1. @YousephAsaad

    Text Analysis

    For my text analysis assignment, I chose the poem “If -” by Rudyard Kipling. I’ve known of this poem from a post I saw on the internet fairly recently and I loved it so much that I decided to center this post around it. The poem is inspirational and gives advice to the reader on […]
  2. @YousephAsaad

    Analog Return

    There is no question that we are living in a world overtaken by digital technology. The convenience and simplicity of these products are what make them so unique and so desirable to all of us. Imagine telling a researcher in the pre-smartphone era that instead of having to scour through dozens of books in a […]
  3. @YousephAsaad

    Privacy and Online Exams

    Privacy Privacy is an important part of all of our lives, but some make an effort to protect it more than others. I can definitely say that I’m one of those people. Privacy to me started meaning much more as social media and the internet became more prominent in our society. We’ve all heard stories […]
  4. @YousephAsaad

    Final Project: Tracking Personal Nutrition

    For my final project, I decided to track my nutrition today using myfitnesspal.com. With this incredible app, which was developed by Under Armour, I was able to track the amount of calories I ate per day, as well as the number of macronutrients, which consists of protein, carbs, and fats, and micronutrients, which consists of […]
  5. @YousephAsaad

    Misinformation and social media

    The amount of misinformation on the internet is mind-boggling and social media seems to be a breeding ground for a lot of it. The unfortunate part about this is that many impressionable people fall for it and spread it among their friends and family. Social Media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, have an […]
  6. @YousephAsaad

    Making a video game

    For this assignment, I chose to create a remake of the space invaders video game using Microsoft Visual Studio. I used the software library Allegro to help me develop the 2d game. For me, this project was relatively simple because I am a comp sci major and I’ve been making video games for fun since […]
  7. @YousephAsaad

    Terms of Service

    Terms of Service, or TOS for short, is something that is viewed by many as a long and boring piece of document made by service providers. I for one can only think of one time in my entire life where I actually made an effort to read the TOS for one of the new products […]
  8. @YousephAsaad

    Rebuild the Internet

    For my Rebuild the Internet project, I chose to create a representation of how the internet is our second brain. The Internet has so many features that we can use anytime to create anything we want and also grab as much information from as we want, like our minds. The internet is as creative, imaginative, […]
  9. @YousephAsaad

    The Web 10 Years Ago

    What is the Internet? The Internet is a massive network that connects digital devices like computers, smartphones, and tablets from all over the world. It is seen by many as an incredible piece of technology that can contribute positively to our society and help us become more intelligent. With others, it is seen as the […]
  10. @YousephAsaad

    The Web 20 Years Ago

    “Small Pieces Loosely Joined” The first three chapters of the reading go into detail about what the internet was like for many people in its initial stages and how in many ways it relates to the space we have in real life. The author did a great job of explaining how the web has changed […]
  11. @Kim

    Final Project

    Here are some infographics explaining the accuracies and inaccuracies about the way that the film Born on the Fourth of July shows the experience of Vietnam era America.
  12. @Michael Dietrich

    Blog Post #6: Genetic Modification

                As technology becomes more and more advanced, so does our ability to genetically modify human beings. It had gotten to the point where we may very soon have the technology to directly genetically modify human embryos. Obviously, something like this is going to have huge ethical implications, and as of now it’s impossible for …
  13. @Kim

    As A Source

    Primary Source: As a primary source for the 90s, Saving Private Ryan works very well. The movie was made and released at a time when the World War II was being discussed and remembered after the 50th anniversary of D-Day a few years earlier reminded people that not many WWII vets were still alive, or […]
  14. @Kim

    Compared to History

    The true historical accuracy of the film lies not in the greater story, but in the details, given that the film was loosely based on a real incident and never claimed to tell a true story. When it comes to the story, the movie is based on the story of the Niland brothers, one of […]
  15. @Michael Dietrich

    Blog Post #5

    The idea that we will one day be able to produce virtually everything for a cheap cost is certainly an enticing prospect. It’s no exactly like that idea is outside of the realm of possibility. So much of our stuff is produced in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and other third world countries for an incredibly low …
  16. @Kim

    The Film

    The film Saving Private Ryan was released in 1998 from director Steven Spielberg and starred a large handful of big names in Hollywood including, Tom Hanks, Edward Burns, Matt Damon, and Tom Sizemore. The movie is based on a true story from WWII about four brothers who joined the armed forces and led the government […]
  17. @Michael Dietrich

    Blog Post #4: Arkangel Response

    The episode of Black Mirror entitled “Arkangel” is simultaneously of the most interesting and of the most terrifying pieces of near future science-fiction I have ever seen. For those of you who have not seen this episode, the plot involves an overprotective mother installing her daughter with an experimental software known as Arkangel. This software …
  18. @Michael Dietrich

    Blog Post #3

    There are many benefits that come with living in a country that functions as a democracy. As citizens of a democracy, we have the right to vote in every election, deciding our own leaders and representatives. These leaders and representatives are also usually not in office for life, rotating on a regular basis. We also …
  19. @Kim


    Arkin, Daniel. “Steven Spielberg and Tom Hanks on the Legacy of ‘Saving Private Ryan’ The Oscar-winning director and star look back on the seminal, kinetic World War II drama.” NBC News, May 31, 2019. Auster, Albert. “Saving Private Ryan and American Triumphalism.” Journal of Popular Film & Television 30, 2 (2002): 98. Ebert, Roger. “Tom […]
  20. @Michael Dietrich

    The Museum

    They walked down the aisle slowly. Two their left and two their right laid before them all of human history. The First Being approached one of the exhibits. “What is this?” they asked? “That is a spear” The Second Being answered. “It is a type of weapon that human beings used for thousands of years. …
  21. @Michael Dietrich


    I don’t know whats happening. There was a massive earthquake. Lots of people are dead. Even more seemed to have just vanished into thin air. Nobody can find them. I’m trying to get in touch with my friends, family, Mary, Daniel, anybody. But I can’t. The phone lines are all dead. Maybe their all dead …

    Continue reading "Goodbye"

  22. @Michael Dietrich


    Many people disappeared today. There didn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason to it. Some people who had been at the Lab forever are gone, and others who they just hired have vanished into thin air as well. Those were a lot of good people . Erik, Ally, Jessica, Katelyn, Adrian, Brandon, Susana, Bailey, …

    Continue reading "Gone"

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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