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The Grease Wizard 2012-06-12 19:18:37

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Alright everyone. Finally put this blog up for ds106, a massive online open course. Things have been a bit hectic lately so I’m a bit behind but I look forward to participating. I’ve never been too great about writing about my daily thoughts and inspirations but I’mma do my best. Please don’t mind the default theme I’m rocking at the time of this post, I am going to make cosmetic changes this week.

For those that are interested, I plan to post about music, food, drink, the goings on in my life, posting art work I’ve created, and anything else that strikes my interest (big nerd, you can expect tech posts and other nerdy things). Look for a few Daily Create entries later this week.

Some inspiration to beat the summer heat – Japanese snowboarding video:

Unicorn Sashimi from felt soul media on Vimeo.

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