1. Tom Woodward

    Baby Snarf

    This is a ridiculous thing. It came into my head the other day and it amused at least a few of my children . . . once I explained what Snarf was. I plan to make ridiculous things more often. I initially had it up on SoundCloud but they took it down after a few hours as a copyright violation. Rather than fighting them about what my rights are, I’m just putting it up on my own site. Then I couldn’t find a decent1 Snarf gif on Giphy so I made one of those too. Nothing fancy in either case but this is the kind of useless, amusing things that I really like about digital media and the Internet. Consider it the opposite of surveillance capitalism. 1 The new Snarf is super creepy.
  2. Brian

    In the web: spider or moth?

    I have had a couple months to settle into the more operational role I outlined in my previous post. It has gone much as expected… A typical day weaves together sensations of satisfaction, frustration, hope, fatalism, learning, failure, anxiety… I’m not throwing any pity parties. In the grand scheme, I am in a good place. […]
  3. Tom Woodward

    He stood so still

    He stood so still while the world moved on around him. Just a little animated gif made from two shots I took walking past this gentleman staring so intently at his phone. He didn’t move a bit but because I was walking the shot shifted some allowing me to animate it and give you this… Read More
  4. Cris2B

    A Change of Heart

    I’m not your typical academian. Yes, that seems an oxymoron to me, too. My day job is to write and produce educational and environmental videos. At night I work as an adjunct assistant professor teaching online courses. As someone who … Continue reading
  5. Cris2B

    Opening Up

    ["Opening Up" by Cris for The Daily Create, August 10, 2014]/ Our DS106 Daily Create challenge on Sunday, August 10, was to take a photograph of opposites. With this class in mind, I took a shot of my right hand … Continue reading
  6. Tom Woodward

    Losing Arguments Cards

    I’ve always found the following use of Godwin’s Law to be an interesting idea. For example, there is a tradition in many newsgroups and other Internet discussion forums that once such a comparison is made, the thread is finished and whoever mentioned the Nazis has automatically lost whatever debate was in progress.[8] This principle is […]
  7. Tom Woodward

    “Truth” through omission

    The mission is “Truth” through omission. Can you get at the underlying truth of a historical document through blackout poetry? Blackout poetry has been fairly popular for a while1 but I haven’t seen any done on historical documents with the intent to get at a deeper, if fairly melodramatic, “truth”. I decided to use The […]
  8. Tom Woodward

    Like Fish in Water

    This Ted Nelson quote seemed like a fun one to try to visualize. I was inspired by this set of minimalist quote posters and found this DS106 assignment that fit the topic pretty well. I used white circles over a blue square to make the waves. Not mind shattering, but a quick easy way to […]
  9. Tom Woodward

    Patents Pending

    I saw the reprint/remakes of famous patents for sale on a site a while ago and then today I saw them on My Modern Met which resulted in the example below and a new #ds106 assignment. I remembered that Google lets you browse all kinds of patents and I spent a chunk of time searching […]
  10. Cris2B

    The Firestarter

    That the powerful play goes on, and you may contribute a verse. — Walt Whitman, “Oh Me, Oh Life” You get the fire started (using Dave’s metaphor that Marianne and Miranda have built on). Students gather around. If things go … Continue reading
  11. Tom Woodward

    Chimeratic Composition

    Another quick #ds106 assignment (tags – VisualAssignments, VisualAssignments1257) Take at least three pictures (your own or someone else’s) mash them together into something that makes them more than the sum of their parts, something that would have been impossible in real life. Include the original images so we can see how they build on one […]
  12. Tom Woodward


    Inspired by (or copying depending on your perspective) this Modern Met post. Apophenia Find something in your house. Take a picture. Let your imagination churn. Make as many different augmented versions as you can think of. Help others see what’s in your head. Submit it on DS106 using the tags VisualAssignments and VisualAssignments1255. cc licensed […]
  13. Tom Woodward

    Museum Remixes

    After seeing Alan’s post . . . This is a response to the Tate’s call for their 1840s GIF party — they have made images available from selected pieces of art from their 1840s room and inviting anyone to remix as a GIF. That is such a good idea I made it into a ds106 assignment. It is interesting to […]
  14. Brian

    Grooving on an essential open educator

    Words fail me when I try to capture the depth of my admiration for Grant Potter. A creative and profoundly thoughtful educator. A brilliant technologist, tinkerer, hauler of bootstraps. A webhead of the highest and most ethical order. An astonishing and versatile musician. An ambassador...
  15. Tom Woodward

    Stranger Portraits

    I am fully back on the stranger portrait path. This image is the one I like the best out of those I’ve taken recently. The others were all at a recent VSTE conference and I’m not sure I’m even going to “count” them in the progression towards the 100 total. Taking photographs at a conference […]
  16. Tom Woodward

    Costic Acsinte – 30 Minutes of Healing

    I found Costic? Acsinte1 which is a new Flickr Commons participant. It also has a Twitter account. I really like these photographs and the backstory is interesting as well. They almost seem to good to be true but I’d almost be more excited if they were. In any case, the images are awesome. A number […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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