For my groups radio show we decided to do a show called Life Before Death Radio. Life Before Death Radio is a show about what each of us would like to do before we die. It represents the MTV show called Buried Life, except in radio show format and with more debate and conversation about each of our wishes.
We chose to do this topic for our radio show because it is something that really makes you think out of the box. The biggest problem with everyone these days not doing the specific events that they wish to do before they die is because no one ever really thinks about it until it’s too late. LBD radio is really based upon living for the moment, and most of all living life to the fullest.
I learned a lot from doing this project. Not only did I learn how to fully edit audio but I gained experience in seeing the detail in certain sounds and learned what would fit together and what wouldn’t. This show really showed me how much time and effort it takes to do a video or a pre recorded radio. It was something that took many times to get right, however the end project is normally bits of pieces of each time just added all together.
I fee like after doing this topic for the radio show i’ve thought more about the things that I would really like to do in the near future, and most of all what would make me happy. It really makes you think about life in a different way than before when you think about everything you’ve done if it was possible to die tomorrow, compared to everything you would like to do. Life isn’t about doing everything, but it’s about taking those steps and taking chances in order to do things that are out of the ordinary.
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