1. lepps2

    noir to pretty princesses? that’s right

    My cousin is planning on doing a children’s book and asked me to illustrate, so with Groom’s permission I’m doing some concept work for the book! I’m gonna be helping give ideas and input on the characters and story. The idea is that the book will be about a girl (or a trio of sisters) […]
  2. sgrubbs2

    Weeks 12 & 13: Welcome to the Case Files

    This week we'll be taking a big turn in ds106, with each agency being assigned a case to investigate over the next two weeks. You'll have to gather evidence, build a narrative, and share your progress. Don't wait until the end; cases should be evolving and developing regularly between now and 4/19/15.
  3. lepps2

    march and i are not on speaking terms

    Assignments Swede a Scene (worth 4 1/2 but I’m counting it as 5 because of how much work I did. tbh I’d count it as 6 if I could) Bleeping Censor (worth 5 but I’m counting as 4 cause I did a shorter video than it said to) Lyric Video (3 stars) Sound to Visual […]
  4. lepps2

    so i’ve made my descision

    My weekly schedule is too hard to work with since I am now doing student teaching two days a week and then working two more days a week and then homework for other classes and trying to fit in a social life along with what ever crap may pop up (which crap has been doing […]
  5. lepps2

    today’s word of the day is-

    How is this related to Bonnie and Cleo? why cookies are Bonnie’s favorite food, don’tcha know? This is for the bleeping censor assignment and I gotta say it’s pretty great. It’s definitely not the most impressive thing I’ve done this week, but it’s pretty hilarious. There’s just nothing better than children’s characters cursing. or at […]
  6. lepps2

    Sorry i’m not a brunette

    For my character interview with a Mr Jim Groom I elected not to record my face on account of I’m not nearly mysterious looking enough to play cleo. i gotta baby face! i could have done it from bonnie but she’s kind of already a character. cleo is the one that’s really mine. or at […]
  7. lepps2

    hop in your doom buggies y’all

    So there’s this funny little assignment called sound to visual and I figured I’d try it using this audio assignment. All images are of the haunted mansion, which is in disneyland and disney world. I tried to kind of have the pictures be related to what is going on with the audio. So I show […]
  8. sgrubbs2

    Week 11: Dark Web

    This week you all will be required to build out a web presence for your respective agencies . This entails creating the “dark web,” as it were, for Noir 106. While you can do this individually over the next few weeks, it will be far more work to try and do all that is expected alone. We highly recommend you work as part of a group to build out your respective agency sites, but this is not a requirement, just a recommendation.
  9. lepps2

    Killin it with these storyboards

    So I did the “Swede a Scene” assignment, which was o recreate a scene from a movie in any way you could. So since I like to draw, I broke out my wacom tablet and story-boarded a scene from the 1967 Bonnie and Clyde movie, replacing Clyde with Cleo. In all I ended up with 33 frames […]
  10. sgrubbs2

    Week 10: Finishing Video and “Changing Over”

    This week in ds106 we’ll be completing our video unit and beginning the “Changeover” that will take us through the final weeks of the course (don’t worry, we promise this won’t hurt.) Those of you who worked in groups for video during week 1 will be completing your group project; the rest of you will be completing individual video assignments. We have one last remaining video assignment everyone must do. Beyond that, you’ll all be choosing whether to organize into groups or work solo for the rest of the semester, and everyone will switch over to being their character from here on out.
  11. lepps2

    need more creative end of the week titles

    My Posts: Assignments Character Description (4 stars for Bonnie and Cleo) Dear 16 year old me (4 stars) Daily Creates letter to future self artistic blur Radio Show Wrap Up listen in vixen’s ventures psa just cause final thoughts and a comments post I was met with some trouble this week. After I finished the […]
  12. lepps2

    whats up loser?

