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Video of Camper and Furry Pet(?) Raises Eyebrows

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I’ve been really busy lately at camp. Keeping an eye on everything in Shed #4 and all. A few campers have asked if they can come and see the contents of the shed. Please stop asking. I simply can’t grant permission at this point. It’s complicated. 

Meanwhile, some more strange footage has emerged. This time it’s a video I found on one of the digital cameras we lend out to campers. (PLEASE PEOPLE, remember to delete your stuff when you return equipment!!)

Once again, I’m not sure what I’m looking at. I think this might be the inside of one of the bunkhouses, but I don’t recognize that camper or his pet. . chinchilla? Does anyone know the source of it, and should we be concerned that someone’s been spiking the KoolAid? Or perhaps this camper has stumbled upon those strange spores I inhaled out by Paddock 77 a few weeks ago? 

It’s possible this was an attempt to complete a video project, since we’re smack in the middle of the video unit at Camp Magic MacGuffin. But, if that’s the case, I just have to say: go back to the editing room. This needs work.

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