1. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Why Phonar? Lecture 1


    This first lecture asks “Why Phonar?” and sets out the rational for the rest of the course. Please tweet your notes using the #phonar hashtag and if you Storify your own set of global-notes (by searching  twitter) then please do put a link to it in the comments below.

    (if the embed isn’t working follow this link to Archive.org )

    This first session is quite dense with a lot of stuff in there so if you didn’t follow along , don’t worry because neither did half the class (they only pretended to because they knew you were listening). We can make opportunities for group discussions in Google Hangout if you’d like – we’ll post times on twitter.


    Here are some more resources and reading bits as well as links to projects referred to in the lecture:









    Here’s a blog . . . → Read More: Why Phonar? Lecture 1

  2. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    #Phonar13 Artwork for download


    The most awesome Daisy Ware-Jarrett (check her pre-task from 2012) has designed some new artwork for #phonar13 and  because she kicks all kinds of ass in all kinds of ways, she’s only gone and licensed them CC-BY .

    So get over to archive.org and download them quick before they all go. You can make them into posters, stickers, flags and tattoos. Prize for the best in-situ documentary image of Daisy’s designs.

    nb. Seek out a qualified and reputable professional when getting your #phonar tattoo. Remember, #phonar is for life and unlike tattoos does . . . → Read More: #Phonar13 Artwork for download

  3. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    #phonar13 Pre-task


    The following message is to attending students but applies to anyone who would like to study remotely also. While you are not required to have a Google+ account, it would be great to be able to hangout with the larger class and to have you contributing along with the attending students.

    So...Matt and I are going to be pumping out the #phonar love from now on so you need to tune the network - you have a Twitter account already (if you don't then please go back in time right now and make one at least a year ago).

    If you don't have a Google+ account already then you need one (I don't care Hazel, just do it - Jenny, Jenny - put that down, pay attention) add us to your "circles" (Jonathan, Matt) so we can "hangout" :) Too creepy? Anyhoo follow me on Twitter (@jonathan_Worth) and Matt (@mjohnstonmedia), you should also follow #phonar (@phonar) for all the latest news and tasks - IT'S THE LAW.

    . . . → Read More: #phonar13 Pre-task
  4. jonathan

    Back to the #Phubu – the future of Phonar.


    Phonar ended 2012 like a supertanker trying to stop at traffic lights.  Messily and with significant momentum. So much momentum in fact that the same students who you’ve seen submit to the will-of-open in both phonar2012 and picbod have demanded that their next class be open too. But better;  designed by them, for them and supported by those people formally referred to as ‘teachers’.

    So what does this mean? It means that most of the projects you’ve seen grow in #phonar2012 will evolve (in some cases mutate)  into Final Major Projects in 2013. These are the final major investments of our students and what they come out with will constitute their exit portfolios, as well as a significant chunk of their final degree “grade” ( incidentally thank you very much for contributing in every way to phonar2012 – the result of all our input and hard work were the highest marks awarded in the history of the course #FTW ).

    Some rights reserved by Tyson*

    Phonar for Us By Us (#Phubu) will run in Google communities and has been designed by the students. The program is structured to be a live and open workshop which everyone can take part in. They’ve ditched one . . . → Read More: Back to the #Phubu – the future of Phonar.

  5. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Emily Carr University, Vancouver takes part in ‘Life in a Day’


    I visited Vancouver recently to speak about another open project I run called the Photobook Club. While I was there I managed to meet up with Julie Andreyev who runs one of the most interesting courses I have come across at the well respected and beautifully situated Emily Carr University of Art and Design. Julie's students have created some cracking soundscapes at various locations on Granville Island, Vancouver in response to the 'Life in the Day' task which can be listened to via the links on the #phonar world map.

