1. tyowell

    Portfolio Program

    The ASWB Social Work Portfolio Program is the name for the new and improved Social Work Registry What is it? A repository that ASWB offers Stores all important credentials such as: Transcripts Employment History Continuing Education Certificates License Verifications References Why should I join? FREE with enrollment of the ASWB exam  ASWB sends all information for licensure […]
  2. tyowell


    First, you must be approved by your state, province or territory before you can register for the exam. After you have been approved you can register online or by phone. FEES Bachelors or Masters Exam – $230 Advanced Generalist or Clinical – $260  
  3. tyowell

    ASWB Mission

    To strengthen protection of the public by providing support and services to the social work regulatory community to advance safe, competent and ethical practices
  4. tyowell

    Social Work Portfolio Program

    The ASWB Social Work Portfolio Program is the name for the new and improved Social Work Registry What is it? A repository that ASWB offers Stores all important credentials such as: Transcripts Employment History Continuing Education Certificates License Verifications References Why should I join? FREE with enrollment of the ASWB exam  ASWB sends all information for licensure […]
  5. jsteward

    Digital Identity: The Reprise

    Here is the text to my first Digital Identity write up. Well! If I search myself up now, here is what appears: So, not entirely riveting. Apparently there is someone out there with my same name who is a much more interesting track star. But, I don’t mind! I’d still say I’m rather active on […]
  6. jsteward

    Entry Level Hipster: Interactive Fiction

    Senior in highschool Jada: I love Neutral Milk Hotel. Freshman in highschool who is Jada’s friend: Oh, you’re an entry level hipster. Junior in college Jada: Inspired by Twitter accounts such as So Sad Today, Guy In Your MFA, and Brooding YA Hero, No matter how short a time we've dated, if I dump you, it […]
  7. jsteward


    The Little Prince: an examination of the value of teaching children’s books to older students The Little Prince : an examination of the value of teaching children&#39s books to older students Jada Steward The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince, in its original language) is a text celebrated by many but is not discussed enough and […]
  8. amaratel

    Week 15 Summary


    Wow it’s the last week of the spring semester!!!! Wasting away the hours in the convergence center, has been the worst and the best. For my final week, I picked up on the work of the Freedom Fighters Agency. Their work was a little confusing, because there was not much to look at it. I had a lot of questions after reading through everything. Which I guess is great for me because it gives me more to work with! Specifically I had a lot of questions about what was on the flash drive? That’s why I decided to work with.

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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