1. @samprice_ds106

    Create Your Own Logo! [Remixed]: Happy Days

    This was an assignment that I had already completed during our design week but I decided to use it as one of my remixed assignments! I had originally created a logo for my macrame business but this time, with the remix, I created something entirely different! The remix for this assignment was called “Happy Days”. It said, “Take an assignment back to the time of the sitcom Happy Days, set in the 1950s. Introduce the design elements of this time, or maybe add the Fonz to a scene.” I decided to interpret that as creating a new logo for Happy Days […]
  2. @samprice_ds106

    Create Rad Album Art From Photos [Remixed]: Fox News

    For this assignment we were tasked with making an album cover with pictures we had, but we also had to put a remix on it. The remix that it chose for me was called “Fox News” which said, “Take whatever the assignment is and turn the volume up past 11, and sensationalize it, exaggerate it, pump up the intensity.” I honestly wasn’t really sure how to interpret that so I just decided that whatever I was going to make was going to be super big and bold. I first chose my image, a picture of myself, and put it into […]
  3. @samprice_ds106

    Website Mash-Up

    For this assignment, we had to mash up two website logos to create a new logo and a new site for the new logo. For this one, I started with just wanting to mash-up Google and Facebook. But I wanted to take a step further and also mash Instagram into there. Here is the logo when it was just Google and Facebook: I used the font from Facebook and the colors from Google. Then I decided to combine instagram to it as well. Here is that one: For this one, I used the colors of the work from Google, kept […]
  4. @samprice_ds106

    Logo Switch Up

    For this assignment, we had to take one brand’s advertisement for another brand and replace the logo of another brand. I had a lot of fun with this assignment. I started off by doing some research on what logos looked similar, and to my surprise, there are quite a few (as long as some lawsuits that went along with it). I decided to combine the logos for PayPal and Pandora. They are both super similar. Here they are originally, side by side. Next, I took the above images into photoshop and cropped the parts of the logo I wanted to […]
  5. @samprice_ds106

    Animoji Karaoke

    Have an iPhone? Create yourself using Apple’s Animoji and sing or lip sing to your favorite song! Save the video and upload it to your blog. Make sure to include 1) Why do you think your character looks like you? 2) Why did you chose this song? This mashup includes elements from video, audio, and written work.  For this assignment, we had to record ourselves as an Animoji doing karaoke to a song. I think the character looks like me because I designed it to look just like me! I chose the pale skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes. I […]
  6. @rachelds106

    week ten

          So I was really looking forward to this week. I thought it would go a lot smoother than last week but since I had a lot more going in my other classes this past week, it ended up being a lot harder than usual. I was able to create more content last week and didn’t end up meeting the criteria for the 10 stars this week (I got to 8). But by the end of the week, I was absolutely exhausted. I’m sure a lot of other people are feeling this way! I’ll start off with my favorite video I’ve ever created!! I asked my family their opinions on pineapple on pizza (there’s 7 of us, and three of them are kids under 10 years old!). I sent the video to a lot of friends and family, and they all seemed to love it. I was really proud of the work I did with this video, especially for it being the first video I’ve ever edited from using my own footage. I think my favorite parts of the video are the subtitles/captions and then the funny intermediate clips! The second video I created was a video about my dream life. After experiencing Filmora9 with the first video I mentioned, I wish I had used that app with this video as well […]
  7. @rachelds106

    pineapple on pizza?

    4 Stars This is one of my favorite videos I’ve made in this class so far! It even tops last week’s “All About the 80s”. For this video, the assignment was to ask people their opinion on something. The first idea that popped into my head was: “pineapple on pizza!”.  It’s pretty cliche and basic, I’ve seen a lot of “arguments” about it on Twitter, and I thought it would be a fun and easy topic to do. What was not easy, was the editing process. It’s very different working with your own footage, compared to using someone else’s. I paid way more attention to the details this time, and since it was my own footage I was able to be more creative with it.  I tried out a new video editing software this week called Filmora. I like the Windows Movie editor but it’s extremely limited in what it can do. Filmora is incredibly user friendly, and I am super happy I chose this one. For someone who’s a beginner, I was able to quickly pick up the elements, yet it still has many advanced features that I still have yet to master! Here’s a screenshot of my editing screen (Filmora9): And here’s the video! (all credits are listed in the video description):  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Eo5u7_CBM
  8. @VhudschNor2

    Weekly Summery #11

    This week was alright, except for the homework, but less then I imagined. The dreaded writing assignment for my programming class, unlike the other two 4 page papers, was posting answers to 6 simple questions, and my Deep Learning Neural Network class didn’t have us write any code at all. I started working on a […]
  9. @VhudschNor2

    More ideas for future projects

    I enjoyed my group’s project of doing a documentary on the aftershock of the epidemic. Perhaps we could do something similar, and showcase how we’re handling the epidemic, and not being able to go outdoors, since this current issue effects everybody in the country and we can all relate to it. It would be interesting […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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