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Final Project

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What does DS 106 mean to me. Ok So I’m the one you should be talking to…the full time student, the father , the full time worker with dreams and aspirations of being a story teller. the guy who didn’t know what digital story telling was until this class came along. I’ve heard it compared to an online class…NO. I’ve been there and done that; this is a hybrid, a beautiful synergy that takes the best of the classroom and merges it with online learning to maximize both. I never felt alone in the “journey” there was Proff Smith, there were my classmates and there was the web; All working together to help me on every project and encouraging me to try projects that were new and different. I learned because it was fun, I learned because “I wanted to be good” I learned because classmates and my professor even Dr Oblivion encouraged me to be better.

Stephen King once said that when his son was learning how to play the trumpet he knew that his son wasnt going to “stick with it” because he only practiced when he was instructed to do so. One learns fairly easily how to go through the motions to get good grades but to be good at writing, dancing, or almost anything in life one has to want it; They have to need it like air that they breathe. That comes from the inside… we are all artists the passion to be great is there or we wouldn’t be registered for these classes. We love storytelling, we Iove images, we love playing with these realities and bringing others along for the ride. DS 106 knows that and instead of giving us rules…it gives us tools ( hey that rhymes ) and lets us loose to see what we can do it dosent F@#$ that up by robbing us of the joy of why we are here. When i started this semester I didn’t know anything…anything!! Photo-shop, web-creation, animated Gifs were all scary unknown programs that threastened to destroy me and possibly my GPA.  but I can stand here and tell you that I not only have a working knowledge of the web and these programs but I enjoy them, and that’s just what I know today, I’m exited to death by what I may know tomorrow.

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