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10 techie things I hope I never get used to…

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In no particular order:

1. USB – plugging stuff into other stuff and it (mostly) working.
2. RSS – possibly the greatest thing on the web?
3. Mobile connectivity – stood on a beach in Wales, downloading a program that knows where I’m standing and can tell me what the surface and underlying geology is. For example. Awesome.
4. Digital video – anyone can make a movie. ANYONE!
5. Blogs – everybody publishing
6. A state and corporations that don’t restrict my access to info on the web. This one I’m fearful for.
7. Exchanging ideas with people I’ll probably never meet – for an introvert, this is like prosthetic social confidence.
8. Open source software – hours have been dedicated to producing things like Audacity and Gimp and nobody got rich doing it. [stands and salutes].
9. The creative commons – small C and big C.
10. What’s the thing you hope you never get used to?


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