Spring 2012 Radio Groups, Section 1

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The Orphans

  • Samantha Louk
  • Rabia Aman
  • Tyler Crump

FINAL: http://gershskidog.com/?p=26 or http://dl.dropbox.com/u/66541863/RadioShowFinal.mp3

UPDATE: our first commercial http://soundcloud.com/mamoru-fuun/commercial-1

UPDATE: the shortened version of our 1st commercial http://soundcloud.com/mamoru-fuun/commercial-shortened http://post.otakusrus.com/?p=624

New bumper: http://soundcloud.com/rabibatea/radioshow-bumper1

5 mins of show: http://gershskidog.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/CharInterviewEdit.wav

  • Charlie Rocket is part of the show but not formally in our group.

UPDATE: http://post.otakusrus.com/?p=658 Tyler's interview with a potential student of ds106 in the future.


  • @linda3dots
  • @annie_belle1
  • @rmcguirk

For tonight's preview click this link: http://soundcloud.com/annie_belle1/a-mc-x-5-minute-preview


http://mc-guirk.us/?p=303 AND http://mc-guirk.us/?p=308


  • http://blog.neverthesameriver.com/?p=1061
  • http://blog.neverthesameriver.com/?p=1070
  • http://barefootandwandering.com/radio-show-and-panera/ http://barefootandwandering.com/radio-show-and-blackstone/ http://barefootandwandering.com/the-amcx-radio-show/

    We are done! Check out the final version of our 30 minute radio creation here: http://soundcloud.com/annie_belle1/amcxradioshowfinal-1
    Viva la vida loca!

    Information from our Google Docs:
    Questions for Debate: Basic Premise: Candidate Bagman needs a VP. Allygator and Handgela are in the running. Please pose these questions to both candidates, and feel free to provide your opinion along the way to asking the questions… (we love Bagman) - What is your political stance on Adele? - Describe Jim Groom in one word. - What is the least stupid thing Rick Santorum has ever said? - Why are you qualified to be my VP? - If you are my VP, how will you bring your lunch to work? BRIAN’S SUGGESTIONS Welcome to the first and, you know, I’m pretty sure only pre-vice-presidential-type debate thingamajig. I’m your host, the future president of the united states, ah-the-Bagman. Let’s get started with our first question pause for applause. Candidates, in your opinion, is 8-time grammy award winner Adele stockpiling nuclear weapons, and if so, should we invade? Describe Jim Groom in one hashtag. If you were a cogdog, what type of cogdog would you be? Like would you be a cogsaint Bernard, or a coggreat dane, or maybe a cogweimaraner … Which do you prefer, argyle or cotton twill? What makes you qualified to be my veep, which is the supersecret industry term for vice president, it’s not a big deal I watch west wing? When we make it to the white house, how will you bring your lunch to work?