    Head below the map for more info from Julie on this task response and on the Interactive and Social Media course at ECUAD

    . . . → Read More: Emily Carr University, Vancouver takes part in ‘Life in a Day’
  6. jonathan

    Foto8 Founder Jon Levy talking to Jonathan Worth for Phonar


    In preparation for Jon Levy's talk we are spending the first part of the session reviewing Robert Knoth and Antoinette de Jong's work "Poppy". You can read the same review and movie clips here on FOTO8 .

    Then it's into Jon's talk - please tweet your notes using the #phonar hashtag and we'll storify them into an Open Class version. You can curate your own version by using a Twitter search on Phonar and then the Storify site.


    . . . → Read More: Foto8 Founder Jon Levy talking to Jonathan Worth for Phonar
  7. jonathan

    Next Open Undergraduate: Picturing the Body begins in Jan


    They think it’s all over ….. As #Phonar2012 comes to a tumultuous climax there are a bunch of anxious second years waiting to jump onto the stage and assume their rightful place in the history of OUCHs (Open Undergraduate Class Hybrids) at Coventry Uni. If you’d like to come along for the ride in the New Year, hear the lectures, share your notes, contribute your images and book time with the guest speakers then head over to the join page of #picbod or just drop by the blog and say hello . . . → Read More: Next Open Undergraduate: Picturing the Body begins in Jan

  8. jonathan

    The fabulous #phonar pitch – you have one week….


    After near revolution in the #phonar class this week we’ve redesigned the schedule.  A fire alarm being sprung in the building meant our brilliant guest speaker (Jon Levy aka FOTO8) was cut off and also led to us not being able to get back in to #phonar HQ in time to regroup.  AND SO… due to ominous class pressure and the pursuasive effects of an outstanding break for cake aka #phonarFood  care of Helen Kuchta – Matt and I have decided to give everyone an extra week to complete the class.

    This means that next week will be a taster of the final presentations – it means everyone will “pitch” their project for their appropriate platform/outlet/publication and we’ll (all of us) will chip in support and feedback. Final screening will be December 12th.

    If you have a project that you’d like us to feature then please prepare a pitch for next week and we’ll feature it.

    #TopTip Think movie-trailer rather than treatise. Keep it snappy –  teach us something, draw us in, surprise us with tension but don’t resolve it. Remember you need us to . . . → Read More: The fabulous #phonar pitch – you have one week….

  9. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    The #phonar World Map


    Over 50,000 people have dropped by the #phonar class since it's launch 2 years ago, and we are keen to locate as many of you as we possibly can via the #phonar world map which also aims to serve as a resource for the work produced throughout any of the iterations of #phonar.

    You can view a video guiding you through the placemark process just below and a direct link to the Google map can be found here.

    (If you have completed more than one task please add a placemark for each task)

    . . . → Read More: The #phonar World Map
  10. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Tutorials with Jonathan


    Following on from Spencer Murphy's fantastic lecture on the 'Four looks of photography' the students entered into 1 on 1 tutorials with Jonathan. While these discussion are kept to the classroom, the class of 2012 have begun to upload their final project thoughts and ideas onto their blogs, these links can be found via the 'Life in the Day' comments.

    Below are a few links directly to students projects. If you would like to have a tutorial with Jonathan via the £20 for 20 format, just get in touch.

    . . . → Read More: Tutorials with Jonathan
  11. jonathan

    Spencer Murphy “The willing suspension of critical engagement: the four looks of photography”


    Thanks to Spencer Murphy, Lecturer in Media and Communication at Coventry University for a brilliant talk this morning concerning the four looks of photography/film and the male gaze. To see the short extract from 'Carrie' featured in this talk please see the video embeded below the lecture when prompted (NSFW).

    . . . → Read More: Spencer Murphy “The willing suspension of critical engagement: the four looks of photography”
  12. jonathan

    Phonar collaborators Pete Brook and Stephen Mayes in conversation for Wired.


