1. dmcleod


    Born: Englewood, NJ Currently Living: Largo, Maryland Parents: Craig McLeod, Yeshiareg Dejene Countries traveled to: Eygypt, Tunisia, Ethiopia, South Africa, France, Germany, Switzerland, Portugal, Italty, UAE Hobbies: Sports (basketball, soccer, baseball), listening to and producing music, writing music, paper airplanes. Favorite Movies: Men in Black, Star Wars, Avengers, Coach Carter, Space Jam, Sixth Man, Triple … Continue reading Bio
  2. dmcleod


    TDC Idea #1 My first idea for a daily create is to record an animal/pet interacting with nature. This could be a pet or an animal in the backyard, even at a zoo. The point is be creative in how you record the animal, how close you are, and what the animal does. This gives … Continue reading #tdcideas
  3. dmcleod


    Assignment Idea #1 My first assignment idea was about creating a poster that calls for the legalisation of any injust law or doctrine within our country that people disagree with. The common examples i used for the poster were marijuana legalisation or gay marriage legalisation but the assignment can be used creatively for the legalisation … Continue reading #assignmentideas
  4. ccotto

    Final Summary

    Final Case Work:  So my final case I’ll be writing to you about takes place in an unfamiliar place… California, more exactly, Los Angeles.  Now I wouldn’t normally under any circumstances travels so far west… heck, you’re lucky if you can drag me out to Poughkeepsie.  But I was persuaded by my employer to do […]
  5. ccotto

    Weekly Summary: 13

    ON THE CASE:  https://vimeo.com/125423627 When a woman from my past who lives in my mind comes to call for my services… the most predictable sequence of events occur.  These do allow me to come to terms with some ghosts I have been to afraid to face and also help me realize a dream I have […]
  6. jcpds106

    Coming to a close – Weekly Update, Week 13

    Well here we are; we completed the case. I’m not saying it was easy, but it was definitely interesting.  There was many parts of this project that I enjoyed, but there was definitely portions that I struggled with. What I enjoyed was the freedom to create whatever we wanted. This allowed me to really exercise […]
  7. ccotto

    Week 12: UPDATE

    Hello all! Great news this week, my private investigator business is official with the introduction of my website. It was not the most simple of tasks to perform, as some of you who know me may be aware of, old Thad here is not the tech wiz in the least.  Funny enough I used a […]
  8. jcpds106

    A whole new angle – Weekly Summary, Week 12

    Well, this has been an… interesting week.  I’m not sure if you know, but Bev and I are on a whole new adventure lately. Our agency has been assigned an investigative case, which isn’t necessarily our speciality, but Bev insisted we take the plunge into this endeavor full force. I agreed because… well it’s hard […]
  9. jcpds106

    Follow our journey

      I’ve been getting really into social media since starting this company with Bev. I decided that it would be cool to showcase the development of our company through a storify post. Bev was  little hesitant at first because she’s always a little concerned about things she doesn’t understand/have full control over, but I insisted […]
  10. jcpds106

    A travel agency? That’s pinteresting

          So Bev and I collaborated on this pinterest board as a way to showcase our company and broaden our customer base. I thought it was a pretty good idea, so I decided to follow Bev’s lead on this. We worked together to pull a bunch of different pictures and ideas to curate the […]
  11. jcpds106

    I’d like to apply please

        So, Bev sent me this assignment earlier to create and upload my resume. I guess she’s decided I need some qualifications in order to work for our new company. I guess I could have fluffed it up a bit, but I think honesty is the best policy, so I just wrote what was […]
  12. jcpds106

    journey into noir 2015-04-03 21:14:12

                Here is a new logo that I made for my and Bev’s new company, Fast Travels, Inc. I’m really excited to get more involved in this venture, and Bev had me focus on creative marketing and design, so I went looking around and decided to use this assignment for inspiration.  […]
  13. ccotto