    A-MC-X Radio Show Live Next Meeting: Thursday, March 1st at 2p-4p Somewhere in Dupont Total Time: 20 minutes Things we need: - Intro (2 min) - Sound Effects/Audio Effects (throughout show) - Musical Soundtrack (transition) - Outro (2 min) People to Contact for our Show: (Rachel and Annie B.) The Political Debate (10 minutes) Allygator The Conservative, Bagman The Liberal, and Handgela Nightly News Investigation (5 minutes) Kim Droom - Linda meets with Droom at his secret offsite location - Norm is the escort Commercials Annie’s Doritos Commercial (0:50) Kim Droom is the Pretty Face, IT’S ALL ABOUT THE LEVINE (w/ rap and beat boxing) Audio Bumpers Bob Crosby “Big Noise from Winnetka” Sound introducing Kim Droom (not yet decided) - I was thinking Dragnet theme song - Linda Sound Effects Debate Buzzer (http://www.freesound.org/people/guitarguy1985/sounds/54047/) Bagman Fail Sound effect (http://www.freesound.org/people/Benboncan/sounds/73581/) Applause/cheering (x) Boo-ing (http://www.freesound.org/people/freesound/sounds/25271/) Contact: Rachel and Annie: Giulia and Brian about recording debate on Tuesday Linda: stay in touch with Norm about weather and Kim Droom about meeting by Thurs Order: intro, whistle, intense swooping, political debate, commerical half way point of debate, end swooping sound, transition line, crime sound, interview with Kim Droom, commerical for alan levine, whistle, outro, whistle, then the “making of” INTRO: Rachel: GOOOD evening from the demigod offices of the DS106 lab just outside Jim Grooms natural habitat. This is the AMCX radio show. Tonight, we bring you some highlights from Bagman’s search for a VP, and an exclusive interview with the infamous Dr. Kim Droom. Welcome. I’m MC. Annie: And I’m Annie. Linda will be joining us later in the show. We have been following Presidential candidate Bagman during his search for a VP. Here are the highlights from tonight’s debate between VP Candidates Allygator and Handgela/SnackBag: [RECORDED EARLIER FROM LAST NIGHTS DEBATE] Rachel: I’m here in Bagtown, MD where Allygator and [Handgela/SnakeBag] are minutes away from the critical debate that will decide who will run as Bagman’s VP. The last time we were here Allygator threw down the gauntlet, officially putting her name in the race, something that Handgela/SnakeBag was Not prepared for. Now let’s turn to Bagman as he is approaching the stage. CONCLUSION And that’s our show for tonight. Thank you for joining us.

    Dragnet theme song: http://www.televisiontunes.com/Dragnet.html Putting on blindfold: http://www.freesound.org/people/kemitix/sounds/41868/ Car door: http://www.freesound.org/people/jessestephens/sounds/46917/ Outside/bird chirp: http://www.freesound.org/people/dobroide/sounds/22384/ Footsteps 1: http://www.freesound.org/people/stinkhorn/sounds/20011/ Combination dial/bike wheel: http://www.freesound.org/people/plivesey/sounds/79073/ Security door: http://www.freesound.org/people/digifishmusic/sounds/43707/ Squeaky door: http://www.freesound.org/people/ERH/sounds/31255/ Door w/ bell: http://www.freesound.org/people/shall555/sounds/72197/ Elevator sound: http://www.freesound.org/people/Klerrp/sounds/120942/ Footsteps 2: http://www.freesound.org/people/Jake%20Williams/sounds/18169/ Water drip: http://www.freesound.org/people/roscoetoon/sounds/27151/ Water drip2: http://www.weblagu.com/Sound-Effects---Water-Drips-Slow-%28Echo%29-vid-Y_dU_lYBloo.html Bumper: http://www.freesound.org/people/RealRhodesSounds/sounds/4197/ Applause for Debate: http://www.freesound.org/people/Charel%20Sytze/sounds/35491/

    Trapped in the Closet with Dr. Love

    • @michael4lyfe
    • @whatisdelicious
    • @nickantonini
    • @TaulPunick

    Trapped in the Closet with Dr. Love (+ Bloopers!): http://thomasella.com/?p=180

    And here's just a little look and insight into how the show was made: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ad1OKhmxm_I


    • @LindsayKCutler
    • @Maura_Monahan
    • @heresandtheres

    http://soundcloud.com/maura_monahan/radio - preview of our radio show, very much in the works.

    Blog Updates: http://lindsaykyle.net/?p=125 first thoughts http://lindsaykyle.net/?p=134 second thoughts ;) http://madebymaura.net/?p=247 - sound off http://class.melodiephotography.com/?p=256 - radio post 1 http://class.melodiephotography.com/ - radio post 2 http://madebymaura.net/?p=254 - radio recap http://www.flickr.com/photos/meldora/6977222267/-radio poster

    Final Show: http://soundcloud.com/maura_monahan/study-abroad-kids-on-ds106, http://soundcloud.com/meldora/sak-radio-reflection

    Groovy Movie Review Crew

    • @danielle_minter
    • @emilybugOo
    • @dlertds106

    Groovy Movie Review Crew Final Radio Show: http://soundcloud.com/groovy-movie-review-crew/groovy-movie-review-crew-radio