    Hopefully some of the themes in Pete’s article will sound familiar to us over here on #phonar – if we’d had this back at the start of term I’d of played it straight after the first lecture. This is one not to be missed and brought to you by the Director of VII Agency no less

    Photographs Are No Longer Things, They’re Experiences

    [Stephen Mayes]  argues that the rise of digital changed the very nature of photography by moving it from a fixed image to a fluid one. The swift pace at which we create images is only matched by the pace at which we discard them and yet, paradoxically, we’ve never been more engaged with images. Photography is less about document or evidence and more about community and experience … and that’s not a bad thing.

    “The way we relate to imagery is changing,” says Mayes, who thinks the pace of change is astonishing. Fortune magazine reported in September 2012 that “10% of all photos ever taken were shot in 2011.” That same month, Mark Zuckerberg said Instagram, just shy of two-years in existence, passed the 100 million users. Instagram users, who are signing up a rate of one per second, have taken over one . . . → Read More: Phonar collaborators Pete Brook and Stephen Mayes in conversation for Wired.

  13. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Brian Palmer’s Top Tips for #Phonar


    We’re delighted that Brian Palmer was able to talk about his work for #phonar (found here), and on top of this he was kind enought to offer 6 top tips for us…

    Brian’s top-tips for #phonar

    1. Do your research. 2. Go! By foot, car, bus. Show up [or turn up if that's UK style]. Meet and greet people, which might mean leaving the camera in your bag at first. 3. Be open and clear to the people you’re hoping to represent 4. Enable them to collaborate. 5. Be transparent, both in how you work and about your relationship with the subject. 6. Allow the story to grow organically and then pare . . . → Read More: Brian Palmer’s Top Tips for #Phonar
  14. jonathan

    In conversation with New York based Photographer and Film-Maker Brian Palmer


    We're delighted that Brian Palmer was finally able to talk about his work for #phonar - last week and the week before Brian was out pitching in to the relief effort after Super-storm Sandy hit his hometown of NYC and we were worried we were going to miss him but, we got him and what's more we got a chance to be a part of Brian's current project: how many people with the surname of "Hobson" do you know.....?

    . . . → Read More: In conversation with New York based Photographer and Film-Maker Brian Palmer
  15. jonathan

    Trainspotting for #phonar


    I spent half an hour on Nuneaton train station platform with about 15 blokes of varying ages - all spotting trains. Every time a train passed they would all stop talking and their heads would move as one (like meerkats) to follow the trains passing through the station. Then all heads would go straight back down again to notepads where numbers would be scratched.

    . . . → Read More: Trainspotting for #phonar
  16. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Final Creative Workshop: A Life in the Day


    “A Life in the Day”

    The culmination of this module will be the production of a “trans-media portrait”

    You should source and develop a subject whose story you tell through the production of a ‘photographic project’; a phrase that we will investigate over the course of the module. Your decisions throughout this process should build upon and further develop the work we’ve begun in creative workshops and the lecture series. This process should be evidenced explicitly and succinctly in your sketchbook, as a 500 word reflective summary.

    Grading will take into account your responses to all of the creative workshops and reflections on the lecture series.

    “… Eh? Human English please”

    Ouch – okay – go back over the class on the blog. Look again at the issues we’ve considered, draw on the case-studies and best practice examples we’ve shared. Remember, digital technology means almost everyone is a potential image-maker and supplier of images. It does not mean that everyone is a trusted source, a credible witness, a curator, a mediator, a connector or a storyteller.

    Take the rest of the class to show us that you are.

    Any questions? let us know in the comments below which is also the place to share your progress and . . . → Read More: Final Creative Workshop: A Life in the Day

  17. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    #Phonar Joined in Class by Chris Floyd


    We were joined in class today by photographer extraordinaire and all round good chap Chris Floyd.

    Chris' work is in the National Portrait Gallery and has also been recognised by the British & American awards for portrait photography, the Taylor Wessing in 2008 & American Photography in 2008 & 2010. Magazines he has worked for include The New Yorker, Harpers Bazaar, Esquire, The New York Times Magazine and ESPN Magazine among many others.

