1. djacks21

    Musicless Music Video

    This was another fun one for me–music videos can be some of the strangest films, even when the actual music is playing. Just like the actual song, a music video is often a piece of art and an artist’s expression in and of itself. That’s why I like this assignment so much. It lets me […]
  2. djacks21

    Do The Hitch Cut!

    I gave this one a shot because I just think there are endless possibilities. This technique, as Alfred Hitchcock describes, is a way to use editing to change the emotion of a scene. As he describes, the same reaction can appear very differently depending on what you cut to/from. For my example, I found three […]
  3. djacks21

    Look, Listen, Analyze!

    For this blog, I chose to watch a clip from one of my favorite movies–Ocean’s 12 (the first one was better, but I still love this scene!). This particular scene is great because it is a perfect demonstration of why I love these movies so much. The on-screen chemistry between George Clooney and Brad Pitt […]
  4. djacks21

    Reading Movies

    When I was in college, I took a couple film classes. While I enjoy occasionally going to the movies, I certainly never considered myself a film buff. I enjoy the action, the comedy, the emotions of film, but I didn’t realize how little I appreciated those things until I took those classes. Learning how to […]
  5. ctwilker

    I may just go to Hollywood after all!

    Weekly Summary Checklist The last 2.5 weeks have been crazy when you think about all we had to do and what we did as a class. I finished final week off with some computer issues but finally got it all under control and finished all the assignments. From other posts I was not alone but […]
  6. ctwilker

    My new friend! Thanks Westin Hotels.

    For this two week segment you should complete two more ds106 video assignments, each should be posted to your blog, appropriately tagged and categorized. All videos should have an opening and closing title/credits sequence. For the second assignment I was looking around the possible items and came across the one that requires you to use […]
  7. ctwilker

    And I Am Telling You I’m Not Going without my NUTS!

    For this two week segment you should complete two more ds106 video assignments, each should be posted to your blog, appropriately tagged and categorized. All videos should have an opening and closing title/credits sequence. I was trying to think what assignments to do this week that would make me laugh and be interesting to make. […]
  8. ctwilker

    Charlie the Animal Whisper!

    Write up a blog post embedding your new version of the story. Explain where the idea came from, and include reference URLs for all media you used. Also include a screen shot of your video editing interface. I knew this assignment would be challenging and it lived up to it. Talk about using all we […]
  9. cbedross1

    Weekly Summary: Project Recap

    My final project revolves around storifying the instructions from IKEA. I first introduced this idea back in week 4 and received a lot of good, useful feedback. Just a few weeks prior to first introducing this idea, I purchased a bed frame from IKEA and had a great deal of trouble constructing it. I eventually […]
  10. cbedross1

    IKEA Instructions – From Irritating to….Encouraging?

    Chris is an intelligent man, a professional engineer excellent with tools and carpentry work, and savvy when it comes to thinking dynamically. He has an impressive resume with constructing things, from a 500 sq/ft tree house 50 feet up; to the most beautiful wine cellars in the villas of Tuscany, Italy. He doesn’t shy away […]
  11. ctwilker

    There are a lot of people telling stories!

    Write another blog post summarizing what you saw in other students’ project ideas or what suggestions you made that focused on adding the story element. I was glad to get a break from coming up with story ideas for the final project and instead helping comment on others. I honestly wasn’t sure I could come […]
  12. kkarras2014

    Going Hollywood

    This week I learned how to “read” movies and got some insight on editing movies from a movie-maker’s perspective. It all started with a quote from Roger Ebert’s article “How to Read a Movie.” Although sitting through a movie shot-by-shot sounds … Continue reading
  13. acruz12

    Lucky Number Sleven…

    I’m not talking about the movie, but rather the merger of weeks 6 & 7 that seem to have gotten the best of me in a good and less-then-good way.  I didn’t underestimate the time it would take to edit a movie, I had done so years back with Windows Movie Maker (in the XP […]
  14. djacks21

    Storified and Non-Storified Content: Week 5

    For this week’s assignment, I decided to go in a little bit of a different direction. In past weeks, I came up with ideas that were more process oriented (i.e. my pedalboard example). However, this week I decided to come up with something a little more conceptual which I think ultimately lends itself better to […]
  15. acruz12

    Lock, Stock, And some Ron Burgundy

    For this Video Assignment, I decided to go with Why So Serious and bring back an old favorite of mine, Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking barrels and dub over words from Ron Burgundy.  I chose this scene because its a pretty serious scene about bluffing a Desert Eagle with replica guns.  I chose Ron Burgundy […]
  16. acruz12

    It’s Not You, It’s Me…

    For one of this week’s Video Assignments, I chose to Tell a Story without Dialogue.  The title of the story is “It’s not you, it’s me” named after the dreaded line that any guy or gal loathes to hear on the other end of a phone line or an awkward coffee table.  A more recent […]
  17. kkarras2014

    Mean Notebook

    For the Why So Serious assignment I decided to mash up two of my favorite Rachael McAdams movies, The Notebook and Mean Girls. I thought this juxtaposition would be interesting because Rachael plays such different characters in these two movies. Her … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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