1. Nick Rivers

    Introduction ????????

    Reblogged from HAYAMA matata! 葉山探検: Hello, I am Mai and am currently attending university in Japan. こんにちは、日本で大学生をしているmaiです This blog is my assignment for college course called "newsroom management" このブログは大学の“Newsroom Management"という授業の一環で制作しています In this course, I can pick any topic and blog about it. このコースでは自分の好きな題材をもとにブログを作るので So I picked my home town Hayama. It is small and almost […]
  2. Sean Clancy

    Chicken Sandwiches and Marriage

    Chik-fil-A.   And the larger issue of gay marriage.   I haven’t really touched on any political issues yet in this blog. There is no premeditated reason for this, but maybe on the spot I could try to think of some. One would be that I feel like the vast majority of people who might ...
  3. Sean Clancy

    Why do you live here?

    Why do you live here?   I get asked this question a lot. By the way for those of you who don’t know I’m a Tokyo-based……guy. I guess if I was cool and actually doing something meaningful with my life at this present moment I could tell you I was a “Tokyo-based journalist” or “Tokyo-based ...
  4. Sean Clancy

    Freedom is Free

    (For context, I originally wrote this around Memorial Day, but never got around to finishing it because of school, laziness, and the Internet).     I can’t take it anymore.   I’ve been wanting to write these words for a long time, and I feel my patience is at an end. I am so eager ...
  5. Ken Hayashi

    My Portfolio

    Ken Hayashi 2-28-17 Kamiishihara Chofu-shi, Tokyo 182-0035 JAPAN 042-482-2232 [email protected] Profile: Greetings, my name is Ken Hayashi, and I am a junior student in Temple University Japan campus. I am half Japanese and half American, and I can speak both English and Japanese fluently, as well as a little of Chinese. I have traveled through […]
  6. serena

    # ds106. Terremoto in pianura padana emiliana_veneta

    L’ispirazione di questo post viene da DS106 Il bisogno di liberare la paura, di dare voce alla paura che cerco di tenere a freno mi ha indotto a costruire una narrazione digitale per la quale mi sono avvalsa degli strumenti del web 2.0. rete sociale blog (post) podcast social bookmarking provenienza dell’immagine: wikipedia. Con la […]
  7. serena

    # change11 – Visitatori e residenti, DS106 , MacGuffin

    La collezione di risorse che di seguito elenco è stata il motore di questo post: Cristobal Cobo, Carta al director (en Políticas Sectoriales y TIC en Educación de #UNESCO ); David S. White e Alison Le Cornu, Visitatori e residenti…; OLDaily di S. Downes del 25 maggio u.s. – UMW Faculty Academy – Camp MacGuffin.; […]
  8. Sean Clancy

    XXIV-While I’m at it

    Let me complain about some Japanese people for a minute. Technically I don’t have to ask your permission since it’s my fucking blog and I can write about whatever I want. But I still try to observe decorum, and that counts for something in this crazy world.  This isn’t going to be a Japan Times(read: ...
  9. Sean Clancy

    XXIV-While I’m at it

    Let me complain about some Japanese people for a minute. Technically I don’t have to ask your permission since it’s my fucking blog and I can write about whatever I want. But I still try to observe decorum, and that counts for something in this crazy world.  This isn’t going to be a Japan Times(read: ...
  10. Sean Clancy

    XXIII-No, it wasn’t

    As I alluded to in my final class-related post, I knew there was a possibility that the end of CIS 0835 wasn’t necessarily the end of this blog. Hell, what can I say, I missed vomiting my thoughts out onto the Internet. You might say that I do this very frequently on a daily basis ...
  11. Sean Clancy

    XXIII-No, it wasn’t

    As I alluded to in my final class-related post, I knew there was a possibility that the end of CIS 0835 wasn’t necessarily the end of this blog. Hell, what can I say, I missed vomiting my thoughts out onto the Internet. You might say that I do this very frequently on a daily basis ...
  12. Shinya Michimi

    michimituj 2012-04-16 05:43:23

    This is the “Is Social Networking a Different Language?”DS106 writing assignment. The directions read as follows… Some professionals believe the language we use on social networking sights is different from everyday language. They say this because of the words like g2g, ttul that we use on a consistent basis over text messaging, aim, and Facebook […]
  13. Ken Hayashi

    Final Exam Practical Activity: Course Syllabus

    Cyberspace & Society Course Syllabus Instructor: Ken Hayashi Days: Tuesday & Thursday Time: 1:30-3:00PM Room: 501 Office Hours: 4 to 5 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment Email: [email protected] Course Description: As we go through four sections of this course, students will learn all about cyberspace, and make many blog posts about various topics assigned ...
  14. Ken Hayashi

    Final Exam Practical Activity: Course Syllabus

    Cyberspace & Society Course Syllabus Instructor: Ken Hayashi Days: Tuesday & Thursday Time: 1:30-3:00PM Room: 501 Office Hours: 4 to 5 PM on Tuesdays and Thursdays or by appointment Email: [email protected] Course Description: As we go through four sections of this course, students will learn all about cyberspace, and make many blog posts about various topics assigned ...

    A farewell to CIS 0835

    I did this for additional points for blogging and because it was important to put something about the class before leaving it. Although the letter I wrote for my final kind of sums it up having a page dedicated to the actual class I thought would be more meaningful. This class has helped me alot […]
  16. Midori Shimabuku

    Imagine myself and the society in 2022

    Here is my blog post for this fourth section After watching the vide of Bryan Alexander The Visible College: Four Futures for Higher Education of 1 hour and 30 minutes long、I started to think how our future or our next generation’s education is going to be like. The requirement for this blogpost was to Choose […]
  17. Midori Shimabuku

    Children’s Book ~Cyberinfrastructure~

    Assignment: For my second DS106 assignment I was required to choose a section that I never done it before.Therefore I choose the “mashup assignment” because I found the perfect assignment to use.It is called Mashup Children’s Book  Instructions: Mashup a children’s book based on another cultural artifact. For example, framing Dr. Who as a children’s […]
  18. Paul

    Getting Started with WordPress.com

    WordPress is one of the top blogging platforms on the web right now.  It's an open-source blogging software that can be installed on a server OR used through the site WordPress.com.  Today I'd like to show you the latter and give some tips on how to get your blog off the ground. When you first ...
  19. Bryan

    Speakin the words of a poem

    So for this audio assignment i did a reading of my girlfriend favorite poem, she forced me to do it against my will and I had no choice.  She also said it is about Death.  It is a poem written by Robert Frost from 1923 and written in New Hampshire apparently.  Here is twriten poem, […]
  20. Paul

    Bryan Alexander; 2022: My Thoughts

    First of all, I'd like to say that I found Alexander's lecture to be very interesting and I watched the entire video.  Starting out, I didn't think that I would enjoy it, nor did I belive I'd watch the whole thing. The shaggy hair and unkept beard didn't do a lot for me when I ...
  21. Adam

    Print Your Future

    The future of technology as we know it is incredibly bright. Every day, new developments help spur further innovation and bring us the products of tomorrow. In this blog post, I wish to explore just a tiny microcosm of that future and discuss it. Currently, there are many promising things coming out from R&D and […]

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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