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Making QR Code Treasure Hunts

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Been thinking about how you could set up a QR code-based tresure hunt activity – scanning a QR code in a location brings up a Google Maps link showing where the next clue is, and so on. It might be a way of structuring field trip activities – at each location there might be a task to complete, data to collect etc.

I was having problems getting this to work mainly because of a quirk of Google Maps that is way annoying!

Some QR code creators have an option for a link to Google Maps – you just enter the lat/long coordinates and the QR code generator does the rest.

The problem is that Google Maps only likes lat/long if it points to an actual address. If you enter coordinates for somewhere off-road it will default to the nearest highway. It seems bizarre that Google should purposefully do this. If I’m providing exact coordinates for a location isn’t it safe to assume that’s what I want to see on the map, not a road that might actually be a few miles away!

The coordinates for this code should be on a tree in the field to the north (51.558791N,-3.72299W) but the pin drops on the road 400m away.


So, after a bit of hunting on the forums here’s the solution.


Ignore the QR code generator’s automatic feature ike QR Stuff has. Go straight to Google Maps and turn on the satellite view (so you can see the location more accurately). Right click on the exact location and chose What’s Here from the list.

The coordinates will show in decimal form in the search bar above the map.

Before you get the URL link for sharing write “loc:” (in lower case) before the coordinates and hit “Enter”. This will refresh the map centred on your location.

Go to the “Link” button on the right and grab the URL from the pop-up box. (HINT: Ticking the short link function will result in a less complex QR code that is more scannable.)

Go to your QR code generator and paste in the link. Print the code out and away you go.

This QR code is set up to work properly.






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