Did I do this right? The instructions are a *lot* easier than the last time i was in this open (not a mooc) thing called ds106. but because the instructions are easy and i get them i can’t stop thinking i missed something.
Well, I believe everything went well BUT for the fact that your twitter field won’t take underscores. My actual twitter handle is @run_spot_run … can you contact me there to let me know you copy? Thanks!
Looks like it is feeding through okay? I added feed and tag. I was ‘chuffed’ ( pleased) that I was able to solve it. I am not sure if I need to tag each post, I will check. I have a WordPress blog, I just wanted to work out how to do it with Google sites too – so if this does not work I can set up a DS106 blog on WP easy. Keep #dedtech’ing :)
I didn’t register a twitter account. So if there’s trouble brewing, I’m less reachable than maybe I oughta be. Do I have to use Twitter? I don’t actually know how. My phone is dumb, too.
You don’t *have* to use Twitter (heck, you don’t *have* to do anything in DS106 — particularly the headless version!), but it can be a nice way to tap into the community and ask for help/input. I’m pretty sure there’s also a Google+ Group for the course this fall, if that’s more up your alley.
I will tell you I’ve been using Twitter for years and I only got a smart phone this summer :-) You can use it (successfully) on just your computer.
Well, a thoughtful question indeed.
Where are any of us? Both virtually and in the physical real. Learning to make art and reflect on what we make! Mark, you will find yourself here on DS106 and you will find us all here too. Welcome. Please ask Headless shrink any other existential question that come up for you as you join this madhouse that is DS106 Headless 13.
I have a question, I use my blog for other class assignments, like blog entries as assigned, other than posting pictures for ds106. Do I have to create another blog?? I have a tumblr account, does that qualify? Please advise.
Without a feed your posts can’t pull into the course site, not can your assignments. Try getting a wordpress.com site, tumblr site, etc. Those should have ready-made feeds to work with.
I’ve followed the instructions and have reached the promised land. As Steve Buscemi once said, “How do you do, fellow kids?” gripping his skateboard tightly.
I think I got it :) yupiiii I am working on the introduction using the social media first time in Flickr and twitter and also watching the movie Creepshow it makes me remember the Tales of Crypt
urbie delgado
Did I do this right? The instructions are a *lot* easier than the last time i was in this open (not a mooc) thing called ds106. but because the instructions are easy and i get them i can’t stop thinking i missed something.
Yep you did well.
fara shariff
i think I’m here.. i think. lol
How would you know?
Mark Flanagan
Well, I believe everything went well BUT for the fact that your twitter field won’t take underscores. My actual twitter handle is @run_spot_run … can you contact me there to let me know you copy? Thanks!
Thanks, we dont really use that unless we need to contact you, but its good to know about the underscores
Mark Flanagan
Great. Am I registered for ds106 now? I haven’t received indication so far. Thanks!
Roy Murray
Not sure if I did this right. I have a blog that I use for various stuff and it took the feed off that.
Tyler Letkeman
Same problem with the underscore. I’m @Tyler_JL, not @TylerJL.
Mariana Funes
Thought I would try the RSS feed I added to my site…..twilight zone music….will it work…..???
Where is the site? If it is the Google sites site that unfortunately has no feed? Can you point me to another one?
Looks like it is feeding through okay? I added feed and tag. I was ‘chuffed’ ( pleased) that I was able to solve it. I am not sure if I need to tag each post, I will check. I have a WordPress blog, I just wanted to work out how to do it with Google sites too – so if this does not work I can set up a DS106 blog on WP easy. Keep #dedtech’ing :)
Keren Levine
I didn’t register a twitter account. So if there’s trouble brewing, I’m less reachable than maybe I oughta be. Do I have to use Twitter? I don’t actually know how. My phone is dumb, too.
Hi Keren!
First & foremost: Welcome to DS106!!
You don’t *have* to use Twitter (heck, you don’t *have* to do anything in DS106 — particularly the headless version!), but it can be a nice way to tap into the community and ask for help/input. I’m pretty sure there’s also a Google+ Group for the course this fall, if that’s more up your alley.
I will tell you I’ve been using Twitter for years and I only got a smart phone this summer :-) You can use it (successfully) on just your computer.
Martha is right, nothing is required, you choose. There is a new Google+ community
You find these links on the ds106 web site under the “Components” menu (top right) and many of the sidebars.
I’m here…. where are you?
Ds106 Headless Shrink
Well, a thoughtful question indeed.
Where are any of us? Both virtually and in the physical real. Learning to make art and reflect on what we make! Mark, you will find yourself here on DS106 and you will find us all here too. Welcome. Please ask Headless shrink any other existential question that come up for you as you join this madhouse that is DS106 Headless 13.
did it work
Lauren Brown
This is a test post to make sure I set up everything correctly.
Have a great day!
Actually, psot a test on your blog and see if that comes through there. This is just a comment.
Hayley Eckhardt
So far in this class, I feel like a moron. Please tell me that I did this correctly and it shows up like everyone else!!! I really want to do well.
You blog is set. Try a test post and see if it comes up on this page here:
If it does (give it an hour or so to syndicate), ypu’re alls et.
Am I here?
We got you, what section are you a part of? Professor Polack’s #ds106?
Keren Levine
You GOT me?! Yikes!!!! I’m part of DS106 camp at Lane Community College.
Ms. Betsy McC
Testing 1,2,3… :)
Hey there! Sorry. Newbie question.
I created the “welcome post” on my new personal blog and added a tag for ds106 in there…
The feed that auto populated in this form, however, was for the blog, in general, I do believe…
Is there something I need to do to make the feed just for anything tagged ds106 on the blog? Thanks.
I re-submitted, including a “label name” in the url. Hope it works. :-/
Looks like it is working, check out the blog flow:
Welcome to #ds106 #4life, and I love your 8bit cup of coffee :)
Vicky DeWald
I have a question, I use my blog for other class assignments, like blog entries as assigned, other than posting pictures for ds106. Do I have to create another blog?? I have a tumblr account, does that qualify? Please advise.
i dont have a feed on my blog. what am i supposed to do?
Without a feed your posts can’t pull into the course site, not can your assignments. Try getting a wordpress.com site, tumblr site, etc. Those should have ready-made feeds to work with.
Felicia Liu
I don’t know if I got all correct?
I can confirm you are all connected. Fine work! Early and often wins the race in #ds106!
I’ve followed the instructions and have reached the promised land. As Steve Buscemi once said, “How do you do, fellow kids?” gripping his skateboard tightly.
You mean this? :)

Scott Clower
Hi. Just wanted to make sure that everything with my site looks correct?
You are set. ds106 category in place. You might want to try a test post there to make sure it’s feeding correctly.
Scott Clower
I am not sure what I am doing wrong, but none of my test posts are showing up under my ds106 tab, but are instead being placed here:
I have tried to figure out how to post to the specific page instead of a category, but I am coming up clueless. Any ideas?
I think I did it right?!! :))
You did, indeed. Welcome to the Creepshow!
Michael Bleb
I’m not sure if I did this correctly.
Hi Michael,
Are you taking the class for credit at UMW? If so, You need to get a domain and install your own WordPress site through http://umw.domains.
Here is some documentation for that: Signing-up on UMW Domains
and Installing WordPress
Let me know if that helps.
I think I got it :) yupiiii I am working on the introduction using the social media first time in Flickr and twitter and also watching the movie Creepshow it makes me remember the Tales of Crypt