1. dradoye

    First Post

    Today Jim Groom asked me to blog throughout the UMW Media Server project so that he could keep tabs on my progress throughout this semester.
  2. dradoye

    The First Steps

    This is going to be a long walk. I have really started to begin learning more how to listen to God; not myself. For so long I have been focused on what I want to do, or what I think should be the next step.  I find that I am trying to make my own Read More →
  3. fhowell

    A Determine D.J.

    There was once a guy who had a dream of becoming the greatest D.J. in New York City. His name was David Holloway was from down south and moved to New York toward the end of his senior year in high school. He did not have much experience on how to D.J. in a big […]
  4. rcrabbe


    Daily Create Create a photo that represents the idea of immortality   I took this picture while volunteering in Honduras.  To me it represents the immortality of education.  In this picture you see a bunch of college students building classrooms for underprivileged children.  Education is something that deserves to be cherished, and here we are […]
  5. rcrabbe

    The struggle

    Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 For this story, I didn’t want a happy ending at all.  I wanted it to be as suspenseful as the rest and I figured the only way I could do this was with a sounds effects story. Using audacity, I uploaded and trimmed down each sound that […]
  6. rcrabbe

    Wolf clip

    Part 1 | Part 2 I hope you liked my creepy video.  It originally wasn’t supposed to be in the story but as I was writing I realized it had been awhile since I added a new media.  Once again, I didn’t choose anything in the assignment bank, I just created my own video assignment. […]
  7. rcrabbe


    Part 1 The first media I chose to add I got the idea from the assignment bank using a web assignment called Storytelling within the web, except I didn’t do this exactly like the assignment says.  Instead of altering an already existing webpage, I wanted to make my own, so I thought of making a […]
  8. rcrabbe

    Business Card

    I present to you, my final project! To make this simple business card I used an already installed template that I found on Microsoft word. Then I simply added the formation I wanted to and added a small clip art picturing by searching “bricks”. I got the title for the company from my Uncle’s masonry […]
  9. rcrabbe

    Real life Red (Final Project)

    The city that never sleeps.  That’s New York City.  One of the busiest places in all America.  Crowds of people are always everywhere filling up every space imaginable, and the local coffee shop was no different. “May I have a small, salted, caramel mocha frappuccino please? “Name?” “Red” While Red placed her order she looked […]
  10. klittle

    You Have Always Counted

    For my Final Project for this class I decided to branch out into another of my fandoms and nerdiness than I have previously shown. I decided to create a story using the characters Sherlock and Molly from the BBC tv show called Sherlock; but you need not have seen the show to follow this story. […]
  11. kriezl

    Six-Word Memoir Tutorial


    For this assignment, I used my iPhone 5 with the Insta-Frame App. In the app, I had to choose a frame.   Then, I picked the background and chose an effect. Next, I added text to it and chose a font that I liked. Lastly, I saved it to my phone and uploaded it via e-mail.

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  12. kriezl

    Vine It Tutorial


    I created this six second video by downloading the Vine app into my iPhone 5s. I created an account. Then, I begin to create a video by clicking on the video camera icon on the top right in the third picture. Lastly, I begin recording segments by pressing on the screen. As you record, the bar on the top will fill up…

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UMW Spring 2024 (Bond & Groom)

Welcome to Paul Bond and Jim Groom’s Spring 2024 ds106

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