    . . . → Read More: #Phonar Joined in Class by Chris Floyd
  18. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Russian Task Translations by Marina Zabughina


    A huge #phonar thanks is due to Marina Zabughina for helping us out with these Russian translations of the #phonar tasks we have so far released.

    Marina has also recorded the latest workshop here: ???????: ??????????????? ?????????????.

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    ?????????? ??????-?????: ?????? ?????????????.

    ???????? ?????? ???????, ????????? ?? 300 ????, ????? ?????????? ? ???????. ?????????? ???? ??????? ??????????????,? ??????? 2-3 ?????, ?? ??????. ?? ?????? ????????? ??????????? ???? ????? ???????, ???? ????????? ? ???? ???????????? – ? ????? ?????? ????????, ?????, ????? ? ?????????.

    ??????? ??????? ????-?????? ???????.

    ???????: ?????.

    ??????????, ???????? ???? ?????????????????? ?????? ? ???????? ?????????????? ??????? ?? ?????? ????????????? ? ???????? ??????????????.

    ??????? ?? ????? unphotographable.com

    ????? ??????? ??? ? ???????? ???????? ???????? ???? ?????? http://losowsky.com/portfolio/online/flicktion

    ????? ??????? ??? ??????????? ???? ???????? http://significantobjects.com/about

    ???????: ??????????? ???????.

    ????????? ? ????, ??? ???? ?? ??? ????? «???????», ? ?????? «?????». ???????-??? ?????????? ?????????? ? ? ???? ???????? ?????. ???????-????? ???????????? ????????-??? ?? ???????? ?? ????????? ??????. ??? ????? ???????? ???? ??????????? ? ????????, ????? ??? ????? ???????????? ? ??????? ??????? ?? ????????. ? ????? ??????????? ????? ????????? . . . → Read More: Russian Task Translations by Marina Zabughina

  19. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    The #phonar cabbage song


    As part of week three’s technical seminar on Foley sounds, our audio guru Paul Adkins and the #phonar class of 2012 set about using the humble cabbage to create multitude of sound effects. The final outcome is currently the #phonar 2012 theme song but if you have created something else, share it in the comments below.

    And if you want to know how this was put together, you can read Paul’s guide here (requires Adobe Audition and . . . → Read More: The #phonar cabbage song

  20. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Re-imagining Robert Frank’s ‘The Americans’


    As we are looking at transformative storytelling I was reminded of a post I wrote some time back on the Photobook Club about the various book projects that have been produced in response to, or remixing images from Robert Frank's 'The Americans'. To mirror our subject I have remixed the post a little and now show 3 projects based on, or using images form The Americans;

    . . . → Read More: Re-imagining Robert Frank’s ‘The Americans’
  21. jonathan

    In conversation with the writer Pete Brook of Prison Photography and WIRED.



    This week we caught up with the writer and #phonar collaborator Pete Brook .  He shares what he learned when he took his blog “Prison Photography” on the road and  introduces us to Michelle Vignes, the French photographer who was the very first staff member of Magnum.


