1. natalie

    Sixth Story – The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman

    The Snow Queen – A Fairy Taleby Hans Christian Andersen Suddenly they stopped before a little house, which looked very miserable. The roofreached to the ground; and the door was so low, that the family were obliged to creepupon their stomachs when they went in or out. Nobody was at home except an oldLapland woman,… Continue reading Sixth Story – The Lapland Woman and the Finland Woman
  2. natalie

    Fifth Story – The Little Robber Maiden

    The Snow Queen – A Fairy Tale by Hans Christian Andersen They drove through the dark wood; but the carriage shone like a torch, and it dazzledthe eyes of the robbers, so that they could not bear to look at it. “‘Tis gold! ‘Tis gold!” they cried; and they rushed forward, seized the horses, knockeddown… Continue reading Fifth Story – The Little Robber Maiden
  3. natalie

    Fourth story – The Prince and Princess

    The Snow Queen – A Fairy Tale by Hans Christian Andersen Gerda was obliged to rest herself again, when, exactly opposite to her, a large Ravencame hopping over the white snow. He had long been looking at Gerda and shakinghis head; and now he said, “Caw! Caw!” Good day! Good day! He could not say… Continue reading Fourth story – The Prince and Princess
  4. natalie

    Third Story “The Snow Queen”– Of the Flower Garden at the Old Woman’s Who Understood Witchcraft

    But what became of little Gerda when Kay did not return? Where could he be?Nobody knew; nobody could give any intelligence. All the boys knew was, that theyhad seen him tie his sledge to another large and splendid one, which drove down thestreet and out of the town. Nobody knew where he was; many sad… Continue reading Third Story “The Snow Queen”– Of the Flower Garden at the Old Woman’s Who Understood Witchcraft
  5. natalie

    The Snow Queen – A Fairy Tale by Hans Christian Andersen

    First Story – Which Treats of a Mirror and of the Splinters There was a wicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites. One dayhe was in a very good humor, for he had made a mirror with the power of causing allthat was good and beautiful when it was reflected therein,… Continue reading The Snow Queen – A Fairy Tale by Hans Christian Andersen
  6. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    Nursing Paper Writing Service from Expert Writers


    Every nursing student who doesn’t want to gamble with their academic excellence will often find themselves seeking a professional paper writing service nursing to work with. Nursing is one of the most privileged careers in the world. And with it comes a burdens and tasks that you just have to bear. This is often overwhelming to […]

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  7. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    Nursing Assignment Services from Assignment Writers


    Any nursing scholar seeking the best nursing assignment services has found solace in the hands of the experts at nursingwritinghelp.com. This writing company has been transformed into a home for thousands of nursing students all over the world. It is the 21st century, nursing students no longer have to slave and spend all their time […]

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  8. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    How to write a good nursing report


    Are you expected to write a comprehensive nursing report yet blank on where to start or simply lack the time for it? We are here for you. A guaranteed way of acing your assignments and earning yourself a good grade is by learning how to write a good nursing report. This means that you should […]

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  9. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    How to Hire Nursing Research Paper Writing Service


    Help write my nursing research paper is a plea that nursingwritinghelp.com has heard often over the years. It is the sincerity in this plea from our esteemed customers that motivates us to spring into action and rescue each and every one of them. Our passion is in helping nursing students because we understand just how […]

    The post How to Hire Nursing Research Paper Writing Service appeared first on Nursing Writing Help.

  10. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    How to Hire Nursing report writing services


    Imagine how easy your life would be if you had a reliable assignment writing partner at your beck and call. Offering the best nursing writing services, nursingwritinghelp.com guarantees high-grade demanding nursing assignment papers every time you order from us. Remember, unlike any other company, we have a big team of dedicated and highly skilled writers […]

    The post How to Hire Nursing report writing services appeared first on Nursing Writing Help.

