1. kenny1352

    Tinkering is over . . . Lame!

    I can’t believe how fast the semester went, but it is over now. I wish I could have spent more time on my projects for this class, though now I have more time to start on other maker projects like this one or maybe trying to build a full scale R2-D2.  Well I want to thank […]
  2. kenny1352

    It’s Alive!

    Well it’s not technically live seeing that it is a ukulele, but you get the general idea. It’s finished now but after my post last night I ended up going to two music stores to get the strings and tuners that it need as well as Lowes for some hinges to add onto one end. […]
  3. kenny1352

    Almost there!

    I have been working for a while on this cardboard project. I’m trying to make a ukulele out of cardboard, and I have made some pretty good progress on the project. I started out by cutting out the pieces for the body of the instrument and glue them together. From there I went on to […]
  4. jaimeec

    With My Morning Coffee 08.26.2015


    With My Morning Coffee, I Read…. Ashley, you’ve been naughty Ashley Madison seems to be having a bad week, first came to the scandal of names being released, dragging down Josh Duggar with them, now comes news of a hidden sexual harassment case and oh lets not forget that the CEO knew about the security flaws. Maybe next time Ashley Madison can take a cue from Hillary Clinton. You’re not yourself lately China. It seems that China’s stock market has been feeling under the weather for the past few months, things turned for the worse at the beginning of the week, but it look like China’s  market week just went from really bad to worse, so bad that the central bank had to step in… oh ah here comes trouble. The recession is so 2008. Speaking of stock markets, America is currently having a bad week. After going down 2000 points American’s everywhere stared at their stock in complete shock, as the numbers plumage, just when the Feds thought that America was ready for interest rates to be raised, the stock market decided to ditch out and rain on the parade, what does this mean for America? Looks like 2008 is making a major comeback and not in a good way, Boys will be Boys It seems that the people at ESPN never learn, Curt Schilling the former baseball star and ESPN commentator decided that yesterday […]

    The post With My Morning Coffee 08.26.2015 appeared first on Black Book Notes.

  5. jappolack

    OH Fall Into DS106 Week 1

    The University of Mary Washington’s Digital Knowledge Center provides peer tutoring to all University students on digital projects and assignments. Students can schedule 50 minute, one-one-one tutorials with a trained peer tutor on any DS106 related projects.  Click Here to set up an appointment. Below is a detailed list of what’s to be completed this week. Review […]
  6. jaimeec

    With my morning coffee


    Just a few things that I read up on with my morning coffee.   Colorado Vs. The Baker On Thursday, the Colorado appeals court ruled again a Lakewood baker for refusing to make a same-sex couple a cake for their wedding. Details: Three years ago, the baker was approached by couple Charlie Craig and David Mullins with a request to have a cake made for their wedding. The baker Jack Phillips refused, citing it was against his Christian values. Three years later the Colorado Appeals Court ruled that Phillips actions were discrimination. This comes months after the supreme court ruled in favor of same-sex marriage. While the battle may be won, the war is not over, Phillips plan’s to appeal the ruling stating that the courts violated his 1st amendment rights. G is for Google On Monday, google announced its new parent company Alphabet Details: Google one of the world’s most valuables brands is making some changes. On Monday, it was announced that some corporate restructuring was happening in the walls of google. The outcome? Google’s new parent company alphabet. The company will a parent company for smaller companies including the infamous google which will continue to focus on internet products. While android, youtube, search and ads will remain part of google inc. Under companies under Alphabet include: Calico Nest Google Ventures Google X Fiber Google Captial Why the change? A couple of theories have been […]

    The post With my morning coffee appeared first on Black Book Notes.