    Prison Photography Cruel and Unusual exhibition: http://www.noorderlicht.com/nl/fotogalerie/cruel-and-unusual/ Why we made a newspaper and not a traditional exhibition catalogue: http://prisonphotography.org/2012/02/13/why-we-made-a-newspaper-instead-of-a-traditional-exhibition-catalogue/ Buy the newspaper: http://www.noorderlicht.com/en/shop/books/cruel-and-unusual/ My reflections on my first experience curating and why Noorderlicht has all the right ingredients for a world class gallery: http://prisonphotography.org/2012/04/05/some-thoughts-on-and-thanks-to-noorderlicht-photo-gallery/ And why, when Noorderlicht was threatened with cuts from the Dutch government, it was a hard fought battle: http://prisonphotography.org/2012/06/02/strong-words-in-the-noorderlicht-funding-cut-debate/ Michelle Vignes Good biography: http://galeriadelaraza.org/eng/exhibits2/archive/artists.php?op=view&id=638&media=info&name=v Good gallery of selected works: http://www.smithandersennorth.com/artists/vignes/index.html Vignes’ photographs of the Summer Of Love: http://www.summeroflove.org/vignes.html Gallery and words by Michelle about covering the Indian Occupation of Alcatraz: http://60sfurther.com/Guest-Michelle-2.htm An American Vision / French photographer Michelle Vignes shoots from the inside http://www.sfgate.com/magazine/article/An-American-Vision-French-photographer-Michelle-2491973.php#ixzz2B5uJXL25 ‘Bay Area Blues’ book: http://www.amazon.com/Bay-Area-Blues-Lee-Hildebrand/dp/1566405955 “Magnum Salad” http://prisonphotography.org/2011/03/21/magnum-salad/ Late into her life, Vignes collaborated with social activist artists. In 2011, with RIGO23: http://prisonphotography.org/2011/03/20/rigo-23-the-black-panther-party-in-portugal-and-leonard-peltier-in-syracuse/ A tribute to Michelle by friend Melanie Light: http://lejournaldelaphotographie.com/entries/8819/death-of-michelle-vignes Vignes realizes there is still great documentary work being done, but is unsure about where it is all going. ”They seem to work on the web,” said Vignes. “To me it is just like spitting in the wind.” http://www.sportsshooter.com/news_story.html?id=1857 University of California Berkeley Bancroft Library adds photo archives of . . . → Read More: In conversation with the writer Pete Brook of Prison Photography and WIRED.
  22. jonathan

    Story telling tips: do you have a “no one turns off at this point” moment in your work?



    Here’s a little more Ira Glass magic whilst we think about storytelling.  Remember, the challenge is to think how we can “story-tell”  like this with our pictures – not tell stories and plus our pictures.  So when he uses a pause, a hook, or describes an ” at this point, no one turns off the radio ” moment – we need to turn that back to our practice – do you have a “no one closes the book at this point” moment in your work?

    If you have time then this is well worth the 30 mins, if you don’t then I recommend 10:00 . . . → Read More: Story telling tips: do you have a “no one turns off at this point” moment in your work?

  23. jonathan

    Storytelling – narrative, power and responsibility.


    This was a very full session that kicked off with Professor David Campbell’s lecture on Narrative, Power and Responsibility. Please build on the notes by tweeting your thoughts and reactions using the hashtag #phonar

    Then we shared our stories, stories that we’d not shared before.

    We did this to position ourselves as the subject. To make ourselves vulnerable in other words and pledge our commitment to becoming better storytellers.

    This is Alex’s story.


    Here’s Sean’s :


    and . . . → Read More: Storytelling – narrative, power and responsibility.

  24. PHONAR - A free and open photography class

    Guest Lecture: Travis Shaffer, ‘We Are All Thieves, 2012?


    The guest lecture below has been recorded by Travis Shaffer, who, in his own words describes himself as a 'photographer of sorts'. Travis' photographic practice regularly includes the appropriation of others images, and data to be reworked in his creative process. This lecture is an update to one he delivered in #phonar 2011 and proved to be be an eye-opener for many students.

    . . . → Read More: Guest Lecture: Travis Shaffer, ‘We Are All Thieves, 2012′
  25. jonathan

    Graham Macindoe


    Our session this week, unusually takes place largely offline. We will be sharing stories in the class and no one will be obliged to put them online. The purpose of this is to consider vulnerability of the subject and put ourselves in that spot for a moment. Some of us will post our stories  and we’ll feed back on everyone who does (have you fed back on another student’s work yet? If not then do it right now).

    For now though, here is a story by Graham Macindoe, it was the first time he told this story during #picbod2012 – we’ll be catching up with Graham over the next couple of weeks so there’ll be a chance to talk to him as well.

    This movie contains graphic imagery that some will find upsetting.


    Photographer Graham Macindoe in conversation with Jonathan Worth. from Jonathan Worth . . . → Read More: Graham Macindoe

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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