I’ve seen a couple of ‘how to’ posts popping up for the lucky Mac users, but I’ve only got a little eeePC running Ubuntu, so I had to take a different approach. For anyone else that’s in the same boat, here’s how I went about it…
- install XVidCap from your favourite repository (or direct from http://xvidcap.sourceforge.net/)
- crank it up and set the capture region on the screen
- right click on the capture file name and open the preferences screen
- click on the ‘multi frame’ tab and enter a directory and file name for your capture file
- find a video (I used a Nosferatu trailer on YouTube)
- cue the onscreen video to a likely start point and pause
- start XVidCap recording, unpause the video, record your section and then stop the XVidCap recording
- open a terminal and change to your video capture directory
- run ffmpeg to create a series of still images (you might need to apt-get ffmpeg to install it first) the command I used was:
ffmpegi nosferatu.avir 10s 378x338f image2 tmp-%01d.jpg
where nosferatu.avi is my captured video,r 10 creates 10 images per second of video (my capture rate) ands 378×338 was the video frame size (the size of the XVidCap widow set up in the second step) - open the Gimp image editor (again, install if needed)
- on the file menu select ‘open as layers’ and select 3 sequential images
- use file, open as layers to select the middle image again
- select file, save as and save as a .gif file
- tell the Gimp to save as an animation, set the delay between frames to taste (mine’s 300ms)
and this is pretty much what you’ll see:
If I had a faster computer it would probably be a bit more subtle (I was pushing it to capture at 10 frames a second on this one), but all in all I’m happy enough with the way this turned out.
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