    Week 10: Video Assignments + The Interview

    Video Work: Since I decided I work best alone, My video assignment this week is to complete 15 stars, a difficult feat, but not impossible.  I thought it’d be cool to see what an avatar would look like talking as me, Thaddeus, so I made one. https://cmcotto.wordpress.com/2015/03/30/week-10-video-assignments-the-interview/ The Interview:   http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=11226359&height=267&width=200 Changeover: https://twitter.com/ChattyThaddy   Is the […]
  14. ccotto

    Week 10: Video Assignments + The Interview

    Video Work: Since I decided I work best alone, My video assignment this week is to complete 15 stars, a difficult feat, but not impossible.  I thought it’d be cool to see what an avatar would look like talking as me, Thaddeus, so I made one. Vintage educational movie: http://youtu.be/uEvQq4t9u84  The Interview:   http://www.voki.com/pickup.php?scid=11226359&height=267&width=200 Changeover: https://twitter.com/ChattyThaddy […]
  15. dmcleod

    Week 10

    Week 10 has been tough. Have not had enough time to stay on track with much of ds106 with the Divest Sit-in taking up so much time. Here’s my week summmary. http://www.basketballsoul.org/uncategorized/finalunitpost/ http://www.basketballsoul.org/uncategorized/tdc1176-ds106/ http://www.basketballsoul.org/uncategorized/commenting-2/
  16. dmcleod


    http://ds106.jnemeth.net/jim-sardic/black-mirror-censored/#comment-95 http://ds106.jnemeth.net/jim-sardic/im-a-bee/#comment-96 http://seeinggainz.com/assignments/my-number-one/#comment-129 http://bchristiansen.com/blog/daily-creates/daily-creates/#comm...
  17. dmcleod

    #tdc1176 #ds106

    This daily create inspired me to write about a friend that i’ve known since freshmen. I wanted to use a personal story that shows how far a conversation with a stranger could. That it could blossom into a friendship that could last a long time. Talk With a Stranger I’ve always been able to handle … Continue reading #tdc1176 #ds106
  18. jcpds106

    Second chances rule – Weekly Summary, Week 10

    Let’s be honest, my video work last week wasn’t great. But, hey, ds106 is about constantly improving and building off what we practice every week. That’s why I’m so glad that I got the chance to do video assignments for another week. I learned a lot last week, and consider that to be sort of […]
  19. jcpds106

    A few questions…

    I organized a meeting with a few people who I thought might be able to help me out and provide a bit of protection, or at least some guidance. I’ve just been so jumpy recently after all my run-ins with Bev and all the things she has told me.. Anyway, I set up this meeting, […]
  20. jcpds106

    Hey, stranger – Daily Create, March 29

    Prompt:  “So when an elderly woman directed a comment at him about all the trash on the street — the kind of thing most of us nod at vaguely and tune out — he engaged. Another student was more impulsive, striking up a conversation with the woman in front of him at a post office. (Surprisingly, it turned out […]
  21. jcpds106

    The final unit

    After much contemplation and discussion, I have decided that for my final unit I will be working with a close friend, Mariah a.k.a. Bev. We’ve already been working together a lot, and I think we will be able to continue telling our characters’ story this way. I’m looking forward to it!
  22. ccotto

    Week 10: Daily Creates

    Monday March 23rd:  Breakfast Selfie – I enjoyed taking the time to play with my food.  They say you are what you eat and this suspicious looking oatmeal really reflects my paranoid mood.  Who knows what the day will bring… but I’ll be waiting and prepared with my protein packed sustenance. Wednesday March 25th: Words […]
  23. jcpds106

    Chasing Damon

        Well, I was returning home from a long day of work the other day (I was taking care of the dogs I walk during the day), and it was fairly dark out. I’m usually not scared in these instances, but something felt eerie this evening. It seemed to me like someone was following […]
  24. jcpds106

    Setting the tone

        For my last video assignment this week, I wanted to do this one because I think it captured a lot of really important aspects of film that we’ve been studying and practicing these past two weeks.  As I worked on my videos, I learned that film and specific scenes have a lot happening in […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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