1. trubright

    A Visit to Harlan Percussion World Headquarters


    Itā€™s been over two years since I posted anything on these pages, but as weā€™re clawing our collective way out of a pandemic, itā€™s a good time dust off my blog. This entry is about reconnecting with an old friend who moved back home town to St. Louis after decades of living out of town. [ā€¦]

    The post A Visit to Harlan Percussion World Headquarters appeared first on Rubright.com.

  2. @mellis_5

    Weekly Summary

    This week was super fun! I absolutely loved getting together with my group and bonding and coming up with a plan. I really loved the poster assignment as well, that is just something I really enjoy doing. I love making things all pretty and nice looking and I thought the logo turned out really well.ā€¦ Continue reading Weekly Summary
  3. @mellis_5

    Daily Create

  4. @mellis_5


    This was the logo I made for the radio show and I really enjoyed making it and getting to do something creative for the project. I decided to go with a simple yet cool color scheme and theme. I wanted to incorporate all of our names which is why it is designed with the letteringā€¦ Continue reading Logo
  5. @mellis_5

    Assignment banks-Audio

    Create a place #AudioAssignments #AudioAssignments2118 ds106 radio commercial #AudioAssignments #AudioAssignments1118 I chose to create these and relate them to our radioshow. Overall they made me think outside the box especially the commercial. I loved doing the commercial because Iā€™ve never really promoted something before so that was interesting and I liked picking the music toā€¦ Continue reading Assignment banks-Audio
  6. @llilli5163

    WordPress.com Favorites: The Travel ArchitectĀ 

    Welcome to our brand new series, ā€œWordPress.com Favoritesā€! In these interviews, weā€™ll be highlighting bloggers about their passion project. Caution: contents guaranteed to be inspiring.Ā Ā Ā Ā  First up, The Travel Architect. A teacher from the Twin Cities area of Minnesota, The Travel Architect has been documenting her world-wide travels (usually alongside ā€¦
  7. @mellis_5

    Weekly summary

    This week I felt was very creative as far as themes and such go. If I were to give this week a theme it would be creativity. Designing is something so important in the world of storytelling and can be a very difficult thing to master (proved by this week) I thought the assignment banksā€¦ Continue reading Weekly summary
  8. @mellis_5

    Daily Creates

  9. @mellis_5

    Assignment bank- design

    Create a t-shirt Charity Ad For this assignment I decided to make my own charity and make a joke of my financial standings as they are less than impressive as a college student with a shopping addiction. This assignment was funny and creative loved designing my own poster! #DesignAssignments #DesignAssignments2202 Favorite movie quote For thisā€¦ Continue reading Assignment bank- design
  10. Ben Rimes

    39,880 Free Visual Writing Prompts

    Itā€™s conference season. The time between Christmas Break and Spring Break can be tortuously long for teachers and students. Snow days are cheered, three-day weekends dot the calendar, and state conferences for teachers help break up the monotony of one of the longest stretch of instructional days in the school-year calendar. So in the spirit [ā€¦]
  11. Ben Rimes

    39,880 Free Visual Writing Prompts

    Itā€™s conference season. The time between Christmas Break and Spring Break can be tortuously long for teachers and students. Snow days are cheered, three-day weekends dot the calendar, and state conferences for teachers help break up the monotony of one of the longest stretch of instructional days in the school-year calendar. So in the spirit [ā€¦]
  12. @mellis_5

    Weekly Summary

    This week I really enjoyed a lot of aspects to the assignments. While I donā€™t love hearing my own voice, it was interesting to see how I would sound in a radio bumper and Iā€™d be lying if I said I havenā€™t pretended to do this at least once when I was little. Honestly, Iā€¦ Continue reading Weekly Summary
  13. @mellis_5


    Difference in opinion/ Gender wars picking topics and having a guy tell his perspective/opinion on the topic vs a girls comedy React to two to three people listen, watch, look at something then describe what theyā€™re looking at and react to it for people to hear this should be a comedy pick outlandish things forā€¦ Continue reading Brainstorm
  14. @mellis_5

    Daily Create

  15. @mellis_5

    Audio Bumper

    Super interesting week with DS106. Went out of my comfort zone with these assignments but had more fun with this one than I thought I was going to. I really tried to simulate that I was a radio director and tried to really sound as though I was that fun voice you hear on theā€¦ Continue reading Audio Bumper
  16. @mellis_5

    Audio Reflection

    Sounds and different audios drive stories because it evokes emotion, creates scenes, and can even give us a sense of place and personality of characters. A story can be so much more powerful with background and different noises throughout. For example, in the Moon Graffiti soundcloud the story teller starts to explain where the audioā€¦ Continue reading Audio Reflection
  17. @mellis_5

    Photo Reflection

    Photography is something I have been interested in since early high school. I mostly like to take portraits, landscape shots, and up close detailed shots. I still do take a lot of photos but usually not in the artistic ways I used to. Now, itā€™s mostly pictures of my friends and I when weā€™re doingā€¦ Continue reading Photo Reflection

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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