  11. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    How to Hire Nursing Paper Writing Service


    Every nursing student must be prepared to write a bunch of nursing assignments within each semester. Truth is, they are likely to overwhelm you at some point but there is no exemption whatsoever. Nursingwritinghelp.com comes in handy when you feel like you cannot handle another writing assignment for whichever reason. We are best known for our […]

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  12. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    Academic Writing for Nursing Students


    Every nursing student needs a professional team of writers to come to their rescue whenever the need arises. Imagine all the stress such a service at your disposal would relieve of your back. Having access to top-notch services for academic writing for nursing students will help you sigh in relief especially when you have tons of […]

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  13. @https://twitter.com/tinawritings

    How to Hire Custom Nursing Papers Service


    Are you looking for professional custom writing papers writing services? Nursingwritinghelp.com is home to the best nursing assignment writers. As a nursing student, you need to understand that your assignments are an important addition to your final grade. This should motivate you to put your best foot forward and hand in your absolute best every […]

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  14. natalie

    Christmas day

    from the book Blend 37 – Pippa Bow Sitting on her flight back to London Pippa was glad having kind of survived the family Christmas celebrations which had turned out in a more stressful event running from one Christmas party to the next all within three days. The Christmas day had started with a lunch… Continue reading Christmas day
  15. @Sheefa_ahmed

    New Year, New Success with Bloganuary

    In a few short days, you’ll surely be asked: What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2022? If starting a blogging habit is one of them, we’re here to help!  At WordPress.com, we’re trying something new for 2022. Instead of individual New Year’s resolutions, we’ll be focusing on a shared …
  16. natalie

    Part V – “What is it you think I don’t want?”

    Chapter II Sisley’s first day at Cargo City South from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood “I would like to turn the car around, seeing you?” Sisley swallows and repeats: “You want to turn the car around to see me and you don’t know if I want this?” “Yes?” he repeats while questioning. “Mhhhh,… Continue reading Part V – “What is it you think I don’t want?”
  17. @llilli5163

    Drive More Traffic To Your Site With a “Link In Bio” Social Links Page

    From your social media channels to your storefront and everything in between, you have a lot of links you want your audience to easily access. WordPress.com is proud to make this possible and take you a step closer to organizing all of your unique platforms with a seamless and reliable Social Links Page.
  18. natalie

    IV Sunday afternoon

    Chapter II Sisley’s first day at Cargo City South from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood Sisley takes off to London for her exams. Wednesday a quarter to ten she sits in front of the university staircase, smoking a cigarette when her Phone rings. Sisley looks at the display the phone number of her… Continue reading IV Sunday afternoon
  19. natalie

    Part III – On a new day, 10 o’clock

    Chapter II Sisley’s first day at Cargo City South from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood Sisley walks out of her office to get some coffee water and walks into Treasure who is just arriving walking down the corridor towards Sisley with the JPS lead phrase. ”I’m not in Hollywood!” he stops. “Good morning… Continue reading Part III – On a new day, 10 o’clock
  20. amiddlet50

    Community of Enhancement

    I keep returning to the phrase Community of Enhancement to describe my philosophy behind my staff development role. It is not astounding but, significantly for me, it is a better than Community of Practice. It reflects and models the ethos … Continue reading ?
  21. amiddlet50

    Curiosity – untapping latent energy

    Continuing from the post ‘Sublime, curious and distracted – challenging conceptions of learning’, I want to examine curiosity towards finding strategies that can be deployed by the academic and the learner themselves to create an engaging learning environment. Surely, curiosity … Continue reading ?
  22. natalie

    Part II – Sisley’s first day at Cargo City Sout

    Chapter II from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood Three days later: Sisley has arranged everything the new filing System is ready, she had prepared and printed all reports that are again well trapped on the table, the one from the weeks before she had placed in the bin. All her digital data is… Continue reading Part II – Sisley’s first day at Cargo City Sout
  23. amiddlet50

    Sublime, curious and distracted – challenging conceptions of learning

    Tyson E. Lewis in ‘The Dude Abides, or Why Curiosity Is Important for Education Today’, looks at the idea of curiosity from a pedagogical perspective. He sets curiosity in stark contrast to widely held beliefs about education where blind faith … Continue reading ?
  24. natalie

    Sisley’s first day at Cargo City South

    Chapter II from the book Airways – I’m not in Hollywood Sisley arrived at the office in Cargo City South she makes her way to the reception on the fourth floor. The receptionist hands her over a visitor card and she moves on to the fifth floor, walking along the corridor passing the second glass door.… Continue reading Sisley’s first day at Cargo City South

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