workload

    Summary of week 3I have started the week with making out what storytelling is to me. After this I have learned even more about storytelling, while having some practice and listen to others about their thoughts around storytelling, when I watc...
  11. stefaniesophie

    To be continued


    Appreciating Past DS106 Stories

    For this I have to say whatever story I got interested in was something I needed to continue my own story. This way I searched the  in[SPIRE] site and the Best Work storage to find something which add to my experience around storytelling. I've just watched a post on my facebook page which left me behind with  doubts about the way young people perceive their environment. They are always so cool, which is meant with a bit of irony.

    Yet, in the end it occupies me the way that I've chosen for the appreciation task two works which are related to the above post:

    From the in[SPIRE] pool I picked a story about a speaking paper bag just like the paper bag in the above video.  I like it because it is funny, especially the kind of groan to the end of the story. I actually did not understand much of the words but I understood that the paper bag told me a story about him or herself, just like people do when they meet with someone they trust.

    And the second story I've chosen from the Best Work Storage is  about the nation Canada just like in the first video. I really like the play of the three young men, which is natural and unspoiled and shows a lot of creativity. Although I am not quite sure which story they're telling. Why does Canada Man excuse himself?

    It is true, I like the stories I have chosen from the stores more then the one I accidently was offered on facebook, but the Portrait of a Paper Bag is nevertheless an important story to me. Without it I may have not been able to go on with my storytelling story.
  12. stefaniesophie

    winter journey

    Winterreise, a photo by StefanieSophie on Flickr.A dailycreate of ds106: Make a blue screen of death message using type only.I once did a piece of art concerning Schubert's Winterreise, and this was about a certain shade of the colo...
  13. stefaniesophie

    Tell Story



    Always the first thing which I associate with storytelling is something I've learned from a Hawaiin. "E komo mai."  means something like 'Welcome, come in.' but also 'come in and tell your story'. I love the idea of welcoming people to tell their story.

    Then I know the term from the world of movie making and animation where it is essential you have a story first. You can not make any movie without a story. I've already learned something about characters and how to use the possibilities of a camera to convey a story.

    For me the term storytelling is from a foreign language, which means my native language is different from English. Therefore I have no childhood memories for this term and there actually is no word in my language which means fully the same as storytelling. If I translate it literally it means "Geschichten erzählen" and this again means thinking out a good story to entertain your friends. It also means lies, for children always believe their own stories but adults call them lies, unfortunately.

    Digital Storytelling

    The word digital storytelling is very new to me. I imagine here all around internet and computer and possibilities of presenting stories in a personalised environment. With the new recourses like internet I can tell stories and present them to the world without being part of a film team or something like that, or without having to find a publisher for my written work. It has a lot to do with personal communication, too. Like I told my childhood friends stories I can tell people in the internet my stories to entertain them. Although the way I am telling a story has changed. They are not only words but photographs, videos, written words, gifs.

  14. stefaniesophie


    Summary of week 2This week I started with reading the "weekly stuff to do checklist" page which is designed for the UMW students of Alan Levine. I read through the week 2 page and sorted what I may do as an open online participant and what not and...
  15. stefaniesophie

    planet earth

    The sky is a gateway to infinity which we instinctively perceive when looking into it and feeling amazed.This I have written for the ds106 dailycreate: Describe the sky in a single sentence without using any color words. There are many approaches ...
  16. stefaniesophie

    Old Man Complaining

    This was quite a piece of work. I knew roughly what gif I want to create. This is why I put my DVD into the computer and started as it was described in the ds106 handbook, using handbrake. It did not work, for my DVD was copy protected. I had to figure out how to solve this and after some consideration about if it is allowed to get around the protection I read something about, that it is allowed if you bought the DVD for yourself. I got a software called AnyDVD (This page might be in German.) for this and then I proceeded in following the handbook description and you can see it worked for me.
    The gif shows a wizard in a very famous film, who visited his small friend in his place and bumped his head against a rafter. I imported a set of images into Gimp and copied any of them and put them in reversed order. This way the motion goes forward and backward. Together with the repetition is seems a never-ending motion or a never-ending complain of a hurt old man.

