Touch the firehose of ds106, the most recent flow of content from all of the blogs syndicated into ds106. As of right now, there have been 92924 posts brought in here going back to December 2010. If you want to be part of the flow, first learn more about ds106. Then, if you are truly ready and up to the task of creating web art, sign up and start doing it.

  1. rockylou22

    DS106 Audio Week 4 Reviews Are In

    Play AUDIO ONLY Version DS106 Headless13 Audio Week 4 Review Link to VIDEO version DS106 Headless13 Audio Week 4 Review Christina Hendricks and I volunteered to be helpers for the Headless 13 DS106 week 4 Intro to Audio – Listening. As a part of that Christina organized a Google Hangout: ds106 Radio How To Jamathon on broadcasting […]
  2. cogdog

    How to Be a ds106 DJ

    Thanks to Christina Hendricks and Rochelle Lockridge for instigating a Google Hangout (live streamed to YouTube and ds106radio) for people to share their approaches for listening to and broadcasting on the radio. We had participation from east to west across North America, as well as Hawaii and New Zealand! I...
  3. John Johnston

    From One Chicken to Another

    Moving into week one of the headless ds106 the task for folk who are already in the ds106 house is: See what you can do to welcome newbies, and consider writing posts about your experience and/or tutorials- such as explaining in more detail how you made your Daily Creates. I seem to have may name ...
  4. cogdog

    Even Chickens Go Headless

    In about 10 hours the first week of Headless ds106 launches- the first week’s assignment will be published at one minute past midnight (PST) and will appear at We already have 38 blogs in the mix- check out all the posts from participants. If you are new to ds106, your task this week is to set up your ds106 blog space, register it with the ds106 site, and once you post something, your blog will appear on the right side list. This week is not taxing- a few videos to respond to about art, doing a few daily creates, and getting into the habit of writing up a weekly reflection. And being part of our online spaces in twitter and/or Google+ If you have been around the ds106 bend before, what you can do to help is welcome people, offer advice, and model good ds106 blog writing behavior. Or […]

ds106 in[SPIRE]