Why Phonar? Lecture 1
This first lecture asks “Why Phonar?” and sets out the rational for the rest of the course. Please tweet your notes using the #phonar hashtag and if you Storify your own set of global-notes (by searching twitter) then please do put a link to it in the comments below.
(if the embed isn’t working follow this link to Archive.org )
This first session is quite dense with a lot of stuff in there so if you didn’t follow along , don’t worry because neither did half the class (they only pretended to because they knew you were listening). We can make opportunities for group discussions in Google Hangout if you’d like – we’ll post times on twitter.
Here are some more resources and reading bits as well as links to projects referred to in the lecture:
Here’s a blog . . . → Read More: Why Phonar? Lecture 1