Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92694 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. yuniku na

    The Chronicles of Oz

    DS106 Assignment: Mashup a children’s book based on another cultural artifact. For example, framing Dr. Who as a children’s book in the aesthetic of a Dr. Suess’s work. See example from College Humor here: My Response: The Chronicles of Oz
  2. yuniku na

    4 Symbol Movie

    The assignment is to reduce a movie, story, or event into its basic elements, then take those visuals and reduce them further to simple icons, four of them. Write your blog post up but do not give away the answer, let people guess! The challenge is to find the icons that suggest the story, but […]
  3. yuniku na

    You Should Be Creating

    Time to let out your inner Big Brother! Create a propaganda poster for ds106. Use your photo editing software of choice and write a message to inspire your fellow ds106ers. For example, I took a WW2 poster about increasing ammunition production, and turned it into a poster promoting tweeting. DS106 is all about creating so […]
  4. yuniku na

    Simplify This Movie

    Create a tv/movie poster that captures the essence of the story through the use of minimalist design/iconography. This second assignment is worth 3.5 stars bringing my total to 6.5/15 stars for the Design assignments. Who doesn’t like a good Avengers action? I know I love it, I almost like what I was able to come […]
  5. yuniku na

    6-Word Memoir

    How would you tell your life’s story if you could only use six words? To answer this I’ve created an image including only 6 words, my 6-word memoir. This Assignment from the ds106 assignment bank is part of my 15 star requirements. This is my first one to be completed and is worth 3 stars. […]
  6. yuniku na

    Hi, I’m Banana Cream Puff and you are?

    My lasted submission for tdc from Assignment: If you could be any pastry in the world, which would you be? Write a narrative of how and why you would be the best __________ the world has ever seen. My response: If I could be any pastry in the world, I would be the best […]
  7. yuniku na

    The Broken “Lead”

    The Broken “Lead”, a photo by Yuniku Na on Flickr. Via Flickr: DS106 Daily Create Assignment: Create a Broken Image. When you go to write a story, breaking a lead can mean two things: One, you just found out breaking news or Two, you broke the lead on your only pencil.
  8. yuniku na

    Letter From Afar

    Oh, Tomato Puree, how have you been? Does the sun shine as brightly and warm on your side of the kitchen? I’m sure it does. You have it made by the sink. Water probably has the most fascinating stories to tell. He is much more fluid and free than the thick High fructose Corn Syrup. ...

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