  7. jaimeec

    When it hits


    you didn’t realize it would hit this fast, but it did. you’re standing under the street lights the same ones that use to excite you. The faces are different, but they are the same. The shots are watered down, your throat is dry the world around you in spending. The dress to tight, the heels too high. You knew it would hit you eventually, you didn’t realize it would hit this soon, in this place. The place where everyone comes to escape you didn’t anticipate that it would welcome it with open arms. You’re searching for your phone, time is creeping by slowly so are the faces in the crowd the laughter in the air, the thrills, the yells and the music that pumps through the speaks too loud, you want to escape the place, where everyone came to escape. The time hits, the time to go home your hair is a mess, your makeup is smeared you’re suddenly sober, you feel rejuvenated not the night but from the new feeling that you feel, you’re not some lost girl chasing for the word beautiful anymore, especially not from boys who are only interested in exploiting that, you’re you and you feel good. every lump, every bulge of fat that you use to hate, your thighs that rub together, no longer matter. you don’t need that shit anymore and you just realized how amazing it feels when it finally hits. […]

    The post When it hits appeared first on Black Book Notes.

  8. jaimeec

    One Year Later…


    The sense that in a country where one of our basic principles, perhaps the most important principle is equality under the law, that too many individuals particularly young people of color, do not feel as if they are being treated fairly
    -President Obama 09-14-2014

    The post One Year Later… appeared first on Black Book Notes.

  9. jaimeec


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam efficitur suscipit nibh, nec convallis lectus imperdiet vel. Pellentesque suscipit mauris vel enim pharetra tincidunt. Aenean nunc ex, suscipit sit amet leo eu, commodo laoreet lacus. Quisque et laoreet mauris. Etiam faucibus vel elit at pulvinar. Fusce ut pretium diam, ac facilisis libero. Nunc leo nulla, […]
  10. kenny1352

    Week 5 Weekly Summary

      Final Project: http://www.jameskcampbell.com/hey_whats_that/esrever-ni-sgniht-od-ylno-nac-eh-he-can-only-do-things-in-reverse http://www.jameskcampbell.com/hey_whats_that/the-making-of-the-reverse-man/ Assignments Created:   Tutorials: http...
  11. kenny13

    The Making of the Reverse Man

    Well I hoped you enjoyed the story of Paul the Reverse Man, well now Paul the Warped Vision Man.  This section is for me to give you a brief overview of how I created this story. 1. Came up with the subject for the story (Reverse Man) 2. Thought about what type of things I […]
  12. christinerubel

    Week 5 Summery

    This week was probably my favorite week. I’ve enjoyed this course and learned a lot from CPSC106. This week was our final week. We completed our final project and other projects. Everything went smoothly thankfully. The only difficulty I had was trying to think of what I should do for my Tutorial. I feel that […]
  13. christinerubel

    Final Project: Swarley the Missing Dinosaur

    Once upon a time there was a little dinosaur named Swarley. One day when he was going for a walk in the woods with his parents, he suddenly fell down a hill while his parents weren’t looking! Swarley got knocked unconscious. His parents searched and yelled for him but poor Swarley couldn’t answer. When Swarley […]
  14. christinerubel

    Week 5 Summery

    This week was probably my favorite week. I’ve enjoyed this course and learned a lot from CPSC106. This week was our final week. We completed our final project and other projects. Everything went smoothly thankfully. The only difficulty I had was trying to think of what I should do for my Tutorial. I feel that […]
  15. tsfairbank

    Weekly Summary #5

    Week 5 Summary: Wow! I can’t believe I’m actually done with this course! I feel like I completed both the final project and the second tutorial very well. Nothing really gave me trouble this week other than the fact it was shorter. I really enjoyed the final project. Most of it was true but a […]
  16. christinerubel

    Video for Week 5

    This video is of Swarley’s late night walk on his first night separated from his parents. I made this one night walking around my apartment. I recorded a few videos on my phone then uploaded it onto my computer using a cable. Next I used Window’s Movie Maker to compile all the videos and add […]
  17. tsfairbank

    LeBron James Story

    Once upon a time a senior in high school from Akron, Ohio got drafted number one overall to his favorite NBA team the Cleveland Cavaliers. He was considered the savior of the franchise. People from Cleveland considered him the chosen one to finally bring Cleveland a championship. His first years in the league he really […]
  18. christinerubel

    Audio for Week 5

    When Swarley was listening to the radio, he heard this Missing Report broadcast from his parents Rosie and Frankie. He became very excited when he heard that his parents were looking for him. Voice00007 I recorded this on my phone’s Voice Recorder app. The voices were of my fiance and I. I then downloaded it onto […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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