1. @belwood303

    Nothing like a New Hair Cut

    I think I am honestly just trying to figure out how to live my best life. And I want to believe that setting intentions and monitoring goals will help, the books I keep reading at least make it seem like that's possible.We went a a short trip to Wyomin...
  2. @belwood303

    Kaleidoscope of a Journal

    As I think about my role as a teacher I wonder what the point of learning to write... The main reason I can think of is that it helps us express ourselves. Writing is the output of the self, where reading is the input of other. So how do you make writi...
  3. @belwood303

    I was doing so well…

    And I did have things ready to post on... the 15th! Okay I guess I only procrastinated two more days after putting things off for -tsk, tsk- six days. Still if the purpose is to collect data, be honest, and put something out there than I'm still doing ...
  4. @belwood303

    I honestly am trying…

    To make one video teaching students how to take notes for a piece of informational writing...But it has been four days and I have three or four things going right now, and nothing is finished.A week ago I started on this massive project because my team...
  5. @belwood303

    Today I shared with the students…

    So I made this PowerPoint today to share with the students...My student had made a volcano and made a video to share with me, that was inserted in the slide above:I shared the video I already posted on this blog a few days ago...And I showed them some ...
  6. @belwood303

    The Catapult Challenge

    So, I went to the school early today. They finally let us back in the building today so we could bag up student belongs that were left behind before the COVID closure.And I did remember to scan the instructions but I FORGOT to open the file and downloa...
  7. @belwood303

    Good Job You

    It's okay to not be productive right now...But it is also important to celebrate when you feel like you are accomplishing something, even if it is just steps in the right direction of your goals...I am feeling really good about how I worked my way thro...
  8. @belwood303

    Taking a Risk

    Some of the readings that have inspired me to be a flawed, tepid writer...First, we have the work of Brene Brown - Daring GreatlyLook if you have put yourself out there and failed, this book will make you think you can do it again. When I think ab...
  9. @belwood303

    The Catapult Challenge

    The Video with the Catapult...So in my head I have this idea for a video where I put this Catapult together...I want to start by talking about how I got this a few years ago when the DMN&S had a daVinci exhibit... which turned out to have only been...
  10. @belwood303

    Let the Curiosity take you…

    Three months? Well, not bad comparatively. Feel like I need to go back and explain that the silence didn't mean I wasn't working but I don't want there to be any mistake - I have not been writing like I keep saying I need to.*Note, wish that was in mor...
  11. @belwood303

    Better Later Than Never

    Realizing it has been two years since I last posted, and longer still since I was forced to keep a blog while finishing my Master's degree, might make some people feel it would be better to start over from scratch. But I like the name of this blog and ...
  12. @kristinvossler

    Job Interviews…

    When I was typing the words, Job Interviews, for this post I thought of Beetlejuice, "Sandworms? Hate 'em right? I hate 'em myself!" but insert job interviews there instead of sandworms! Job Interviews are a necessary part of life and I've noticed lately that they are getting more and more in depth and the preparation that goes into them is getting tougher and tougher. Since I work in a workforce development field helping job seekers prepare for job interviews in part of my job. However, despite
  13. @learningpath

    Surgery of the Spirit: Crushing Isms

    The National Memorial to lynching victims opened last week. Sometimes it feels like the terror of the past never stopped. We just have Smartphones now to expose it. I've sat with heartbroken families and communities as they bury their beloveds today. My gut has gripped in fear that my male kids and grandkids are not safe in America. Yet I am encouraged by a growing willingness to stand in the stark light of what our nation has condoned. To move toward the pain of our truth to start the healing
  14. @learningpath

    What Starbucks Should Do Next

    As I was reflecting on the bold move of Starbucks to close 8,000 stores May 29th to provide “racial bias” training I sensed the willingness of the CEO, Kevin Johnson to adjust the sails at Starbucks. I felt concern for him as he vowed "this will never happen again at Starbucks." Unless Kevin can change the heart and history of a nation mired in ongoing racial terrorism, trauma, and stereotypes, and the explicit and implicit bias that results, his claim of never again is heartfelt but unfeasible.
  15. Kristin

    Instructional Design in Real Life

    Now that I've finished grad school I am faced with the task of finding a new job, which is just slightly stressful.I had my first job interview recently for an Instructional Design job and it was... interesting to say the least. I've applied for jobs consistently for the last 6 weeks, probably about 15 jobs total and this was the only one who called back and allowed me to go through all of the steps, and let me tell you friends, there was a lot of steps. First there was the job application
  16. Kristin

    Mr. Robot and how to be an amazing introvert.

    Recently I started watching the show, Mr. Robot. Aside from the hacker turned vigilante trying to take down a capitalist conglomerate storyline I notice how Elliott, the main character, is treated because he's an introvert. In the first episode there are moments when he's a work and the other people who work there find him so strange because he doesn't want to interact with them, he doesn't attend a friend's birthday party, and he doesn't want to be touched. I can totally relate. There is
  17. @learningpath

    The Courage to Change – MLK 2018

    There is no great reconciliation, unity and peace to come without truth, without amends, without real apologies and ownership of wrongs. One cannot slap forgiveness unto pain like a Band-Aid on puss. It just won’t work. We are not wired like that. The wound must be cleaned first. When I was a little girl my great-aunt Katherine Phinazee would put mercurochrome on my scrapes and cuts. It burned like hell. They don’t even make the stuff anymore. However, I never got an infection and my wounds
  18. @learningpath

    Communication – What Works

    Click on Picture for excellent tools to communicate effectivelyThis is so true. I had a conversation with a client last year that taught me a valuable lesson in communication. We were working on a project with a killer deadline and a lot at stake for my client. I had been working on the deliverables non-stop through all kinds of IT issues and creative work arounds to ensure the eLearning would be effective, interactive, on-time, and make my client look awesome. We had a project check-in on a
  19. @learningpath


    The #meToo movement moved me to create a course addressing gender equity. Companies often flee to sexual harassment training when gender roles, stereotypes, masculine codes, history, implicit bias and empowerment to stop harassment and inequity is what's really needed.Women will soon be the predominate demographic in the workplace and leadership is essential to your Companies future. You can't legislate fairness. Empower your culture to lead inclusively. Join us on the Learning Path!Take the

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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