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Fat cats make art better – The Ambassadors #ds106

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I humbly present The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein, an anonymous cat photographer and Me, a late assignment submission for DS106.


…and on Flickr.

The original (see below) has this weird feature in it of an elongated skull that can be seen in proportion by tilting the image and viewing at an angle. I believe it’s a meditation on mortality and the ephemeral nature of the worldly goods these two strapping chaps have accumulated.

Given the debate in the pressabout fat cats and the economy I thought I’d create a bit of irony by making you decide where the true fat cat in this picture is. And in no way did I think of that after I’d done the image. No way!

Here’s the original Holbein pic on Wikimedia Commons and here’s the source for the cat pic. I tried to find the original instance of the cat pic but it’s gone viral so Tin Eye returns a bewildering array of results.


Simple and yet complicated. 

I compiled it using Gimp, first uploading the Holbein on one layer, then the cat onto another. Using the lasso tool I cut out the cat (feathering the edges to make it less “boxy”), pasted it onto the Holbein and used various transform and rotate tool sot position and scale it correctly.

I’venot really used GIMP before. I’m much more at home in Photoshop butdon’t have it on this PC so it took forever to get it to do the things I wanted.


A bad joke defacing a masterpiece. Job done!


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