  17. stefaniesophie


    BlackTea, a photo by StefanieSophie on Flickr.Take a photo of the ONE thing you MUST see, do, eat, hear, etc. everyday!When I read this dailycreate suggestion I knew at once this must be a photograph about tea. I really must drink some black tea in the...
  18. stefaniesophie


    Summary of week 1

    This is about the weekly summary which regular students of ds106 are obliged to do to gain some grading. As an open participant I am not, yet, may decide it is not just useful for grading issues but to get out most of the great opportunity I am given here for free.

    My motivation to participate to this open online digital storytelling course is a keen interest in all about media and art. As an artist without any degree I always feel I have to learn more, because all the guys with a degree know so much more than I do, at leas they have a kind of insider knowledge I wouldn't have. I hope I may gain some of this hidden knowledge here.

    Alan Levine as the instructor of Digital Storytelling provided material for the first week, which should be reflected on. I am most occupied with the "Ten rules for students and teachers from John Cage" (Why not "by John Cage?").
    I think they are great in this context where students and teachers have to communicate in a certain way. Then again I know John Cage as a person who loved making rules, even to produce art, and often advised other to follow these rules. I don't know anything about in which way he dealed with given rules. How to make knew rules when following the old ones?

     I was pretty impressed by the TEDxPhoenix talk with Kelli Anderson about “Disruptive Wonder”
    However, I did not find out what the "Disruptive Wonder" means. Maybe this is a language issue (I am a German native speaker). The last project the video introduces is about a newspaper with positive coverage and advertisements which may appear in the future (buying a wind turbine with domestic dimensions). Maybe to some people this feels disruptive. I personally already live in a world like this, at least in my inside, which by the way often feels disruptive to the people around me. I guess it is a kind of visionary thinking some people do not feel comfortable with.

    The video about ideas (Stephen Johnson on Where Ideas Come From) I already knew but I interpreted it new in the storytelling context. It is quite interesting how the little drawings one connected to the other. This illustrates one message of the video that is to say that ideas are connected via people/ teams/ institutions and history (time).

    Last but not least there was the video on what art is with Robert Hughes what art is with Robert Hughes. I think you have to see it historically in any way. War is a horrible experience. The negative reaction to this in the world of art I would not condemn. Then again I can understand Robert Hughes critique in his time. People needed something positive to go on and had to let heal the wounds after they have nursed them thoroughly.

    I really had fun with this weeks ds106. I loved the dailycreate option as an inspiration but I know I should keep track of my own ideas, too. I had a conversation with an instructor about technical issues and this is new to me in MOOC's, which are usually far more impersonal. It was troubling to set up all these pages, but this may serve me well in the future. I love watching that my blog was visited not just by me but by others as well, which is an effect of the ds106 organisation. All in all "THANK YOU DS106" :)

  19. stefaniesophie


    Feather&Stone, a photo by StefanieSophie on Flickr.Capture love in a photograph. Give it a title.I needed some time to think about this task. It became clear to me that any photograph I took and which was good was touching and by this love. However...
  20. stefaniesophie

    20 uses of a banana

    A writing dailycreate assignment:making a banana sculpture, paper out of banana, banana ice, banana puree for infants, weapon prop, convenient place to stay for bird-eating spider (or banana-eating?), monkey meal, yellow part in a fruit bowl still...
  21. stefaniesophie

    Green Blank

    Green Blank, a photo by StefanieSophie on Flickr.DailyCreate suggestion by ds106:Take a picture of your favorite thing in the world to do, however simple or complex.There is so much I want to do in this world. When I started thinking about it I felt de...
  22. stefaniesophie

    Silent Motion

    This is a stopmotion animation inspired by a dailycreate Suggestion by ds106: Find nearest over-looked everyday object. Fabricate a story about it being a key part of your childhood.I bought felt tip pencils some time ago to make me taki...
  23. stefaniesophie

    Welcome Post

    Hi, most welcome visitors of my Blog about storytelling inspired by the open online course ds 106.I may upload any finished assignment here starting today, Jan 14. 2013.

ds106 in[SPIRE]