Well as most of you know, Michael Bay loves explosions, especially those in slow motion. They are all over his movies, and Transformers is a perfect example of him exploiting explosions throughout the whole movie. So, if Transformers movie poster told the truth…
To create this, I basically removed the original title by blacking it out with a soft brush. I then downloaded a transformers font, wrote the ‘E’ and the ‘S’ in separate text layers to make them larger and protrude out from the ‘xplosion’ text. I then gave it all a 3px stroke and added texture to the stroke. I then gave the text a light gradient. Finally I added the smaller text below (explosions, and more explosions) and gave it a slight gradient as well.
I personally liked the first transformers, which had more of a concrete plot to it than the two proceeding it. And what threw everything off in the third one was the fact that they changed Megan Fox for that other actor…smh.
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