modified cc licensed ( BY NC ) flickr photo by matt.ohara: http://flickr.com/photos/mattohara/5909735/
After several weeks of working of creative work in the visual, design, audio, video spaces, students in ds106 undertake a final project that is deliberately vague in scope; it is up to them to propose something that is larger in scope than assignments that frames as a digital story, using media and platforms of their choosing.
Below you will find a selection of past projects as just a few signposts for what direction yours may take. For more examples of student project work in ds106, see:
- Spring 2013 Final Projects
- Fall 2012 Final Projects
- Summer 2012 Final Projects: What Really Happened At Camp Magic Macguffin?
Create an ad campaign
This project uses images to create an advertisement campaign for ds106. (click the screenshot above to go to the page)
Create a movie mash-up
This project uses different Stanley Kubrick movies to create a completely new movie/concept.
Final Project: A Kubrickian Mashup – DS106, Sec 1 from Rob Tyszka on Vimeo.
Tell a story through Twitter
This project uses Twitter as the medium to tell an engaging and suspenseful story. (click the image to view the tweets)
Make a fictional blogger
This project makes use the blog medium in order to tell a story by creating a fictional diary for a character. (click the image to view the blog)
Make a song or a rap
Ds106 rap by sswanson
This project made a song about their experience with ds106. Check out the lyrics and the original post here.
Make a stop-motion video
This project created a stop-motion video using a camera and video editing software.
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