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back after a bit of a break

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So, that first MOOC didn’t work out so well. As it happened I got distracted, sailing Arion, my new home, down from Townsville to Hobart. I had hoped for an idyllic voyage with plenty of spare time for reflection and writing, but it turned out a little differently…


I sailed down to Airley Beach just a day behind cyclone Uile, and found about a dozen boats washed up against the breakwall. Believe it or not, there’s another boat behind the one pictured above… now about six inches wide. 

Anyhow, I’ve always wanted to get back to the online learning thing. I teach web development and programming, and have quite a bit of content online already, but I’m always interested in what other folks are doing, so I’m often poking about in other courses. Lately I’ve enrolled in MIT’s Electronics and Circuits course and Stanford’s Natural Language Processing course: They’re both going pretty well and I’ll probably blog about them here too. 

So, glutton for punishment, I’ve just signed up for P2PU’s School of Webcraft too – apart from wanting to see how they run their courses two things drove me to try it out. Firstly, I’m very interested in the Open Badge project. I want to add badges and other gamification elements to some data I have up on The other is that I teach web development, and I want to see if this would make a good resource for my students (even if it means they won’t need me any more :-) 


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