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Back from Special Assignment

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Hi Campers, 

I’m back from the special assignment that I left for on Wednesday. As you may remember, I received a fax fron headquarters Wednesday morning with instructions to meet a driver who would take me where I needed to go. 

Yesterday afternoon, I woke up back in my bed in the cabin. I have no recollection of anything since being in the vehicle with the driver. I did find several tweets under my account and a bunch of photos on my camera. There’s also a video I recorded. 

I just recorded another video telling a bit more about my experience. It’s very mysterious. I’m not really AFRAID. I mean, after the Shed #4 incidents last week, I feel so at peace with the notion of Magic MacGuffin. But I would be lying if I said this last episode wasn’t a bit…disconcerting. 

If you have any idea what it all may mean, let me know in the comments.

Here’s a quick recap that I was able to recreate from my Tweets (there’s a link in there to the video I created while I was “away”):

And here’s the video I just made showing a few more photos I found on my camera… and some other strange discoveries.

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