    "The Making Of": http://soundcloud.com/groovy-movie-review-crew/the-making-of

    5 minute Sample: http://soundcloud.com/groovy-movie-review-crew/groovy-movie-review-crew

    Blog Updates:

    Eagle Radio

    • @mfwalker12
    • @CandiceBenshoff
    • @trootrutruesy12
    • @EmilyDelRoss




    Segment two:

    Final product:

    Final Process Segment:

    JBC Mystery Radio

    • @condalezarice
    • @chelseammmmm
    • @muzzums

    Update: Process: http://muzzums.com/blossoming-joy/ http://muzzums.com/till-it-be-morrow/ Five Minute Cut + Design: http://blog.chelseamageland.com/2012/02/29/radio-show-blog-post-1-narrating-the-process/ http://blog.flickhuck4lyfe.info/?p=182 Behind the Scenes: http://snd.sc/zzud0B Final: http://soundcloud.com/condalezarice/jbc-mystery-radio-show

    WA51 Network

    • @Sarah Parlette
    • @Feng Xiang
    • @James Cruz

    Blog Update James Cruz http://blog.iliketurtles.me/?p=134

    Blog Update Feng Chen http://blog.fengshui0.me/?p=273

    Blog Update Sarah Parlette http://blog.immodr8.com/archives/718 http://blog.immodr8.com/archives/725 http://blog.immodr8.com/archives/751

    Five Min. Clip Update http://soundcloud.com/sarah-parlette/5-min-clip

    Final words update: http://blog.fengshui0.me/?p=293

    Entire radio show Update: http://soundcloud.com/feng_shui0/entire-radio-show-1


    • @dzim1
    • @paul_walt
    • Gray Kemmey
    • @phb256

    bumper: http://soundcloud.com/dzim1/counterpoint-bumper   First 5 Minutes: http://soundcloud.com/dzim1/counter-point-intro-to-the   Update: http://blog.danielzimmerman.net/

    Paul Waltsak: Carlie Hampton Interview : http://soundcloud.com/paulthefutbolr/carlie-hampton-interview

    Carlie Hampton Thanksgiving story: http://soundcloud.com/paulthefutbolr/carlie-thanksgiving-event

    Here we have the clips taken of myself and former DS106-er, Carlie Hampton, bits of which were included in the final cut. She talks about experiences she had during her involvement in the class, what she has lost and how she is currently doing. Check this out and hope you all enjoy our final program. It is something else!

    It all started with some mad brain storming. A twenty minute slot to fill—what where we gonna talk about?! Some how we settled on investigating the cult accusations of DS 106. There had been lots of stuff going around. One participant had commented that we need to tone it down, there's a site dedicated to investigating DS 106 as a cult. And we picked up on it.

    So after that, we continued to brain storm ideas for this product. We opened up a Google Doc and created and email thread and communicated primarily through those. Once we had some stuff to go off of we set up an interview with Jim Groom in the recording studio. Once there we not only knocked out an interview with Jim Groom, but we got lucky and had a surprise visit from Connie—the woman behind ds106isacult.info. So we interviewed her, and worked on anything else that came to mind. We edited the intro, and exit, we worked on commercials, any thing everything and everything that we thought we might want to use. Later we also landed interviews with a previous DS 106 student who took on the role of a cult member who has successfully defected, and a current DS 106 student who took on the role of a current cult member.

    After that we had loads and loads of content, so our editing focussed more on cutting things down. Removing parts of interviews that were unnecessary, cutting out white space, useless utterances like “umm”, anything we could do to cut out time. We used audacity for all of our sound gathering and editing.

    In the end our primary goal was to have fun with it. Do a good job, learn the tools, but keep in mind that in the end, it was all about the lolz.

    Stay tuned for the extended version!

    Men Talk

    • @seongch0
    • @dddobb

    Final:http://soundcloud.com/chopstix318/final10minproduction Interview:http://soundcloud.com/chopstix318/making-of Poster:http://www.flickr.com/photos/74722789@N03/6839508742/in/photostream


    Our first 5 minute: http://soundcloud.com/daniel-d-dobbins/first-8-mins-men-talk