1. kchase27

    Guess that story!

    Sound Effects Story Tell a story using nothing but sound effects. There can be no verbal communication, only sound effects. Use at least five different sounds that you find online. The story can be no longer than 90 seconds. Another example (by a UMW student): http://ds106.us/wp-content/audio/audio_story.mp3 I used GarageBand to try to recreate the scene ...
  2. kchase27

    Janet just got AutoTuned!

    Autotune Something You’ve heard Carl Sagan. You’ve heard Bed Intruder. You’ve even heard Gardner Campbell autotuned. Now it’s your turn. Take something not typically musical and autotune it. I decided to AutoTune my voicemail for Janet Tyler because I have lost my voice and I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to inflect enough ...
  3. kriscorpus

    Missing Persons Poster

    I did a little deviating from the original assignment, which can be found here. This could be like a deleted scene of when the H-BOMB hits and Henry is search for his wife but retracts his search because he remembers how miserable she made him. Wort...
  4. kchase27

    Who is up for a SAFARI?!

    DESIGN SAFARI For this assignment I chose to look at color, typography, balance, minimalism and function/purpose. This is a photo of the last remaining flower pen at the SAE Office. We originally had five pens and thought that such a vibrant color would help keep people for taking them. We were wrong. This is a ...
  5. kriscorpus

    Celebrity Life

    “Choose a celebrity (this doesn’t have to be a film-star or a rockstar!) or otherwise famous person who you admire. Photoshop your face onto their body in a picture of them doing whatever it is you admire about them. If you want to be a singer when you grow up, put your face on the ...
  6. kchase27

    Are Lettuce Fries a Thing?!

    May I take your order? Using your best accent (whether it be Australian, British or southern, ect), pretend you are at McDondalds and order something off of their menu. Be picky! For example, a coke with no ice. This particular assignment makes me laugh for a few reasons: 1. Over the course of this weekend ...
  7. kriscorpus

    Salesman vs. Henry Bemis

    “Welcome to the Swap Shop! Try to sell the most interesting item you can think of! Go on and on about it, be silly and have fun with it! Have a friend be the radio dj ready for the call in and ask you lots of questions about your item. [You can also ask yourself ...
  8. Reverend

    Fire and Ice

    Inspired by Claire Patrick’s Art Invitation for “The Midnight Sun” Twilight Zone episode, I decided to take Robert Frost’s poem “Fire and Ice” and place it on top of Norma’s painting from that episode. I love that the poem maps … Continue reading
  9. kriscorpus

    Sound Scapes

    “Compose a sound piece using only found sounds. Edit and mix the piece on any sound editing equipment and upload to soundcloud.” There are a lot of good sound bites in every episode of Twilight. Sound Scape assignment. Worth: 4 1/2 stars
  10. Sean Placchetti

    Scott LoDown 013

    Well this episode is a lot of obvious computer tips for people who don’t understand how computer files work.”Your buddy can work on the .wav” lol, best quotes from this show. Wow that was short.

UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

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