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  1. Chris Thomson

    Event report: Enhancing Fieldwork Learning

    See the full gallery on Posterous The Digested Digest Get out more! The Digest Fieldwork is an essential part of the learning experience for the geo, geosocial and life sciences that needs protecting given current squeezes on finances. We sa...
  2. Chris Thomson

    Making QR Code Treasure Hunts

    Been thinking about how you could set up a QR code-based tresure hunt activity - scanning a QR code in a location brings up a Google Maps link showing where the next clue is, and so on. It might be a way of structuring field trip activities - at each...
  3. Chris Thomson

    Making location-based activities with ARIS

    I'd stumbled upon ARIS about a year ago but never had a chance to try it out until recently. Given that I'm now doing workshops on geolocation stuff and I'm presenting at an Enhancing Fieldwork showcase, it seemed the right moment to try.  AR...
  4. Chris Thomson

    Hmsg Spiral maps

    John Johnston has recently blogged about a mapping project called Hmsg maps that's worth a look. It's an elegant bit of digital storytelling from Charles Veasey and J. Craig Thompson where they traced a spiral shaped path from a key location in N...
  5. Chris Thomson

    With social media, "We are the product…"

    Hat tip to @sboneham for tweeting this one. Douglas Rushkoff talks about the lack of public understanding about what technologies like Facebook are for; allowing companies to monetise the data that we willingly surrender to them. I've heard Miles Met...

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