1. @shealanclark

    Final Project

    For this project I decided to go with option one. I really enjoyed making that mini-documentary and wanted to try my hand at it again. It took me about a week to finally figure out who or want I wanted the documentary to be about. I remembered a conversation I had with my professor about … Continue reading Final Project
  2. @gannon1980s

    Daily Create Support

    I created some prompts for Daily Creates. I made: Food Paste: What food would be your favorite if all food was in paste form? Last Meal: If you got to pick your last meal, what would it be? Holiday Tradition: What is a holiday tradition that you have? You’re an Animal: If you could be […]
  3. @gannon1980s

    Final Project

    This is my final project! Pastee-Freez! The name is a twist on the restaurant chain called Tastee-Freez. Pastee-Freez is a paste based restaurant chain. For my project I created a series of GIFs that are over on my Twitter along with a tweet with the company logo. I created my GIFs using Giphy and I […]
  4. @gannon1980s

    Week 12 – Mini Documentary

    This week I was tasked with creating a mini documentary. For my interview I got in contact with a friend of mine who knows someone who has just become an ambassador for the college of education at Kansas State University in Manhattan, KS. She was glad to help me with this assignment and share what […]
  5. @gannon1980s

    Week 9 – Video

    This week of tasks was pretty simple. The planning of my mini documentary is going pretty well and I think it will turn out well. The video assignments this week were a good refresher on video editing and worked well to help familiarize me with new video editing software. Overall, this week went well. Mini […]
  6. @gannon1980s

    Mini Documentary Progress

    This week I have been tasked with creating a mini documentary. So far I have found my subject and have scheduled to meet with them. I am currently working on compiling questions to ask them during the interview. I think the project will turn out well.
  7. @gannon1980s

    ds106 Video Assignments

    This week I was tasked with completing two assignment in the ds106 assignment bank. One of them had to be HitchCut and the other assignment was my choice. Here’s my HitchCut Videos: https://vimeo.com/user102502096/review/371272290/86040112...
  8. @Michael63961786

    Radio show

    For the radio show I edited an interview with Steve Jobs and David Burnham from 1981 about computers and their role in the future. I chose this interview because I found it interesting how people viewed computers back then and that we still have the a lot of the same concerns about them today.I inserted […]
  9. @gannon1980s

    Week 8 – Radio Show

    This week went pretty well I think. I put together a commercial mashup from the 80s to include in the class radio show and responded to some daily creates on Twitter. Radio Show Progress Post: https://gannonradenberg.home.blog/2019/10/22/radio-show...
  10. @shealanclark

    Radio News

    This week I decided that for my 5 minutes of the radio show I’d do a news piece on “current” events and trends in 1986. We are not doing a certain year, but I figured I’d just focus on one year since it’s a news bit. In order to find the topics, I decided to … Continue reading Radio News
  11. @gannon1980s

    Week 7 – Online Radio Show

    This week was a time consuming one. Me and the rest of the class are getting ready to put together an online radio show. Along with starting the work on the radio show we were also tasked with creating a poster or graphic for the show and completing a few audio assignments. Audio editing is […]
  12. @gannon1980s

    Radio Show Progress

    For the radio show, the members of the class have been working using Microsoft Teams. Using this app we can easily communicate and share our progress. We have thrown around a few ideas of how to create the show but we haven’t decided on the way we’re going to do it. Personally, I have created […]
  13. @gannon1980s

    ds106 Radio Show Poster

    One of the objectives for this week was to create some sort of poster or graphic to go along with the radio we’re working on. I created this poster using a background that represents some of the colors and patterns that the 80s are known for. I also added in some colored text to add […]
  14. @shealanclark

    1980’s Soda Commercial

    For the radio show I decided to make an 80’s themed soda commercial. I decided it would be best to just make a fictional one. I looked up popular 80’s slang and chose to go with Chill Bomb Soda for the name of the product. #ds106 # Aud...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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