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Off on Assignment for Camp!!

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After yesterday’s amazing experience in Shed 4, I visited again briefly with Alan this morning. I can’t describe the incredible feeling of peace and relaxation I feel. I don’t even remember what was bothering me before, and I almost can’t believe I ever doubted Alan or CVI. I will admit that my head has been aching fiercely this morning, but it’s a small price to pay for the feeling of empty calm that I’m experiencing. 

What’s more, I guess the guys at CVI saw the video and are finally ready to really give me more responsibility at camp! I received a fax late last night with instructions about a special assignment they have for me. I’m heading out now to meet up with my transportation for the trip. I’m not entirely sure what to expect; they indicated that more instructions would be forthcoming. But I expect to be away on this assignment for the next three days. Hopefully, I’ll be able to communicate a bit by Twitter. I’ll try to share anything exciting that happens!!!

Wish me luck! 

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