1. @KatSlech


    I interviewed Sebastian Foster and asked him to tell me about an event in his life. He talked to me about when he signed up for the army and about boot camp.  
  2. @jayce_hovis

    Lab 9

    Jayce Hovis­ 12-15-17 Objectives: My objective was to make a network and than fix it after someone messes it up. Equipment List: – 3 Computers – 2 Routers – 3 Switches – And a bunch of Cables Notes And Observations: You can do this in a group or do this by yourself, just make sure... Continue Reading →
  3. @KatSlech

    Final Project

    I decided to create my own, and with this I kinda wanted to emphasize the animals that get left out in the cold over the winter. My biggest thing over this is that if it’s too cold for you to be outside, then it’s too cold for them. Bring your pets inside over the winter. … More Final Project
  4. @jayce_hovis

    Designing A Logo

    I decided to design a Logo and this is what I came up with. Everything was made by me and/or CC0, in which means i was able to re-modify and use it. The Black vine and Red roses would be the Logo Stamp. While Rose Industries would be the name.
  5. @KatSlech

    Learning reflection week 14

    During the week of Hardware and Network fundamentals we built a network with computers, hubs, switches, and routers. We then wired all together to create one big network. Since we used the cables, it would be considered a LAN network instead of a WAN. ...
  6. @KatSlech

    Lab 8 Packet sniffing

    Objectives:  Our objective for this lab is to browse a webpage, do a file transfer to an FTP server, test the connectivity to a host with Ping, and acquire a network address with DHCP.  We captured packets while using Wireshark, which is divided into three panes.  The top pane displays a list of packets, the … More Lab 8 Packet sniffing
  7. @KatSlech


    To complete an assignment in the assignment bank, you go to the web page, there’s a list of assignments that you can complete to meet the requirements that your teacher has provided for you. You can go in and choose which assignment you want to do and add up the stars, then attach it to … More Mashup/Remixes
  8. @jayce_hovis

    Summary 9

    Assignment Bank 15: Superhuman in Everyday Life I made a Tutorial over this one, if you want to see it go ahead and check out the original blog. I had to show what Superpower I wanted as well as show it in action via images. I decided to explain it in a tutorial this time.... Continue Reading →
  9. @jayce_hovis

    Learning Reflection 14

    This week of Hardware and Network Fundamentals we built an entire network with routers, switches, and computers. We than proceed to develop a network and process a LAN network, this network was a LAN network only because it was restricted by cables, but if it was wireless it would of been WAN. LAN stands for... Continue Reading →
  10. @jayce_hovis

    Assignment Bank 15 #DS106 (4 Star)

    I did “Superhuman in Everyday Life” Mashup Assignment. Summary: I had to use Adobe Photoshop and mix 2 images together by showing what I wanted my superpower to be. It’s close but I can’t really show invisibility through images now can I. So Super Jump/Leap it is! I didn’t choose fly because it’s so overrated... Continue Reading →
  11. @jayce_hovis

    Lab 8

    Jayce Hovis­ 11-29-17 Objectives: My objective was to create a video that was cut well and edited well, with all criteria made. Equipment List: – Computer – Video Editing Software – To understand Copyright – YouTube Account Notes And Observations: We went to this link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFkI9FzzkII, we than downloaded that video and were supposed to... Continue Reading →
  12. @jayce_hovis

    Summary 8

    Assignment Bank 12: One Archetype, Five Movies, Five Seconds I just stuck with one movie, because it takes forever to download 5 movies. My movie “Gunslinger” came from YouTube. I used Adobe Premier Pro. I came up with “How many times can you get shot and live” Want to see the original blog post —> https://jaycehovis.com/2017/11/06/assignment-bank-12-ds106-4-stars/... Continue Reading →
  13. @jayce_hovis

    Learning Reflection 13

    This week of Hardware and Network Fundamentals we finished talking about Routers, Hubs, Switches, and Subnet Mask. We are to make a video about a certain subject while following copyright laws so we can post it on YouTube. It must be 2-4 minutes long as well. My subject being the OSI Model entirety. I went... Continue Reading →

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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