1. dlarabie106

    What is Art?

    I want to devote an entire entry to the question of “what is art” instead of putting it all together with the other things required in the weekly summary. It was also suggested that we create art in to explain what we believe art is. Writing is my art of choice so consider this to […]
  2. mfieldswriter

    From the Forest

    Claire woke with her heart pounding. She’d had the same, damn dream again, the one with a massive owl flying in a misty forest, and her stuck in a dress like a blueberry meringue. This was the third month of waking abruptly from that image; it was unnerving. She slipped out of bed, careful not to […]
  3. paul bond

    Radio Bava

    A while back I was looking through Youtube to see if anyone had done a fan video mash up of Mario Bava’s Black Sabbath and Black Sabbath’s Black Sabbath from the Black Sabbath album. I couldn’t find one – maybe it’s too obvious. Then … Continue reading
  4. paul bond

    / / / / /

    I saw Todd Conaway’s assignment to make a poem of Twilight Zone titles. At first I tried pulling out titles that rhymed, to see if I could put them together into something that resembled a poem. Then I thought that would … Continue reading
  5. paul bond

    Tie Game

    About a week ago I ran across some interestingways to knot a tie, and I’ve been trying without success to do one of the knots. So it was a fortuitous coincidence that I saw the list of Youtube Film Noir Features in … Continue reading

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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