1. @sylvanrobert1

    My Response to: “The Intelligence of Emotions: Philosopher Martha Nussbaum on How Storytelling Rewires US and Why Befriending Our Neediness Is Essential for Happiness”

    This week I couldn’t resist focusing on emotions and truth. These two issues boiled to the surface due to the recent heated debates concerning false news, whatever that means, and the harm which is done by those producing it; that is those who sacrifice the truth in order to make a point and or a ... [Read more...]
  2. @sylvanrobert1

    Digital Story Response No. 11: “Ghost Dance”

    While searching the StoryCenter’s YouTube channel for recently uploaded digital stories I encountered “Ghost Dance.” Early into watching Tommy Orange’s digital story I connected it with Dee Brown’s (1971) seminal book “Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: An Indian History of the American West”  which is credited with exposing “some” of the systematic destruction of ... [Read more...]
  3. @mattiak11

    Reading Response Week 11/17/16

    http://gettingsmart.com/2016/01/6-reasons-you-should-be-doing-digital-storytelling-with-your-students/ Digital storytelling to me is clearly a tool that can be used in the classroom for nearly any audience. Adult learners in a corporate environment are the audience that I interact with. The article ‘6 Reasons You Should Be Doing Digital Storytelling With Your Students’ by Anna Warfield touches on the value of digital&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  4. @mattiak11

    Digital Story Critique 11/17/16

    Johnnie Walker – The Man Who Walked Around The World https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnSIp76CvUI Many companies use digital storytelling to inform us about whom they are and the products they provide. Johnny Walker has a very engaging digital story that informs us of the birth of a product that has become recognized all around the world. This production,&ellipsis;Read the full post »
  5. @boylebou12

    Week 13 Response to a piece of selected scholarship: Digital Storytelling Finds Its Place in the Classroom.(Updated)

    Even though this article Digital Storytelling Finds Its  Place in the Classroom is not the most up-to-date one  we can find talking about Digital  Storytelling I chose to read and respond to it because of the fact that it was written by a teacher and is geared towards the use of Digital Storytelling in the… Continue reading Week 13 Response to a piece of selected scholarship: Digital Storytelling Finds Its Place in the Classroom.(Updated)
  6. @edtech4sped


    How to Unlock Your (and Your Student's) Innovative Mindset “We need to move beyond the idea that an education is something that is provided for us and toward the idea that an education is something that we create for ourselves.”                                                                       & ...
  7. @thepadilash

    For Taffy

    This week I viewed a video on Story Center called “Taffy.” The author, Shedrick Wicks tells a story of love and companionship. After moving to Denver, Wicks found himself to be lonely and ended up adopting a cat named Taffy. The story is endearing and the viewer can’t help but root for the duo. I … Continue reading "For Taffy"
  8. @dms36963

    Grassroot Soccer – The beautiful game changing lives through healthy living

    This week I’m actually showcasing two digital stories, both part of Grassroot Soccer, an adolescent health organization in Africa.  The first story is David’s Story – about a young man in Zambia who uses soccer as a way to share his story of AIDS and the hardships it brought to his family.   The other … Continue reading Grassroot Soccer – The beautiful game changing lives through healthy living
  9. @louikon

    Scholarship review – Week 13

    As I keep exploring how to implement digital storytelling across the curriculum, I came across the article of Bernajean Porter Digital Storytelling Across the Curriculum, Finding content’s deeper meaning which analyzes, how digital storytelling has been “rediscovered”, since it helps us with making sense of the endless information we receive and process every day. According […]
  10. @louikon

    Digital Story Critique – Week 13

    The story I chose for this week’s digital critique is titled “Heather”. Heather receives assistive technology (AT) services from Equipment and Assistive Technology Initiative (EATI), and explains the benefits of using assistive technology services and devices, as well as the benefits of participating in the EATI program and the difference it made in her life. […]
  11. @AceInquisitor

    Scholarship Review: Character Interview

    The Write Practice website is filled with a plethora of helpful articles and interesting exercises for writers. As I am in the middle of National Novel Writing Month, I found one particular article very useful early on. Joe Bunting wrote an article titled “35 Questions to Ask Your Characters From Marcel Proust”.  Marcel Proust was … Continue reading Scholarship Review: Character Interview
  12. @edtech4sped

    When Did You Know?

    Growing Up Transgender​Assigned the designation of female at birth, Gabe knew from an early age that he was a boy. In this touching story, Gabe and Chris Lopez recollect the moment that Gabe discovered he was transgender and his struggle to tell his mother, Chris, that he was not the daughter that she thought he was. Ultimately, Gabe and Chris's story is one of love, self-identity, tolerance, and bravery. In the wake of the election of Donald Trump and the resulting fear running rampant t ...
  13. @thepadilash

    Story Board

    There is a strong possibility I am behind on the creation of my digital story, but I have just now settled on a focus. I know, I know, I’ve had weeks to figure this out. I’ve truly been struggling with my chosen theme and had a bit of an epiphany last week. My true focus … Continue reading "Story Board"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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