    wow look at this thing. i did the letter to your 16 year old self assignment i wanted to record myself saying the letter to myself but something’s going funky with the audio on my computer. it only plays a crackling noise and i don’t know whats up but i’m gonna call my dad about […]
  13. lepps2

    cute lesbians kill people and steal stuff

    I took on the character description video assignment. The directions were to take a few clips to describe a character. My one character, Cleo Barrow, wouldn’t be complete without her Bonnie, so I made it a video about both of them. I was inspired by the trailer for the 1967 Bonnie and Clyde movie. Then […]
  14. lepps2

    more comments

    delovelyames on flickr another for amy gouletbytheday trysoccer29 lesyamel lesyamel adventuresofm stephaniebwhite  kendallparker new-ingenue
  15. lepps2

    radio days are over

    I really loved the collaboration aspect of doing the radio shows. It was so great to get to bounce ideas off of others. I think I might have worked harder and thought harder than I would have if I were working on my own because I wanted to keep up with the rest of my […]
  16. lepps2

    radio show listen in

    I listened to Inside Talking tonight and thought it was great! I think working in the sound booth really helped them out. The sound was really clear and there were no distracting background noises. Then they did a “real good” job on their sound effects; it was nothing too over the top, and the audience reactions […]
  17. sgrubbs2

    Week 9: End of Radio, Beginning of Video

    This week we finish up listening to everyone’s radio shows and turn our attention to the next media genre will be exploring: video. We’ll be watching some more films and creating a close reading video essay for one of them. In addition, you’ll be starting to explore the video assignments in the Assignment Bank and continuing your Daily Creates.
  18. lepps2

    my first submitted assignment post!

    For a sketchbook assignment in high school I had to come up with something to do for a free day, and what I made then inspired me to create this assignment! My goal was to practice graphic design without using a computer and putting it in a page of my sketchbook. I was inspired by […]
  19. lepps2

    #teamNOIRpaca #4life

    Week 7 may be over but our team is as #4life as ds106. Wow! this class gets a lot more fun when you get to collaborate with others. I’m glad that week got to do this at the midpoint and not at the very end of the class cause now we have more people to […]
  20. lepps2

    Vixen’s Ventures is on the air!

    Okay it’s pretty great huh? I had a wonderful group! We met up on thursday to record after the script was done. Lesya and Amy voiced their characters, Delia and Cat, and Gyeore voiced my girl Cleo and and did Bonnie. We went over each line a few times to try it different ways and […]
  21. lepps2


    july kinzer  philipdorch mariamk sgrubbs2 columnhugger delovelyames adventuresofm kbarbeelibrary codingspencer codingspencer delovelyames delovelyames seeinggainz alayton8
  22. lepps2

    emoji talk

    “Select 5 emojis and use them as a prompt for a unique story. Screenshot your emojis and add link to your story below. If you are on Twitter then you can emojinate in one click!” okay this dc is really cute so here goes mine! Okay so me and my cuddle-bug were going on a ski […]
  23. lepps2

    shows up fifteen minutes late with starbucks

    missing: famous painting, last seen at the catscratch club downtown new orleans. #noirpacas #ds106radio pic.twitter.com/3s0sRPIkvF — leanna epps (@heyits_leanna) February 22, 2015 This week could have gone a lot better. I ended up having to neglect my ds106 work to study for other midterms. My posts: radio show planning design project for the radio show […]
  24. lepps2

    all about that font

    get ready folks for this weeks thrilling episode of vixen ventures! I made this title/logo image for our radio show. here’s one with just the font and no background if any of my group members want to use it for anything.                         I was […]
  25. lepps2

    classy club owner turned vigilante on ds106 radio!

    We’re getting the ball rolling with this radio show! My lovely team includes Lesya, Amy, and Gyeore. Each of those links takes you to their blogs and character dossiers if you want to review that. On saturday we all met up and I got to see the faces behind the blogs. We came up with a […]
  26. lepps2

    scary sounds and a haunted mansion!

    So a while back I found a recording of outtakes from the haunted mansion narration from disneyland, and I jumped at the gun to use it for this assignment. http://whatinthewaltdisneyworld.tumblr.com/post/107744228635/a-collection-of-out-takes-and-unused-narration I over-downloaded and ended up with a bunch of effects I didn’t use, but I think I like having it as a simple recording rather […]
  27. sgrubbs2

    Weeks 6 & 7: Radio Days

    This week and next we will be working on producing radio shows. The shows will be broadcast on ds106radio after Spring break. Group Radio Show Guidelines The radio show will be a group project. You will have two weeks to complete the project. These are the specifications: All group members must contribute to the final…
  28. lepps2

    it can’t be over!

    nooo design week is over! I think this has been my favorite by far, incase you couldn’t tell by the enthusiasm in my posts. My Posts: Assignments Lyric typography (4 stars) Word (2 stars) Promo Flyer (2 stars) Ds106 wallpaper (4 stars) Daily Creates: play with your food super power and then i missed a […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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