Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92895 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. @V20Kai

    What Makes Excellent Design?

    Today I read Massimo Vignelli’s The Vignelli Canon and a Brain Pickings article about Chip Kidd and his book on design for children to gain a better understanding of what makes an excellent design. Honestly speaking, there were many things I never considered. In all the times that I have ever “designed” anything, I merely […]
  2. @V20Kai

    Are You Listening?

    This week’s focus was on audio, which I have mostly dabbled in when it came to making mixes for my PAC pieces, whether it’s cutting a song to fit the allowed time frame or putting different songs together and making sure one songs transitions to the next as fluidly as possible. However, before getting into […]
  3. @V20Kai

    The Story of “Moon Graffiti”

    Today I listened to the audio drama “Moon Graffiti,” and I was blown away by its exceptional storytelling. It was like I was watching a movie, but without the visuals, which is essentially what good audio storytelling should strive for. The story opens with the date: July 20, 1969. Immediately, the listeners are thrust right […]
  4. @V20Kai

    Radio Thoughts

    On Monday night, I listened to the ds106 radio and participated in the live “tweet-along.” Although I do not remember the details of that night’s broadcast, there were a few things that stuck out to me that made storytelling more than just a bland “this happened, then that.” The narrator analyzed and compared a film […]
  5. @V20Kai

    Photo Phrenzy

    What a week! The tips on Becoming a Better Photographer really got me thinking about being more intentional about the photos I take. Of course, it will be a work in progress. I started out Week 4 with a daily create asking what ice cream flavor we’d be and why. I initially took a quiz […]
  6. @V20Kai

    Photography Phanatic?

    During high school, I would see my friends post aesthetic photos, but every time I tried to emulate them, they never turned out as well as I’d like. When I went on a trip to Europe with the arts school I attended, I took many pictures of the landscape and towns, but when I look […]
  7. @V20Kai

    Blitz Blastin’

    Today I finally got around to photoblitz, and here is the list of tasks I was assigned to do along with the pictures and my thought process: (1) Fabric: we wear it, sleep on it, decorate with it. An interesting cloth design or texture. For this picture, I did a selfie focusing on the sleeve […]
  8. @V20Kai

    Everyday Value

    As I scrolled through my camera roll for this visual assignment (2 stars), I found this picture from my landing flight into Akita, Japan after my 3-day weekend trip to Tokyo in late November. It’s a pretty bad picture, but I thought it caught Akita’s rural beauty just right. I did the best I could […]
  9. @V20Kai

    Just a Splash of Color

    Did you know that in Japan (and in some other countries), the sewer covers have unique designs depending what region and city/town you’re in? I encountered this–or at least, actually noticed this–in the summer the weekend before my classes in Japan began. This was en route to the Ōmagari Fireworks Festival. Sadly, I never stopped […]
  10. @V20Kai

    Am I Doing This Write?

    Week 3 has been a busy and stressful week for me, with my internships and classes picking up, but I worked hard to push through and get my assignments finished. On Friday, I started off with my first Daily Create, which was to draw an animal on a picture of my face. For simplicity’s sake, […]
  11. @V20Kai

    Underneath the Surface

    Today I watched The Breakfast Club (1985) for the very first time, and let me tell you, it was a ride I wasn’t totally expecting—in a good way! After watching it, I thought about how it would relate to the videos and readings for this week about storytelling. Since there was nothing about hyperlinking, the […]
  12. @V20Kai

    All Work and All Play

    Today marks the end of Week 2 on our DS106 journey for this semester, and now that the semester is slowly kicking into full gear, this old soul is wearing down. That said, this week has helped me to slowly adjust to how we do things in this course. I started my Friday of last […]

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