1. Emily DelRoss

    New Assignment: “One-Sided Convo”

    Just created this new assignment entitled “One-Sided Convo!” Here’s the prompt: “Capture one person’ s input to a conversation, leaving out the responses of the others involved to creative a recording that is funny, misleading, confusing, or all together strange. Most importantly have fun and get creative!” I thought of this after a situation that ...
  2. melodie

    Week 13 Daily Creates

    tdc 103 – word picture -I felt like I was walking around in a construction zone the whole day…There is construction going on at my main building, Pollard. I couldn’t get away from it; I could hear them drilling while I was inside. tdc 105 – 7 word story - woops, i actually only used ...
  3. Feng

    Week 13 of final project

    Sunday, April 22 It is rainy and cloudy outside and I’ve got a set of other problems — homework, studying, and presentations all coming up too soon. I have already created two more assignments which I will later complete with my own take on...
  4. Brian Brown

    Week 14 in TDC

    Darkness has descended upon this land.  Still, my time is not over.  A grand show still awaits to emblazon the night sky.   TDC 99; Innovation   TDC 100; Woot! TDC 101; Mirror mirror on the wall who has the finest feet of them all TDC 103; Captured feelings
  5. Devin Lert

    Reenact A Viral Video

    I love a good viral video. I also love being one of the first to see it (maybe even before it goes viral) so that I can show my friends. So I created an assignment called “Reenact A Viral Video”. Pretty self explanatory, but a lot of fun. For my example I chose this funny …

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  6. Devin Lert

    Share A Dream

    The second assignment I created came about from a crazy dream I had just the other day. It’s amazing to me how these dreams can sometimes seem so real. I love hearing other peoples crazy dreams, so here is mine:   My dream started off with me in the bedroom of my old house doing …

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  7. Emily DelRoss

    A Real Life Doodle Note!!!

    So check this buisness out!! I was reading this book “‘Learning from Las Vegas,” by Robert Venturi, Denise Scott Brown and Steven Izenour…and BAM!!!! A doodle!!! In fact, there were multiple!!! The book is about the symbolism in the modern architecture of urban sprawl. Its pretty interesting because the authors point out that modernist architects stress the importance ...
  8. Leslie Truesdale

    Spaghetti and Meatballs-College Edition

    Last night I got lazy and didn’t want to make an extravagant meal, but I still wanted to have a “real dinner.” So I scavenged around my kitchen and found tomato sauce, meatballs, and broccoli. To make this a little more challenging, I recorded my instructions only as audio. Since this recipe wasn’t really a ...
  9. Seong Cho

    Created Assignment: Video Assignment

    I remember watching this video on youtube who told us his story using flashcard. This is very popular in youtube now and there are thousands of videos like this. I thought it would be cool to make an assignment like this so I created a video assignment. The assignment can be found here:http://assignments.ds106.us/assignments/this-is-my-story/.  Here is
  10. Seong Cho

    Week 14 Daily Create

    Here is my week 14 Daily Create.  This is my Tuesday’s Daily Create. It’s the 100th Daily Create- Create a photo representing this number. I found this picture on google image and I thought it was pretty funny. Happy 100th birthday Daily Create!    This is my Friday’s Daily Create. Take a picture of a
  11. Tyler Crump

    Daily create week 13

    1. It’s the 100th Daily Create- Create a photo representing this number – Well we made it to 100 people! But be warned, we must not let it go to our heads, least we incur the wrath of the almighty 100. 2. Take a photo in which a mirror is a major element – Play ...

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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