1. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Lab 6

    Ian Reese Lab 6: Web & FTP Servers Lab partner: Jon Objectives: Using Apache and Filezilla, install a webserver, create a homepage, and set up a FTP page for your partner to view and use as a test. Notes and Observations: First we downloaded and started up Apache. Once it was set up, we typed […]
  2. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Lab 5

    Ian Reese Lab 5: Sniffing with Wireshark Objectives: Track packets as they are sent using wireshark to learn about how they are transferred. - Notes and Observations: Browsing a webpage on a server outside of campus: File transfer on FTP server: Testing connection with a ping: Acquiring a network address with DHCP: Downloading a font […]
  3. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Lab 4

    Ian Reese Lab 4: IP Networking Partner: Jon Objectives: Our objective was to create a simple class “C” Network and the configure a router so our class “C” could communicate with a class “B” that another group were doing. Unfortunately we didn’t have the equipment to configure the router so we had to watch our […]
  4. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Blog 5

    This week in Networking we went over our test and talked more about encapsulation. Going to be completely honest with this and say that I didn’t learn anything in this week that I can remember.
  5. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Blog 4

    This week in Networking we only had one day of class and took an Exam that day. I did decent, but felt I could’ve done better if I gave some of the questions a second thought. The one that I got wrong that bothers me the most is question 24.    where it asks what […]
  6. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Lab 3

    Ian Reese Lab 3: OSI Model 3/3/2013 1. If we already had the TCP/IP model, why was the more complicated OSI model created? - 2. What does the abbreviation OSI stand for? Who originated it? When? Open Systems Interconnection. Charles Bachman provided the concept in the 1970′s and it was fully created and incorporated by the […]
  7. Brian Allen

    FDA says walnuts are illegal drugs


    Heres the read on it “Your walnut products are drugs” — and “new drugs” at that — and, therefore, “they may not legally be marketed … in the United States without an approved new drug application.” The agency even threatened Diamond with “seizure” if it failed to comply.   I made a pointless meme   The End

  8. Brian Allen

    K-State Salina Library PSA – Planning #1


    During the course of this semester, The Digital Media Project class is doing a  few video projects. Our current project is a PSA, which is limited to 30 seconds. My chosen topic is Library Services. I thought it would be something I should do because I work for the K-State Salina Library. When I did my initial brainstorming, my first thought was “Lets do a...

  9. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Blog 2

    This week I learned about Networking hardware and the OSI Model. A lot of the terms that were talked about in the Networking hardware lecture I had already heard of or even knew, but overall I learned a lot and had it put all together. Combined with the OSI Model lecture I got a grasp ...
  10. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Lab 2

    Ian Reese Lab 2: Network Cables 2/17/2013 Objectives: Make a straight-through cable and crossover cable as well as wire a patch panel. Equipment List: 3 foot length CAT5 UTP, RJ-45 connectors, Patch panel,  Wire Stripper, Punch down tool, Scissors, and Crimping tool Notes and Observations: I thought this lab was really straight forward and going […]
  11. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Blog 1

    This week we learned about Networking and Electricity. I enjoy physics, so I already knew a lot of the information over electricity. It did refresh my memory on them and I learnt a few new things, like that resistance is measured in Ohms. As for Networking I did learn a lot more, like the different ...
  12. Ian Reese

    Net 1 Lab 1

    Ian Reese Lab 1: Setting up a homepage 2/10/2013 Objective: Make a webpage to prepare for the lab reports and blogs we will be doing, contribute to the Networking Wiki, and join the Diigo group. Conclusion: I already had this homepage made, so that part was easy. I added some notes to my assigned topic of “What ...
  13. Jeff Grant Sr

    Working Digitally Clips

    Working Digitally Graphic Designers Graphic designers create visual concepts, by hand or using computer software, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, or captivate consumers. They help to make an organization recognizable by selecting color, images, or logo designs that represent a particular idea or identity to be used in advertising and promotions. Most of these […]
  14. Jeff Grant Sr

    Working Digital Lit Review

    Jeff Grant Sr. Working Digital Lit Review                            To be…or not to be…a freelance graphic designer  While compiling this list of graphic designers (most of which are freelance)  I was drawn into their “world” and became excited in the prospect of being “one of them”. I didn’t simply just copy and paste these designers URL’s […]
  15. Kelly Carpenter

    State of Now Conference

    Our Digital Media II class went to the State of Now 140 conference in Hutchinson, KS.  The conference was essentially about digital media and how it plays a role in small towns.  Our class was there running some video cameras and a telecaster.  I got to work with the telecaster that day for the first […]
  16. Brian Allen

    Five good reasons why blogging is important


    Attention customers, our store is closing in ten minutes. Have you ever gotten that intercom message during your weekday trip to the store while grabbing milk and bread? Some people still don’t have 24/7 service, and it’s a typical thing in smaller towns – 7pm or 10pm – its quiting time. So how does this mambo-jumbo talk relates to our first...

  17. Brian Allen

    Heartwarming experience at State of NOW #SmallTown2012 reflects as a speaker and attendee


    The human element in IRL social networking surpasses all electronic communications   -Brian Allen- Last week, I attended the State of Now SmallTown2012 conference and all I can say at this point is overwhelming. Last year, I attend this and loved how I was able to interact with many people with different walks of life, but this year I was accepted to be a...

  18. Brian Allen

    Interviewing Questions for people who work digitally as a Pro Blogger #DigitalMedia


    For the Digital Media II course, I am asked to create a outline/draft for my digital media video that relates to “Working Digitally”. If you have questions that I should include, leave a comment that could help me!    Things I thought about using/may use • Recorded interview with Becky McCray (she co-published a book Small Town Rules and currently...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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