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Anatomy of a story – personal storytelling with Curiosity Creative

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Still catching up on blogging stuff I should have done months ago.

Back in April and May some of us at Netskills and our colleagues at JISC Infonet took part in 4 days of digital storytelling workshops with Alex Henry of Curiosity Creative.

Alex has a wealth of experience in the field of DS having project managed Cultureshock, one of the UK’s biggest digital storytelling projects, on behalf of Tyne & Wear Archives and Museums. Following on from a conference Andy Stewart and I attended last September we asked Alex to come in and help us develop our skills and approaches.

It was a great few days.

This is the story that I created. It’s quite a personal, reflective one. We made it with iMovie HD and it mostly uses some of my pics, creative commons images and sound effects which are credited at the end. My favoured Flickr CC search tool is this one. The sounds came from the excellent Freesound.The pic of the sandwich is mine as evidenced by Steve Boneham! ;)

A few weeks after producing this Alex interviewed me for a segment on, asking me to reflect on the process. Over the 18 mins or so we talk about the process of creating the story but also a couple of points about balancing subjectivity with authenticity.

Hopefully it gives a bit of an insight into all the stuff that happens around digital storytelling but doesn’t appear on screen.

It includes the audio from the story at from about 13:30-15:20.

By the way, my wife still hasn’t seen it. I just never seem to remember. Hopeless, really. ;)

Here are some of the other stories created by us on the day

Steve Boneham

Jacquie Kelly

Marianne Sheppard



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