1. Ben Rimes

    39,880 Free Visual Writing Prompts

    It’s conference season. The time between Christmas Break and Spring Break can be tortuously long for teachers and students. Snow days are cheered, three-day weekends dot the calendar, and state conferences for teachers help break up the monotony of one of the longest stretch of instructional days in the school-year calendar. So in the spirit […]
  2. Ben Rimes

    39,880 Free Visual Writing Prompts

    It’s conference season. The time between Christmas Break and Spring Break can be tortuously long for teachers and students. Snow days are cheered, three-day weekends dot the calendar, and state conferences for teachers help break up the monotony of one of the longest stretch of instructional days in the school-year calendar. So in the spirit […]
  3. Ben Rimes

    Exaggerated Yelp Reviews as Writing Prompts

    A conversation with a colleague today got me thinking about engagement. Or rather disengagement of staff and students. It’s a pretty solid and straight forward framework for the continuous improvement of instruction. However, it also happens to be a framework that can feel like an assembly line at times. Prepare instruction, deliver instruction, deliver assessment, […]
  4. Ben Rimes

    Exaggerated Yelp Reviews as Writing Prompts

    A conversation with a colleague today got me thinking about engagement. Or rather disengagement of staff and students. It’s a pretty solid and straight forward framework for the continuous improvement of instruction. However, it also happens to be a framework that can feel like an assembly line at times. Prepare instruction, deliver instruction, deliver assessment, […]
  5. Ben Rimes

    Be Gold

    Gold is one of the most malleable metals on the face of the earth. It’s so ductile, a single ounce can be turned into thread 5 miles long. It conducts heat, electricity, and is found in leaves, the ocean, and even within the human body. In its purest form, it can be molded by hand, […]
  6. Ben Rimes

    Be Gold

    Gold is one of the most malleable metals on the face of the earth. It’s so ductile, a single ounce can be turned into thread 5 miles long. It conducts heat, electricity, and is found in leaves, the ocean, and even within the human body. In its purest form, it can be molded by hand, […]
  7. Ben Rimes

    Be Gold

    Gold is one of the most malleable metals on the face of the earth. It’s so ductile, a single ounce can be turned into thread 5 miles long. It conducts heat, electricity, and is found in leaves, the ocean, and even within the human body. In its purest form, it can be molded by hand, […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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