1. @type217

    Group Artwork Reflection

    Our group was very inspired by a lot of artworks that looked similar to this, but we made our own ephemeral art and made the artwork out of nature, pebbles and a piece of cement in the background. Our group thought this artwork would represent our school by working together (all the rocks were close together to each other and in a rhythmic pattern) and the rocks represent no matter what size you are or what the people look like...

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  2. @type217

    IFTS CENTRAL COAST 2016-12-06 06:13:49

    kArt reflection statement  We made football pitches out of sticks and photoshopped it into Google world to demonstrate that we have that we football pitches at our school and we created the pitches out of resources outside our class room. Group: Saxon.P, Kian.G, Jeremy.W, Ben.M, Jordan.W    My three things I created that had to be related to school was IFTS made out of sticks, a ball that has IFS on it and I made a football pitch out sticks...

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  3. @type217

    Empheral Artwork understanding

    Empeheral Artwork started millions and millions of years ago and just started become well known these days. Millions of years ago emphereal Artwork would be carving into a stone cave or using nature to give directions to fellow tribal members. Very well known artists of empheral art are Andy Goldsworthy who most famously paint (picture 1), Agnes Denes who is well known for (picture 2) and the third and final most well known empeheral artist is actually a group known...

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  4. @type217

    Visual Art photo

    This photo to me shows that in football this sport isn’t just for White people, it is for everyone,(black, white, olive). It doesn’t matter if your black or white everyone should be equal so that means don’t be selfish and be like football is for white people, because this sport is multi cultural.
  5. @type217

    Our group ephemeral artwork 

    In art we had to make a big ephemeral artwork in groups, in my group it was Shelley, Ella, Ashleigh and myself. We decided on an artwork that connects all different individuals skin tone. We crushed different coloured rocks to make the colour sand we needed, then formed then into hand shapes and connected them all together with sticks. We then put a football in the middle, this shows how we are are all connected and football in a world...

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  6. @type217

    Reflection for the final artwork

    The way we had decided on this final was that we had just tried to put all of our three Artworks each together to make one final result,and we found that it was a really good result he had gotten from putting them all together.The Leaves represent the nature and trees.The rocks represent the land around us that we walk on everyday of our lives.This is what our final result was made of,Leaves,rocks and a circular formation to create the...

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  7. @type217

    Final artwork assessment (emphereal art)

    By Oscar Finch The main process my group and I used was that Jay would go and find the twigs we needed, Henry would then break them into pieces and drop them on the ground, then Hayden passed them to me and I would place them into the right position. In my opinion we worked together at an intermediate level, this was because there were a few arguments about how the twigs were being placed and how the overall finished...

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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