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Freestyle Visual Assignment (#ds106)

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Still catching up on previous assignments.

This is cheating. I wanted to do an assignment capturing images using my phone. There wasn’t an actual DS106 assignmnet on this, but I did it anyway.

Having just bought a big camera I was given a book of iphone photography for Christmas. The images are fantastic and lo-fi and I wondered if I could manage something like it.

Turns out, not really, but here it is anyway. It’s a short photo set around the theme of light. I’ll keep adding to it as I go, I think.


I’m liking the way you can embed Flickr slideshows directly into Posterous pages. Simply start the slideshow from the Flickr page and in the top right hand corner of the screen is a share link. OPne it and copy the embed code and stick it in the HTML view of the blog post edit page.


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