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Magic MacGuffin Mystery Show

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Today, in lieu of a weekly campfire, I’ll be hosting a live radio panel/call-in show to discuss some of the mysterious happenings at Camp Magic MacGuffin. I felt it was time to bring together a number of people to discuss exactly what’s going on at camp. There have been a number of speculations, some alarming, some downright horrifying: 

I’ve managed to contact a number of these people to discuss all of this AND MORE!!! 

Our Panel: 

  • Alan Levine, Camp Magic MacGuffin Co-Director
  • Slide Guy!, Internet Celebrity
  • Zazzy, Camp Magic MacGuffin Counselor
  • Uncle Hector, Unauthorized Magic MacGuffin Camper
  • ????

You can tune-in on DS106 Radio at 3:30PM EST today for the show. If you’d like to ask questions of our panel, simply login to the DS106 TeamSpeak server. We’ll be using this to pull the voices of all of our participants together. 

If you’re listening to the show this afternoon and have questions but can’t get on TeamSpeak, feel free to tweet them to @mburtis. I’ll be sure to monitor them. 

If you can’t attend, feel free to share any questions you have in the comments below. I’ll be sure to fit them in. 

And, I will be archiving the show and posting it here afterwards. 

Stay tuned and stay safe, campers!! 

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