This course community began at the University of Mary Washington in Spring of 2010 when Jim Groom re-imagined the way the Computer Science Course in Digital Storytelling, CPSC 106, might be taught.
Since Jim Groom blogged about ds106 as an open and online experiment on December 7, 2010, this site has aggregated and archived 92731 blog posts created by its participants.
Below is a semester by semester collection of highlights and information about the iterations of ds106 at UMW and elsewhere. See also:
- More information about DS106
- inSPIRE – a best of collection of student work, nominated by other ds106 participants, the site itself a project of ds106 students from UMW in Spring 2012
- Radio Show Archive – group audio projects
- DS106TV Archive (Apr 2011 – Aug 2012)
- Hall of Fame – thanks to our supporters
Summer 2017
- CPSC 106 / DS106 at UMW First Summer Session (Jennifer Polack)
- CPSC 106 / DS106 at UMW Second Summer Session (Jennifer Polack)
- INTE5340: Learning with Digital Stories (CU Denver by Brad Hinson) a fork of ds106, see more about Brad’s ideas.
Spring 2017
- UMW Fall 2016 “Mission 106” (Paul Bond)
Fall 2016
- UMW Fall 2016 (Paul Bond)
- UMW Fall 2016 “The Cover Page” (Kris Shaffer)
- K-State Digital Media II (Bill Genereux)
- CU Denver’s INTE 4340/5340 (Lori Elliott)
- BOSTES: Mandatory Technology (Stage 4) (Dean Groom, High School class, IFTS Central, Australia)
Summer 2016
- University of Mary Washington (Jen Polack)
- CU Denver INTE 4340/5340 Learning with Digital Stories (Remi Holden)
Spring 2016
- Western DS106 at UMW (taught by Paul Bond)
- Western DS106 for Open Participants (taught by The Man With No Course)
- CU Denver “Learning with Digital Stories” (Lori Elliot)
Fall 2015
- Tales from DS106 UMW (taught by Paul Bond and Jim Groom)
- Kansas State University Tales from DS106 (Bill Genereux)
- DS106 UMW (Jennifer Polack)
Spring 2015
- DS106/NOir106 UMW (3 sections taught by Jim Groom, Paul Bond, and Martha Burtis)
Fall 2014
- DS106/Wire106 UMW (Jim Groom / Paul Bond)
- DS106 UMW (Jennifer Polack)
Summer 2014
- The Burgeron Family a self directed summer ds106 experience taking place in Bovine County, Texas
- UMW Summer 14 Course, taught by UMW CPSC Professor, Jennifer Polack
Spring 2014
- Open ds106 Course/Experience the ongoing offering of ds106 to make your own experience
- Participant Blogs (all Open Online Participants ever)
- Syllabus
- Other Sections
- English Studies in Digital Age St Johns University
DS106 Goes to Work (fEDIT 572: Digital Audio/Video Design at George Mason University)
Fall 2013
- About the Headless ds106 Course
- Weekly Assignments
- News
- Syllabus
- Participant Blogs
- GIFaChrome (Collaborative Group Final Project)
- Other Sections
Summer 2013
Spring 2013
Fall 2012
Summer 2012: Camp Magic Macguffin
- Camp Magic Macguffin web site
- Syllabus
- Weekly Announcements
- Student Work
- Final Projects
- Student Final Letters Home (advice for future students)
Also in summer of 2012, Jim Groom did a two week Breakfast Club Edition of ds106 for high school students.
Spring 2012
- Syllabus
- Course Calendar
- ds106 Tricks – course materials by Alan Levine
- Sections
- UMW Section 1 (Jim Groom)
- UMW Section 2 (Alan Levine)
- Temple University, Japan (Scott Lockman)
- SUNY Cortland (Cynthia Sarver)
- York College (Michael Branson Smith)
- Kansas State University (Bill Genereux)
- Jacksonville State University (Tanya T. Sasser)
- Radio Show Groups
The Kickstarter Campaign
- ds106 Kickstarter
- The ds106 Kickstarter: Classes for and by the Community (
- art by Giulia Forsythe
Fall 2011
- Syllabus – class at York College/CUNY Communications Technology 101 (Michael Branson-Smith)
- Journey to the Center of the Internet (videos)
- A Journey to the Center of the Internet with Dr Olivier
May 2011: (Martha Burtis)
Summer 2011: The Summer of Oblivion
Spring 2011
- Syllabus
- Course Calendar
- Brainstorming for ds106 Course Design ( initial ideas for the open course
- Distributed, freeform, collective webradio ( the birth of ds106 radio
Fall 2010
Spring 2010
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